We won the election but why does it feel like (((they're))) winning?

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Because the election, like everything else, is just (((bread and circus)))

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Because the world is hell. (((They))) will always be winning in this world. You must seek refuge in the higher realms.

Because we are still trapped in the system they created. No amount of votes or elections will fix a broken system from within itself.

Israel will be destroyed in your life time. The death of your race will be celebrated by all and mourned by none.

A LOT of shitty threads just cropped out out of nowhere in the last 5 minutes. Just saying.

Don't let these weak faggots blackpill you, user. There is still hope and it is always darkest before the dawn. Improve yourself, find a good wife, and have good children. The future is ours and always has been.

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The President is nothing but a glorified mascot.

The underlying machinery is still working as intended, despite what the mascot might have to say about it.

Youre up against robotic people who do not care about losing, or even think about it. They just keep pushing and pushing, even after they have taken massive losses. Losing is just a small set back to them. They are basically blue haired terminators.

There is no hope for restoring American greatness. Kikes have already won and are intent on destroying the US and remaking every place into Favelaville