She's being censored for saying "men are not women" and having a royal shitfit about it.
But hey, it's not like we warned about the slippery slope or anything. These leftists made their beds, they can fucking sleep in them.
She's being censored for saying "men are not women" and having a royal shitfit about it.
But hey, it's not like we warned about the slippery slope or anything. These leftists made their beds, they can fucking sleep in them.
Maybe they should have been a hair more suspicious when multinational corporations jumped on board their multiculti idpol meme train
I can’t wait until feminists start kicking trannies out of the very bathrooms they voted to share. It’s unironically beautiful
Wtf I love sicko tranny perverts now
Oh NOW it fucking clicks.
Too late, cupcake.
TERFs have been pointing this out for ages, but tranny worship has taken over all of mainsteam feminism. TERFs are basically right though. It's pretty sad.
where's the link, faggot?
The fuck is a terf?
Trans activists are fucking unbearable... Please fascists, kill 'em all. We're too weak to do it, honestly
you must have this board confused with reddit.
this is a board of peace.
go back where you came from where they allow that sort of behavior toward other human beans.