Why do Republicucks want to ban abortion so much?

Abortion is great and should be promoted to anyone not having a pure white baby! by pure white baby I mean northern european...
This faggot Crowder wants the usa nigger population to skyrocket to african tier levels...the only reason its not is cause democrats are for abortion desu...Americans are low iq fucks, If Republicans were in charge the white race in the usa would die much faster, and the close the border shit is retarded that would mean even less whites coming to the usa then now...this is why I support the democrats both are shit but democrats accelerate the race war!

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Multiple reasons:
For a starter, they don't understand fetal development.
Second, they are immoral fggts who think people have abortions for fun and to piss off the taxpayers.
Also... they're religious lunatics... except for Calvinists, Alexandrians and some cults all Abrahamic believers are degenerate retards...

Its fucking annoying abortion is something I would never think about other then being a great thing that keeps the black population in the usa and other western nations at bay...Fuck if abortion was actually illegal and looked down upon more then blacks would balloon so fast nobody could catch them.

i hate women and want them to suffer

then you should support feminism and make women suffer because feminism is the #1 cause of their suffering

ok aborto liekana tu :D

in the same way the democrats pander to blacks and hispanics, conservatives pander to evangelicals / religious people in general. it's embarrassing how full of shit they are, but most goyim don't seem to notice

>you should support female empowerment
rather just make them face the consequences of their actions

How do you rationalize that it's essentially killing a child?
I was vaguely pro-abortion until I came to the point where I couldn't rationalize it anymore.


lol faggot lithuanians love the nigger population to fuck their wives...cucks

Lithuanian goys catholic faggots love it...

you aren't killing them dumfuck the mom hasn't even shit them out, i wouldn't even care if they killed niggers when they were born and other undesirables! HEIL HITLER

>Why do Republicucks want to ban abortion so much?
It's a psyop, retard. It makes the Dems (KKK) advocate for it, knowing it's mostly niggers and spics using it. It's win-win. Stop being a dumbass and use your brain.

shit b8 colg8

WUT...dumbass They would advocated it anyways because because Democrats advocated for it always lol at how you consider the democrats the kkk no wonder denmark is like 20% muslim already

I don't get it either. It sucks, but let's be real, it affects nigger and retard children and we need less of them.

Read a history book. The Democrat party has historically been associated with the KKK. No one like niggers or spics, and they procreate more than wealthier white and Asian families. Abortion keeps their numbers from exploding, and killing the welfare state created for them.

I 100% SUPPORT ABORTION unless it is aborting healthy above 120 iq whites

You should have been aborted. You don't even know how to multi-quote here.

I know that doesn't mean they are now...the welfare state is fine because in the usa its not really welfare just more of something to keep niggers in their shitholes and away from begin socially mobile enough cause you give them welfare and separate the families and add in abortions, not to mention high homicide and prison rates. no wonder their population isn't increasing...unlike Denmark that supports muslim growth! giving them like 20k krona per child a month and sheet

I know how dumbfuck stop in fighting find something more interesting to say

What the fuck am I reading. Construct a sentence, faggot.
So you're just shitposting for the fun of it?

Denmark is a muslim shithole

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Fun fact Denmark is 99.5% Muslim

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Good thing I don't give a fuck about Denmark, I'm not a Dane. I hope the whole EU falls apart. Looking forward to all you faggots killing each other again. It's been a shit century, and we've made a shitload of money off you faggots the last two times.

Because we don't want baby's getting murdered

>won't someone think of the children?

We just dont want to pay for others to have it. I don't want it banned.

>We just dont want to pay for others to have it. I don't want it banned.
This. Let Soros and 'charity' pay for it. Federal tax dollars shouldn't be used for any 'social welfare' shit. Let that be up to the State and Local governments.

Im not a dane don't care about Denmark hahahahahahahaha fuck off nigger im not danish either and still care about it

> im not danish either and still care about it
Why? It's 99.5% Muslim.
Remember? Go home, you're drunk.

its sarcasm faggot...its more like 5% in reality...anyways you sound like a nigger

Cause they're colorblind whiggers who refuse to acknowledge the truth about niggers.

this non danish person is fucking pissing me off I hate people who are not danish they should all be deported from Denmark unless they are me who would be loyal to Denmark unlike this merchant

abortion should be illegal if both parents are white, optional but encouraged if both parents are nonwhite, and compulsatory if one parent is white and one is nonwhite

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The greatest irony is the fact Republicans and Democrats should have the opposite opinion with regards to abortion; Republicans should be supporting it while Democrats oppose it. Niggers are the main people getting aborted and are a huge Democrat voting block. Why Republicans are against it and Democrats in favor of it, I'll never know.

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That's the most compelling reason to be pro-choice.

How many more (yous) are you going to give me, retard?
What makes you think I live here? lol, holy shit, like, people travel. Leave your house some time.

They want be have a pristine soul when they get to meet jesus after an un-aborted nigger stabs them with a knife.

Republicans dislike all birth control even if it negates abortion specifically.

>its immoral to not kill unborn children

I have contacted the Danish authorities hopefully they deport your stupid ass! Niggers don't belong in white nations!

>be lithuianian
>ramble about having babies
you stopped existing years ago. its all just some EU scheme to have faggy no name countries that "could buy goods" that never existed and where never shipped

its like venezuala being a line shaped island on a map or globe for decades and they actually tried to make it as such by making a man made island years ago in the same location. its not real

lol implying the usa is not just a jewish run company fake country....lol you are a nigger, you will never live in a white nation

I'm Whiter than you faggot, and they're gonna have a hell of a time getting me out of where I am, considering they're paying me to be here.

you are not white you are a anti white danish fucker and you are a nigger, they are only paying you because they feel sorry for you faggot

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The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.

I'm an American in Greenland spying on the Russians. Strawberry blonde, green eyed, in Thule. I'm the epitome of what you strive for. You dumb fucks can't get anything correct. You're led by the kikes, and will die with the kikes. I'm the superior race, because I can elevate myself above both of you dumb ass segments of humanity, and profit off of both of you.

>Abortion is great
please don't say this. it's not great. it's awful.

They really aren’t trying to ban it just keep the moral standard that killing is wrong.


FUCK OFF you fucking jew


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Wait, Hillary is based?

I don't, I just want to ban it if the kid is white.

Yep, the democrats have always been the party keeping the black man down.

They were the jim crow laws.