>Trump Can't even kick people out from his own press conferences >can't enforce our own immigration law >can't enforce our own election laws >can't or won't indict violent antifa/leftists attacking regular people >jews doubling down on the antiwhite >half of whites are low iq traitors
pay close attention to things that are happening in the government right now. We're well into the process that will end with the collapse of the united states as one country. It's an exciting time to be alive.
This country is addicted to chroma key backgrounds, that's why
Isaiah Gonzalez
How is this a black pill?
Lucas Evans
I dont see how this is a black pill, this is a red pill that should be teaching you that you can't work within the system to change it.
Bentley Mitchell
>the elites are far more powerful than we like to admit >regular bluepilled people absolutely do not care about our autistic ideas >we are probably up for an extreme population bottleneck in the coming 50 years due to technology making the slave class useless
I keep repeating it since 2016 Trump is a kike shill and will betray (already did) its people. Your country is dead and blame Trump for being a soft faggot
Tyler Morris
Trump doesn't have the authority to do anything like what you'd demand and if he tried he would be removed from office. The system itself has failed and the constitution is going to need to be replaced with something better.
Christian Cruz
I have always said this too, but I dont think anyone should blame Trump, since he is just a jew puppet reality TV actor that they talk about on cable news. Its just a waste of time to think about Trump or anything else mainstream media wants you to be thinking about
Jonathan Hall
Why doesn't he just declare himself fucking dictator and take over the government
David Rogers
Country is going to be held together under anarcho-tyranny where jews, low iq women and minorities push anti-white authoritarian equality legislation while on the ground rampant crime will go unpunished. It's already happening. The people on the hill will pat themselves on the back for "fighting inequality and promoting peace" while the country literally crumbles and his held together by their draconian policies enforced by state violence. Republicans will do nothing and are too concerned with saving face to actually put up any sort of fight to this nonsense.
Country balkanizing, immigration entirely halted, and explicitly pro white legislation would need to be pushed. I just don't see it happening. Trump has to go nuclear in these next two years. He needs to get the wall funded during this lame duck session or it's never going to happen. He needs to fire every single cuck in his admin that's not onboard. Matthis, Kelly, all need to go. If they're not Steve King tier they're not good enough. It's the only thing that will make lasting impact.
as I said, he would be removed from office if he did so.
Benjamin Robinson
References to "black pill" is a kike tactic. Anarcho Cap, slide threads, etc are part of the same group of jokers we've been dealing with since Trump was elected.
Joshua Richardson
Honestly not a slide shill. If you can give a me a white pill to pull me out of this I'd appreciate it.
Lucas Edwards
>muh balkanization Never going to happen dipshit. Even if it was tried, China would step in to re-unify and control the nukes. A highly centralized state with tens of thousands of icbms can't just part itself out.
Brandon Bennett
What would be diffirent?
Ian Lopez
It would just be happening faster. China is going to crush us.
Josiah Richardson
I tried to give you one here:
What do you think?
Noah Carter
>Even if it was tried, China would step in to re-unify and control the nukes. what an amazingly stupid thing to say.
How is recognizing the absolute truths a kike tactic? Do we need to coddle ourselves in delusions that maybe if we keep doing the same thing over and over again something will change?
Has Trump been able to fundamentally change the system? No. I don't know if he's unable or unwilling to do it, but that doesn't matter. He hasn't changed the system. We are still sliding in the same direction.
I can only hope, the banks need to be destroyed as well.
Kayden Baker
Worry about your third world shithole you fucking froglet
Sebastian Allen
They don't really want this. This just want Right Wing spergs to do something stupid so they can vilify them even further.
Liam Gray
Why is this like depressing or a bad thing? Like you are making it seem like this fact means there is no other hope or something like that.
Joshua Cook
>This country is fucking over. It's almost like the presidency doesn't have absolute power or something. It's almost like there's a division of power built directly into our form of government or something. It's almost like you wouldn't want Obama to ride roughshod over your rights with absolute impunity, but you want it when it's someone you like in power. It's almost like you have non principals.
Jacob Davis
>tfw our conquerors aren't even cool gauls, just fat mexicans with diabetes and asthmatic jews
Truth be told I hope to be shitposting with you fine lads whatever happens. But more so it will be an absolute honor to serve with many of you in the next war against the bergs
Easton Morris
The tiger He destroyed his cage Yes YES The tiger is out
one way or the other, as for now, even though the left and the right hate each other, america is still one country. if a civil war break out, it's no longer a country, kikes can come in and scoop up both sides with ease.
Dylan Gutierrez
You ca t remove someone from office if they remove you first. I would be all about a fascist takeover. Whichever side, I dont care.
Jonathan Murphy
Shut up. "Muh principled conservatism" is the reason America got this way in the first place.
Want a real redpill? America was a stillborn birth. The constitution was not ratified by any real majority. It was done in secret by force for the interest of merchants and oligarchs. The original draft didn't even have a bill of rights. All of the shit that you actually care about 2a, 1a was only added because anti-federalist saw the constitution for the sneakily authoritarian document that it was. States like Rhode Island and North Carolina didn't even ratify the constitution until much later when they were basically forced to.
In fact, Washington broke the same constitution he ratified just a year after it was written during the Whiskey Rebellion by forcing a federal military onto the state without state approval. Same thing with the Mexican-American war. It was a border dispute and the events that started it likely never happened. I'm not complaining that we got all the land, but to pretend America was this principled country from the start is a lie. We've been faking shit to start wars since the very start. I don't need to even mention what happened during the Civil war when it comes to constitutional legality.
The constitution is a phantom. Something that the cattle worship as law while the people in the government just use it as a smokescreen to do whatever they want.
All this said, there is reason to be proud of America and our ancestors, but resting on your laurels about "our principled democracy" is a stupid argument used by our enemies to keep us subservient.
Where are the strongholds? There are none. Will they stand up to actual military intervention? I don't think so.
Anthony Allen
No they aren't. They are the ones in control.
Carson Cooper
A good Republican president is probably the worst thing that could happen to whites. I'm starting to think the accelerationists were right.
Comfy strong economics has created a false sense of security and "winning" while demographics continue to decline. The 2018 House wins I believe were demographics more than anything: how many Trump voters died between 2016 and 2018, how many new Democrats turned 18 (or at least whatever constitutes politically-active-age since youth voting is actually pretty low).
Demographics are destiny and Trump's fucking tax cuts were the equivalent of Obamacare: a huge expenditure of political capital for fuck-all in the long-run. Paul Ryan cut Trump's hamstrings on immigration and may have single-handedly doomed the country with his Randian faggotry.
This shit could have never happened at any time earlier in our country's history. Faggots like Acosta would have been given the bums rush by everyone else in the press conference if this happened even 4 years ago.
Nicholas Miller
Jace Fisher
It's easy enough to be a doomsayer, but what practical action can be taken? I don't see any options other than /SIG/ and that's fairly passive.
Aiden Morris
Starve the beast.
Stop being productive and start relying on welfare while having as many children as possible.
Isaiah Lewis
Ethan Gonzalez
And let my life (and family) stagnate away in pseudo poverty?
Josiah Wood
I don't know what the country wide solution is. I just focus on what I can do. I'm looking to buy a small rural plot of land that I can camp at and turn into a bug out location. The wheels are going to fall off this train eventually, best and only thing I can really do is make sure my family is safe.
William Jones
wow this is a jewish thread
William Garcia
spoiler alert every banker will get a farm before you if you don't move early
Jeremiah Green
it's almost like the government was designed to be inefficient to preserve the rights the founding fathers wanted to enshrine, but kikes spent decades slowly infiltrating academia, courts, and legislatures and dismantling them, and now it's impossible to stop that slow decay because the government is still completely weak and powerless except when it comes to bombing and assassinations of foreign nationals
The constitution wasn't absolute enough, the government wasn't weak enough, and it's not clear if any such system would actually be sufficiently crippled to protect its peoples' rights but also keep out subversive enemies. As far as principals go, the system of government is itself worthless. It doesn't mean shit whether it's democracy or autocracy, they're just a means to an end. This loyalism to the idea of democracy is why we laid waste to half the world and slaughtered millions of people in the name of liberating them. Actual principals are the virtues that a society holds high, not an arbitrary system for selecting politicians. This just highlights why democracy is such a good tool for sowing division in a nation.
Xavier Parker
It's not so bad. Everyone who lived before you did it with far less comfort and resources.
Noah Cox
Are you so desperate that you have to judge me by my flag to reply? also >1 post by this ID
Liam Perry
progress is an illusion
Camden Martinez
Conservatives in the west held us back so much that everyone else is starting to catch up or even surpass us in the case of China.
Daily reminder all it takes is 4 consecutive Democratic president victories to reobtain unquestionable superpower status.
Caleb Perez
But death is a reality and demographics are destiny.
Ryan Evans
All I gotta say is, start learning Spanish and continue on to Cyrillic/Korean transliteration. We're going to get butt fucked in the south by venezuela and the rest of the commies behind them. I'm in Texas, so better be safe than sorry.
Everythins this motherfucker told us turned out to be false. Probably a liberal troll all along. Fuck this, America was supposed to be the last hope for the west, I'm moving to Hungary or Poland.
death is a reality but i dont see why demographics are destiny... also if you concede progress is an illusion why are you espousing illusory (or false) ideas?
Kayden Kelly
dont blackpill
Justin Garcia
Yea I can already speak spanish for the most part. I hate it though. I hate having to speak it in america. I have to go to Miami for work a lot and they don't even bother with english down there.
Dylan Morales
I challenge you to find a picture of Hitler making such a stupid face.
>i dont see why demographics are destiny Because societies are made of people and people have proclivities and carry cultures with them.
The last half of your post is literally meaningless.
James Clark
Go innawoods. Northwest Front is real. Northwest Front is the promised land.
Cooper Baker
>why doesn't trump stage a coup d'etat? >because congress wouldn't like it got it, he's too weak to pull it off.
Adrian Long
People don't necessarily do ANYTHING. So outcomes are not predetermined by demography.
I have no idea why you think the last half of my post was meaningless, I think it was totally clear, to the point where I can't even figure out how to put it any more clearly. Did you not understand why i said "progress is an illusion" to you before? That would seem to be the case given that you responded to it with a bunch of unrelated banalities
Noah Gray
all they have to do is have more kids than you. They all vote the same.
Jayden Ramirez
>So outcomes are not predetermined by demography. But they are.
If you switched the populations of Kenya and Japan, loaded them all on boats and planes and did the old switcheroo on them, would the resulting civilization in the island of Japan resemble what we think of as Japanese civilization or Kenyan civilization?
You know the answer to this.
Jeremiah Roberts
If I turn up and it's full of soi faggots I'll be pissed
Carter Adams
But I thought the American constitution was written by Jesus.
Joseph Evans
A well known fact already that’s why don’t bother with this trump character anymore. Concentrate on supporting Palestine related causes like BDS or JFP and how to undermine Israel instead. That’s where ((their)) hearts are. Your ship is going down midas well try and take ((them)) down with you. Just so you know my country is no better off but I know who and what the enemy is and wants.
Nigger, I’d be gunning down those fucking Zerglings like a redneck in space.
Blake Nelson
Blackpill?Blackpill!There is no change. Recession will kick off civil war or WW3 and after this NPC's will line up to get the brand new RFID Chip.
Hunter Moore
ya not being able to kick people out of your own press conference is retarded
now he says >b-b-but we can just leave
LOL this guys the definition of a paper tiger, he's all bark and no bite, a big fat dumb cheeto D-list celebrity who scammed his way into politics, a big fat motherfucking joke
Its psychopaths seek to be politicians, lawyers, judges, journalists etc Whites arent going to do those things as much as jews
You need to get rid of all jews or change the systems so that no anti white psyco can have that much power
Joshua Clark
Won't happen. McConell is already folding. He sees the writing on the wall and is going to pass a bill to protect Mueller.
>in b4 muh Q
Q fucking lied to us. He was almost certainly a /leftypol/ troll all along.
Leo Watson
>Honestly not a slide shill BRO Believe ME BRO >If you can give a me a white pill You're being manipulated if you are a real person, which I doubt. Trump six gains were very impressive this last midterm and his house loss was predicted by people accurately even by people as incompetent as Nate Silver. If you want to know why it's because 4 million less Republicans turned out than during 2016 so is it any wonder we "lost" the house? Do you know why they didn't turn out? Because they don't give a shit when it isn't a presidential race! Trump's reelection is coming up in 2020 and he'll regain the house and start his second term, then. That means a compliant Judiciary, No Cuckservatives, a compliant governorship, and Senate. Big "win" for us. They know this and they're screaming like rabid dogs over it, hence the stupid shit they did in Florida and several other states which looks like it might not actually be going away. That's pretty much a big deal on its own. >How is recognizing the absolute truths a kike tactic Because you aren't. You're a noob, like a lot of people on here and didn't even pay attention for Obama's presidency or the trends of public opinion and both Trump and our enemies are using it to fuck with you! Guess what you're doing right now! You're actually worried about politics Trump wants you to be freaked out an outraged so he fold your ass into his next election for both himself and his other future congressional promotions.
Josiah Morris
That's the way of the road, Bubs, way of the road.