So just what is the deal with the Talmud? Do all Jews follow the Talmud or is it just some Jews...

So just what is the deal with the Talmud? Do all Jews follow the Talmud or is it just some Jews? Do some Jewish sects reject the Talmud? Just how deep does the Talmudic rabbit hole go?

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Other urls found in this thread: Religions/Kabbalah/kabbalah_exposed.htm

All religious Jews (minus the Karaites, a tiny little schismatic sect from standard Judaism) follow the Talmud, that's kinda the defining literature of the Jews. In more recent history, all the modern Jewish sects such as the Hasidics and Orthodox had a focus from their inception on emphasizing Kabbalah more and making it available to the average laity.

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C'mon Jow Forums redpill me on this shit.

>So just what is the deal with the Talmud?
It started as an oral tradition that coincided with the Torah. Over time it became corrupted and bastardized, and about 500 years after Christ's death it was finally written down.

>Do all Jews follow the Talmud or is it just some Jews?
The rabbis study it and instruct their underlings accordingly. Some underlings (mostly Hasids and orthodox) study it and live their lives by it.

>Do some Jewish sects reject the Talmud?
Only 1 sect from Kenya, as far as I'm aware, and Israel won't grant them entry.

>Just how deep does the Talmudic rabbit hole go?
Deep. There's 4 Talmuds I know of, The Babylonian Talmud, the Jerusalem Talmud, the King's Talmud, and another that I forget the name.

Almost all of the English translations are censored or otherwise filtered by the rabbis translating them.

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Talmud is Rabbinical commentary on Torah. No Torah, no Talmud. Religious Jews follow Talmud and Torah.

I am gonna sound stupid as fuck here but what even is Kabbalah, all I know about it is weird mystic mumbo jumbo and Madonna?

It's just the oral traditions of the Yehuda Cohen and menashe tribes . Members of those study it.
Others like Samaritan practice the original pre Babylonian traditions.

It's about your ancestral history senpai

>Rabbinical commentary on Torah
More like if you had some decrepit Jow Forumslack beating the same dead horse for 40 years. Sanhedrin commentary was probably the most tedious to read through.

You seem pretty informed? So what is it that makes it so bad? I only know a few vague things, like Gentiles being compared to dogs and animals. That Goyim are good for nothing but serving the chosen people. And I read today something about it being Kosher to have sex with children as young as 2 which seemed like hyperbole. Is this true? Just how bad is the Talmud?

the talmud is a corpus of argumentation that was put together after the death of Jesus and the destruction of the Temple. It forms the basis of a NEW religion which we call Judaism base on the rejection of Christ. It is not the religion of the Hebrews since their Temple, priesthood and tradition of sacrifice were destroyed. In other words the religion of the Hebrews of Jesus' time was replaced with a new religion called Judaism.
As they rejected Christ, a messiah who fulfilled all the requirements of their Torah, it was necessary to subvert their own Torah through fallacious argumentation and deception. Their new "synagogues" became debating societies with the purpose of not finding truth but rather cultivating deception. The talmud codified the outcomes of these dishonest techniques, quite literally turning the teachings of the Torah on its head. "What the Torah forbids, the Talmud allows"

Jewish mysticism. Tree of life and all that jazz.

There's no use in translating them senpai those who study know Hebrew and translation attempts would corrupt the original meaning

Besides not knowing Hebrew in fucking 2018 is absurd

>Just how bad is the Talmud?
I'm glad you asked.

>three years and a day

Attached: Sanhedrin 55b - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 3.28M)

>gentile steals from gentile, property must be returned
>gentile steals from jew, property must be returned

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Kabbalah is an eastern mysticism that says there's a "hidden knowledge" in any type of scripture. Babylonia Kabbalism is mainly rooted with trying to scry out of the OT, hence the Talmud Religions/Kabbalah/kabbalah_exposed.htm

>jew steals from jew, property must be returned
>jew steals from gentile, property MAY BE RETAINED

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Kabbalah is the primary mystical strand of Judaism, it is inseperable from the religion and has heavy roots in the Hellenic Pythagoreanism, Neoplatonism and Gnostic sects.
There is the ecstatic variety, of which Abraham Abulafia was a pioneer, it is used for divination and prophecy. the Practical is the theurgical magic aspect, though black magic variations have existed as far back as the 3rd century AD. And there is the most commonly used, which is the theosophical aspect of Kabbalah.

All of it is occultic, and all Western Occult sects have to derive from it in a large capacity whether they will admit it or not.

If I remember right, there is nothing to suggest there was a Talmudic oral tradition alongside the actual Torah/Pentateuch.
It's an exclusively Pharisaic concept, beginning in maybe the 1st century BC if you are lucky, 1st century AD at the latest.
Proper succession in the High Priest ended with Hyrcanus II, before Jesus Christ was born, that alone makes the Pharisaic sect illegitimate by Mosaic law.

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>a gentile that smites a jew deserves death
>a gentile that smites a jew on the jaw is as if he has smited the divine

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>a gentile that studies the torah deserves death

Attached: Sanhedrin 59a - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 2.95M)

>how to (not) sacrifice your kids to molech

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>"You can't translate our bible goy"
Literally the exact same excuse the Catholic church used in medieval Europe to keep the surfs in line.

O I am laffin

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>more molech worship

Attached: Sanhedrin 64b - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 3.23M)

>Jews get circ'd
>Converts get circ'd
>Slaves get circ'd
If you're cut, and you're not a jew or a convert...

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>Do all Jews follow the Talmud or is it just some Jews?
All religious jews primarily focus on the Talmud over the Torah, at one time only men over the age of 40 were allowed to study it but now any can.

Ashkenazi focus on the Talmud because they are Khazars and when the Khazars converted they were not drawn to the Torah as they did not identify with the israelites and 12 tribes as they were turkic tribes who always lived by the black sea, the Sephardic and Mizradi jews also did not consider them descended from Judah/12 tribes. So they focused primarily on the Talmud which doesnt emphasize the Jewish race and Israelites.

Also the Ashkenazi culture was shaped by the philospophies, teachings and belief ot eh Talmud for 1500+ years so despite most never reading it they are behaving in a way that conforms to the Talmud teachings often times, this is most secular Asheknazim.

If you want to understand the Talmud, pic related is an analysis.

Attached: Talmud analyzed.png (1920x4042, 1.91M)

its satanic
its followers seek power and domination of the world
they are the ones who arranged for the false charges, torture and murder of the messiah
even now they curse him and say he is stewing in a vat of excrement in hell
only when they have been exposed and their satanic ideology destroyed can there be peace

Holy fuck. Holy Holy Holy fuck.

Can any Israeli fags defend this? What the fuck is wrong with them that they would find this acceptable? This is even more degenerate than the Hadith and the Quran. I see why people say that Mohammed was familiar with the Talmud. The rules on bestiality are almost identical.

Defend this kikes, answer for your crimes.

inb4 pilpul bullshit

iirc the 40 year old rule applied to Kabbalah, but yes the Talmud has been the intellectual study of the Jews since their inception basically.

A good way to look at it is that the Talmud is the lens by which the Jews examine the Torah, and as a result the actual Law and meaning is completely undermined by the delusional hubris of the rabbis.

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Muslims scholars try this trick as well. You can't understand the Koran accept in the original Arabic. What a lot of utter bull. If your holy book can only truly understood in its original language then your holy book is trash.

Yeah, Mohammad and Islam in general take from specifically Jewish fables and such.

Mohammad basically knew jack shit and as a result sounds retarded a lot of the time.

He grew up around Nestorian Christians, Arab pagans and Jews, and knew next to nothing about any of these. He was demonically oppressed and persuaded. You should look into David Wood and Robert Spencer for apologetics against Islam.

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(Ex-jew here)
The jews who dont follow the talmud called the "karaim" they are considered by the talmudic jews a dangerous sekt.

>Just how deep does the Talmudic rabbit hole go.
In talmud theres a story about rabbis defeating God, and God says "my sons have beaten me" and from now on the power is in Rabbis hands. (not the prophets hands)

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>In talmud theres a story about rabbis defeating God, and God says "my sons have beaten me" and from now on the power is in Rabbis hands. (not the prophets hands)

I can confirm this as well.

(Baba Mezia 59b)
>Rabbi Yehoshua stood on his feet and said: It is written: “It is not in heaven” (Deuteronomy 30:12). The Gemara asks: What is the relevance of the phrase “It is not in heaven” in this context? Rabbi Yirmeya says: Since the Torah was already given at Mount Sinai, we do not regard a Divine Voice, as You already wrote at Mount Sinai, in the Torah: “After a majority to incline” (Exodus 23:2). Since the majority of Rabbis disagreed with Rabbi Eliezer’s opinion, the halakha is not ruled in accordance with his opinion. The Gemara relates: Years after, Rabbi Natan encountered Elijah the prophet and said to him: What did the Holy One, Blessed be He, do at that time, when Rabbi Yehoshua issued his declaration? Elijah said to him: The Holy One, Blessed be He, smiled and said: My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me.

I'll scan it, stand by...

Rabbis have to know the Talmud, other Jews just do what their rabbi tells them.

So are the Karaim in any way actually dangerous? Hold any dangerous views? Or are they pretty much the good guys? I remember watching a video of a Rabbi saying that the Talmud is evil and that all jews should reject its teaching. Is he an example of a Karaim?

>what even is Kabbalah

An attempt to control God and control the fate through him.

they say that if they find out whats God's full real name, they will be able to manipulate him and kill the goyim. (by controlling God)

Honestly, every type of cult does this:

Mormons --> Golden Nephi disks only JS can read
JW's --> "Original Greek" (They use a Catholic text)
Seventh-Day Adventists --> M.B.E.'s visions and commentary can only be understood by her
Catholics --> Only the priest who can read Greek and Latin can interpret scripture
Modern Christian college --> You have to know the "original Greek and Hebrew" to truly understand the Bible
Jews --> Only Rabbis can understand and interpret the Torah

And it goes on and on.

>A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition. But if she was less than three years old [...] she is sexually immature, the marriage cannot be consummated.

So it's literally jewish law that girls aged 3 years and 1 day are sexually mature.

How come reading mein kampf makes you a nazi but reading the talmud doesn't make you a babyfucker?

it's pretty based

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Jesus, what the fuck

Go read Jesus and the Talmud

Kaballah is black magic.

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>Only 1 sect from Kenya, as far as I'm aware, and Israel won't grant them entry.

I should point out that this sect isn't in Kenya, but are the Ethiopian Beta Israelites, who only follow the Old Testament and Deuterocanon.

The State of Israel has been euthanizing them.

It's infuriating.

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If anyone wants to know more Jew shit, post your discord and we can talk.

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Basically Jewish magic

Fun fact: A lot of the splintering that happened among western Christians, especially the Great Schism, were a direct result of Rome's insistence on Latin which led to mistranslations which led to infighting

Tell me then why does it say that you killed Christ and that he is in hell boiling in shit?

In other words, it's not that you can't understand it without the original language, but translators are human and they can still fuck up.

Techniqually, king david was karai. and his son king solomon, because the kingdom had this wing as an official judaism.

after some time the prushim took over and destroyed all the other wings of judaism.

the basics of karaim style of thinking: God created everything, but everything is in your hands. your "will" is what important.
dont just pray "give me this, give me that", YOU do something about it, and YOU build it.
(like all the kings of israel did)

>any dangerous views
Idk man... they are less dangerous than the talmudic ones, thats for sure. but idk

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All Jews follow the Talmud. All the zomg Talmud quotes you've reas are fabricated or tampered with.

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>Baba Mezia 59b

Yep, this thingy is way more than enough to END judaism forever, you guys should spread it like the morning news.

>My children have triumphed over Me.
The word "triumphed" is way softer than it sounds in hebrew, but ok.

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its the oral tradition of their rabbis written down its mostly of interest to us because of what it says about gentiles

Read for yourself.

You got the whole talmud there. gj
are you? ehm, one of (((us)))? or should I say Ex-us.

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could you tell me the word in Hebrew, friend? It'd be appreciated.

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>To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

>A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Nice try Moishe.

Nope. Goy born and raised.

so how did you lay your hands on the talmudic books?
I mean, do you know that a jew is allowed to kill you for reading the talmud?
lets say if you two were in a desert/forest and theres no police, the jew will try to kill you. (100% serious)

How are they able to suppress this information? I get they control like 99% of the media but we have the internet, how is this not common knowledge yet and only really known on places like Jow Forums? How do we get the information out there without the kikes silencing us? Any ideas?

He won't tell you becuase he's larping lol

I bought it from a Jew on ebay. And yeah I figure if they can kill me for studying the Torah they can kill me for studying the talmud.

Let them come.

>lets say if you two were in a desert/forest and theres no police
All I want for Christmas!

The Talmud is the Oral Law written down. If you read the Torah (and the rest of the Tanakh) closely, you’ll find some things that don’t make sense: references to the proper ways to do things (like slaughtering animals) but nowhere is the proper way described. This stuff was the Oral Law. It was also commentary on the Torah as well. Think of it like precedents in Common Law legal systems. The reason it got written down was because of the tensions with Rome. A lot of the sages figure that some shit was about to go down, the Temple might be destroyed, and there might be a diaspora. If that happened, which it did, the Oral Law might be lost. So, they wrote it down. This contributed to the rise of Rabbinic Judaism. With no Temple to perform the rites and no Sanhedrin, answering the day-to-day questions of Jewish life shifted to Rabbis. Different sects have different interpretations of the Talmud. Part of Judaism is being able to argue with established thought, the Talmud is the primary vehicle that carries that thought.

Well the William Davidson and Soncino compared kinda prove that he's likely not, one is translated as "triumphed" while the other "defeated". That alone indicates these translations are softened or censored to some extent so the goy won't catch on so easily.
I really should just learn some fucking Hebraic and get it over with.

Because questioning jews is anti semitic

>All I want for Christmas


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>That alone indicates these translations are softened or censored
They outright admit censorship.

Attached: Sanhedrin 107b - Eng - admitted censorship highlighted.jpg (1620x2160, 901K)

>starts talking about Islam in a Talmud thread

Good fucking christ you’re retarded. This is what happens when you cherry pick shit. Fuck off back to you Bund Meeting for Twelve and Under.

the fact that he doesn't give you an answer kinda prove that he's larping tho

where the fuck do you see a word in hebrew? its all english

Fuck you, I'm posting the folio in it's entirety.I

Tell me, rabbi - in what context is it acceptable to marry a 3 year old by coition?

Was referring to >The word "triumphed" is way softer than it sounds in hebrew, but ok.

thought you were referring to the word for triumphed in Hebrew.

Can you imagine being stuck in Hell with all the endless Jewish kvetching and whining

I mean I'll post the moon runes if he wants...

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In fairness to him I am OP and I mentioned the similarities between Jewish and Islamic methods of deflection when pressed on hard issues found within scripture.

fucking hell how could anyone read that

Broke: Reading the Talmud
Joke: Reading the Talmud with a commentary
Woke: Reading the Talmud with two commentaries

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You can post it. Thinking it literally means is that is what’s retarded. As is the 3 year old thing dickshit. I’ll actually bother to explain the last one since dumbfucks like you try to twist that into pedophilia every time. The ruling was exactly the opposite of what you think it is: it’s about what happens to a very young girl if she’s raped. Because if she’s raped then she not a virgin and it fucks up her chances of marriage. The ruling set an upper limit. That if some dickhead raped a child under three, to put it coarsely, it doesn’t count. She can still be considered a virgin for purposes of marriage.

It was a single post about Islam, stop kvetching.

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"ניצחו אותי" in the old times it was shorter "ניצחוני" that one word means they beat me, or they win over me, but it also could mean "my victory" so dont lay too much on google translate.
google translate is better at translating modern hebrew style which is ניצחו אותי"

Pilpul at it's finest. He is literally defending a rabbi's opinion that fucking a 3 year old is a-ok.

>cherry pick

well, theres no much room for interpritations, you retard.
its clear and simple.

Why on earth would the upper limit be 3 years and a day? I mean who decided that was the arbitrary limit, even the pedo Mohammed waited until Aisha was 9 and that shit is bad enough. And why should a girl be forced to marry her rapist regardless of age?

"The Curse of Ham" is a very anti-black, pro-slavery Talmudic invention. It says that one of Noah's son's, named Ham, saw Noah drunk and naked, and somehow disrespected Noah. As a result, all of Ham's descendants were cursed to have dark skin and be condemned to serve as slaves. I wonder what black people would think if they knew this? BTW- none of this "curse of Ham" BS exists in the Bible or Torah. It is 100% Rabbi invention.

The congealed ball of spunk that you use for a brain is drying out spooge steward. The ruling has literally nothing to with the penalties for raping a child. Those are separate. This is entirely about the raped child’s welfare. You’d know that if you weren’t too busy groping goats.

Apparently the Samaritans don’t follow it as well, but they’re also a fringe sect

It makes sense since the biggest slave traders were (((jews)))

>even the pedo Mohammed waited until Aisha was 9
Pic is why

>congealed ball of spunk
Jewish trick identified - Grotesque Imagery
>Planting a vile and disturbing image in the minds of others in hopes of associating disgust with the subject at hand.

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I have no idea. The ruling is to show mercy to a child that had something hideous happen to them within the rest of the constraints of the law. Now you’re talking about Islam. That has fuck all to do with the Talmud.

they fuck 3 yeard olds girl because the vagina regenerates, and if theyll fuck 4 year old girl, the vagina will not regenerate.
so a jew is allowed to use 1-3 yrs olf girl as a sex doll and it will not be consideret as a waste of semen because it goes to female vagina.


What it literally says the raped child is to marry the rapist.

A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.

How can you defend this degeneracy?


Get fucked stormfront. You’re a dipshit hack that knows fuck all about anything but rocks up like you’ve discovered some shocking mystery. Now go suck more bronwshirt cock — like your hero Ernst — you bilious bolus of buggery butter.

No, it doesn’t.

uh oh, someone told the truth about kike degeneracy and why you should all be drowned!