When will libertarianism have a resurgence on Jow Forums...

When will libertarianism have a resurgence on Jow Forums? Seems like 90% of Jow Forums is full of authoritarian shills nowadays.

Attached: kara boga libertarian vs authoritarian cucks.jpg (590x719, 74K)

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shut up gayfag

It will literally never happen.

Attached: unknown (1).png (346x559, 74K)

>depicting libertarianism as a black bull

Proving nationalists right that you guys are nothing but cuckolds

After they take away all of our freedoms.

What's the role of the "Nation" and the "Nation-State" in a libertarian society?
Are you open border shills?

It’s because libertarians are newfags from reddit. I used to be one until I realized that the left is too extreme and the only way libertarianism wirks is if natsoc already defeated them. Libertarians are useful idiots who might as well be dead. You’re obstructing the progress nationalists and national technocrats alike and are bought into Zionist ideology


hi Benjamin, long time no see, i'll have the usual please

Attached: sargoyofcuckad.jpg (989x1200, 107K)

You can be libertarian and support having borders.