Brit/pol/ - *votes remain* edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

the shit I just took was hard like a rock

but no blood
I must have a rim of steel

>rim of steel

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If you’re reading flatshare user, you can get a 1 bed in the outskirts of Edinburgh for £550-£600

The British royal has rightfully BAME’ED and it’s about time too. wh*Teness needs to be destroyed

Emotional Ex-GAMMON Apologise to James O'Brien Over BREXIT - LBC

>I'm sorry James...


>outskirts of Edinburgh

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There's like a 25% chance your enticing a Paki up to Scotland, think twice, mate.

jesus christ, these are like religious confessions
things are very very wrong


>Millennial Woes

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace was great. I should rewatch them again t b h, it's been years since I've seen them.

>The call that saved Britain

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>*ding* *ding*

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The absolute state of you nonces.

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Here’s another decent one, £525, live yourself, no Mongolians

I think he’s safe, we are in the world’s premier white nationalist website afterall

henlo? I just want to let you know that

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mind if I dab?
*quick dab*

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Woes is from Linlithgow. Very comfy place, has a palace where a lot of significant figures were born/lived.

imagine being circumcised

>no links again


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Just buy a house in Limerick

I don't have to

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this man is a prophet

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xth for no deal brexit


someone tell me how to feel about all these recent brexit developments
i stopped following politics after the brexit/trump combo deciding things can only get worse from there

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lmao @ the "empire"

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sizeable yikes

>based ping pongers

Wonder what it looks like inside

Her kid will look 100% white.

Ta mate. Many jobs going up there?

Not a Pakistani mate. Have had one or two pick a fight with me though,.


No deal is the obvious best option.

a crack den
>but for £16k


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Yes I know, but this means it's not a disaster if May is not gotten rid of, as long as the deal is still there come the meaningful vote there is a real chance no deal can happen.

*Exposes your banking cartel*
Based Edomonds

sometimes (every day) when i'm trying to get to sleep this thought crosses my mind and i'm then struck by insomnia

"it's 2018. it's fucking 2018"

it's fucking 2018. it's fucking nearly 2019. how did this happen?

I miss being able to do the piss balloon in the shower tbqh

Close enough.

Just looked up Linlithgow:
>The burgh's coat of arms features a black bitch chained to an oak tree on an island, and those born within the town are known as "black bitches".

>The local pub named "The Black Bitch" is reputed to be one of Scotland's oldest pubs.

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Why has that human taken a mutt's shirt?

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You all only post here because I let you

I’m not sure about Broxburn’s job market but it’s only 10 miles from Edinburgh city centre and Edinburgh is probably second only to London when it comes to average income in the UK.

wers that fookin tootin comin frum?

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>painting this as some sort of victory

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What are the chances of UKIP becoming relevant again if May's bill passes?

>"it's 2018. it's fucking 2018"

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concentrate on your breathing, in and out, nothing else. your mind will slip but just go back to focusing on the breathing.
t insomiac

>Her kid will look 100% white.

That’s what you racist crackers hope in your final attempt to maintain power in a land that doesn’t belong you

The royal family will be BAME, Britain will be fully BAME, The future is BAME.


This is the man who tells you no deal/leaving the EU is bad

Jesus Christ.
This about turn from the Daily Mail just shows how fucking rotten the ownership is. It's all due to Lorth Rothermere appointing Greig (a friend of Cameron) as editor. Rothermere is pro-EU, he only ever allowed Dacre to go for Leave because he thought it would lose.
Scum. I fucking hate all journalists and all newspapers.

>want a fucken pint doon eh black bitch big man

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>watching porn
>it's really good, hot actress
>the male starts speaking in his norfern accent: "oh fook yeh, suck on meh sosij wroll"
Nothing kills my boner quicker... Norferners should be banned from acting in porn.

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>sarg'n becomes secretary of owning the libs

Same but I have the misfortune of remembering how it felt to be uncircumcised.

Why did you do it user?

I'll honour your tradition every bi-annual shower mate.

I CAN'T, it's fucking nearly 2019, the years are just falling out of the spacetime ringpiece like diarrhea and life's just falling down the cosmic toilet bowl



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I can end you

I've always wanted to stack up coins inside my foreskin t b h.

Not sure why people are so defensive over those inbred Germans

time is just a jewish constraint desu

Is it me?

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I vote conservative so the northerners/londoners die off before they have a chance to come down south

>al spunk on’t thy fewkin feyce lyk
>aw gizza gud un ya dirteh parker

>norfern porn

absolute state of tripmongs


Because UK politics continues to be a boring sludge, just recommending that everyone who hasn't should watch Barry Lyndon. Fast becoming my favourite Kubrick film.

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People's Vote on January 17th btw

good place to hide money from jews

it is very good.

this, they are already crypto-medmutts and utterly useless politically.

meant announced on *

Fantastic movie

Anyone else in here tootpilled?

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Fuck lads I spammed Mia facts when I was drunk

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Foreskin was slowly tightening up and there was nothing I could do about it. Tried every stretching method, cream, and minor surgery there was. I even carried around wet wipes to clean my knob after a piss in hope that it would help. Should be easy to see why I got sick of living like that and just accepted the permanent solution.

Hate stems from jealousy

U mad cause I have something that don’t have; Talent and a black big cock

Can we get a people’s vote for if we should have a people’s vote?

good taste lad

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>forgetting about article 13
Wake up, anons. Soon your free speech on here will be nothing.

Almost certain, reform will always have a metabattle between the Fundamentalist and the Gradualist, a deal is a Gradualist victory, UKIP's work would remain unfinished.

i don't get this celtic meme

is it supposed to be funny?

>You are now aware that if you cannot get along with a SJW one or both of you are small brain idiots.
>If you can't get along with any of them, it's probably you.

He could get a 1 bed for half that where I live.

did a jew suck it off?
how long did recovery take?

>t.Angus O'Reilly

We should have a people's vote on whether or not we have a people's vote.

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I saw one with some norfern accented paki girl getting jizzed on her face and the guy behind the camera had a norfern accent too.

its a classic

Mia facts?

You did the right thing desu lad.

Fuck off chad with all those fucking tinder messages from slags.