What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?
>'I predict one day Amazon will fail. Amazon will go bankrupt': Jeff Bezos
>Jeff Bezos predicted to Amazon employees last week that "one day Amazon will fail," according to a recording of an internal meeting heard by CNBC.
>Bezos added that Amazon's job was to delay failure for as long as possible by focusing on its customers.
>Amazon staffers told CNBC that issues such as government regulation and potential antitrust violations worried them.

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>Buy now before we disappear

Nothing will happen. Too big to fail.

He's just being accurate, every company will eventually fail.

Did you read the article? Bezos flat out says
>"Amazon is not too big to fail ... In fact, I predict one day Amazon will fail," Bezos reportedly said when addressing a question about Sears recently going bankrupt.
>"Amazon will go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years."

this nigger is already shaking

all it would take is for americans to show a little backbone and not completely bow down to their capitalist, ZOG overlords like complete cucks for bezos to go crashing

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All monopolies should fall.

Amazon's main business operates are or below margin, it is the subsidiaries like AWS and Amazon Video that keep it afloat.

>Nothing will happen. Too big to fail.
Not too big to buckle under the weight of MAGA and Trump.

Didn't think this thoroughly-unlikable dude could say something so likable.

That is an interesting read. Funny how the death of the corporation is in the same time frame as other large corporations failing in the past 20 years like Sears, GE, ect. Not saying these other corporations had as long of a run. Just find it interesting that large corporations seen as long standing institutions are failing as of late.

you think that guy would be a happy mf

I work for a company which sells on Amazon, and everything they do is designed to be as efficient as possible - at the cost of everything and everyone else. It's called externalisation.

If I want to buy something and it's only available on Amazon, suddenly I don't really want it any more.

99.9% of businesses don’t last 100 years. It’s the business circle of life

Amazon had contracts with CIA that's why this bald loser became so rich.

>Amazon will fail
>I've spent thousands on kindle ebooks
is he giving me permission to remove drm

It's pretty obvious when you think about it.

Amazon is completely unoriginal. All you'd need to compete with it is capital, the server farms, the warehouses, the logistics networks can all be copied.

Much like Burger King popping up where ever McDonald's has a successful franchise, one only needs to look at a map of Amazon warehouses to have a rough idea of how to undermine them.

NY corporate democrats just sold out their retarded commie voters to Amazon for $100k/per job in tax subsidies kek

Is it possible this was a tactic for his ((friends)) to cash in on an amzn short? Who in their right mind would make such an irresponsible statement.

The reason why he has been so successful is he observed the behavior of established corporations during his days as a hedge fund manager and vowed not to do the same. Basically, corporate executives milk as much out of the company and reinvest as little as necessary until such time that a competitor takes over. To which their response is to double down and fleece the company that is spiraling into certain death mode.
Bezos vowed to run Amazon as if every day could be its last and accordingly has poored its profits back into the company. But he understands that the pressures of Wall Street may very well destroy Amazon too in time.
If you want to look at the most recent example of corporate self destruction, look at GE. Once the bluest of blue chips but Imelt did not reinvest, stripped the company to the bone and now very likely it will go bankrupt as competitors are making superior products and its financial numbers are a mess.

go on


I'm doing my best to stop ordering from there.

Redbulled person

I work for Amazon. Starting this Sunday I am forced to work 55 hours per week until Christmas. Will probably do 60 hours for the money, though.

They only care about the customer and efficiency/rates/productivity. There's always something bad mixed in with the good that they do for employees. They care about customers more than employees.

>goes bankrupt
>himself and investors make the largest cash-grab in US history

>They care about customers more than employees.
Maybe because employees are easily replaceable and customers aren't? Shitty to think of it that way. Its bullshit really. Unfortunately profits for stock holders are more important then paying, treating and retaining employees properly.

Where are those pajeets on Amazon chat based? The most useless fucks I've ever encountered.

Of course it will. He's just milking it for all it's worth before that happens

>Amazon is completely unoriginal.
It's basically an online mail order catalogue.
Older leafs like me would remember Consumers Distributing will recognize this.

Based. I remember getting my Soundwave transformer there.

I mean every company I ever worked for cared more about the customer than the employee, even the Army. lol

Yes all you need is about over a hundred billion dollars worth of assets to compete with Amazon. How doesnt anyone else see that?

Maps yes! Thats the ticket! Im so glad Amazon directors are so stupid that they cant see all the magical underserved markets that looking at a map will reveal.

>and everything they do is designed to be as efficient as possible - at the cost of everything and everyone else

They do this INTERNALLY too. There's a reason Amazon has such a high turnover rate.

Amazon creeps me the fuck out it reminds me of a dystopian megacorp with all its good little npc nigger cattle loving its convenience

Amazon = China:The American Corporation
Now they're filling cities with white vans.
Somebody will make a campaign out of putting graffiti on Ama vans next

>Amazon creeps me the fuck out it reminds me of a dystopian megacorp with all its good little npc nigger cattle loving its convenience

Fuck amazon delivery. I don't want contract niggers in beat ass chevy vans roaming my neighborhood. I already had quit using Amazon before they started using contracted slaves in shitty vans to deliver. It pisses me off though that ordering on line anywhere has the potential for an Amazon nigger to deliver the item. On several occasions Amazon niggers have delivered items I ordered off other sites including ebay over the past year. I guess the sellers must have been affiliate Amazon niggers. Online sales need to have an option to opt out of contracted deliveries and force sellers to use USPS or UPS.

Attached: poopazon.jpg (1123x692, 171K)

he saw that one insider post in may 2018 about (((elon))) on these chins and knows what is lurking in the shadows

BEZOS is smart
(((elon)) is a complete fraudfag

Everything eventually comes to an end. One day all of a sudden SEGA stopped making consoles. There will be a day when Sony and Microsoft stop making them also, and soon.

>and unlimited funds to operate at an indefinite loss while you gobble up market share

(((Meritocracy))) at work, buddy

He's not wrong. Plenty of huge companies that seemed to big to fail have failed.