How do I stop my (((brainwashed))) albeit very smart friend from transitioning?

Pic unrelated.

He thinks he is a woman. Subject is an average to ugly looking regular dude with very masculine bone structure. Protruding forehead, big hands, broad shoulders, etc. subject has claimed to be asexual and is a sjw. Gets triggered at any mention of biology, pregnancy, chromosomes, dna, etc.. Redpilled on certain topics like jfk, reads a lot of books, no social media, etc. I consider this guy a good friend and I don’t want to see him with tits. Interestingly, he is not going to get his dick inverted— he’s going to keep his dick. He says he is a “lesbian woman.”

Is there any hope?

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Yup, we are both nerds. Pic related.

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Take the paragraph you wrote, work it into a message to him. Last line: if you don’t stop this tragic mistake, I no longer have energy to be your friend.

You have to be willing to tell the whole truth, and cut him off if he won’t listen.

Do him a favour and make him kys

Tell them to forgive their mother for traumatizing them and ask god to remove their spirit possession.

1) show data that suicide rates and shit don't change after transition, they literally just make you do your dilations or some this every day and live in pain
2) try talking him into taking 5mg of pimozide every day, this method was proven to be successful in transfaggotry treatment >70% of cases I don't remember exact number

Interesting. Pimozide? Will look that up.

I mentioned the stats before but I didn’t have anything solid with me at the time.

I think I will combine the above with your suggestion... idk if I should threaten to cut it off although if he goes through with it it’ll happen anyway...


tell him to stop being a faggot

>very smart

Tell him you can be in touch with your feminine side without transitioning. Transitioning is just a superficial version of connecting with your femininity.

All human beings possess the masculine and feminine energies (or yin and yang) btw.

Sorry, no hope.

get a couple of your buddies and go on a good ol fashion fag drag

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What's their family like? Do they have any relatives working law enforcement or military?

Digits confirm.
Just get to the point. He's a man so he'll appreciate directness.

Fuck off to /b


My argument would be that he is "whole and complete" as is. Some people like to do a little touch up cosmetic stuff but when you start going about major going under the knife, that's just a road to despair.

It won't give you the result you really want and it will forever be a form of obvious bodily damage.

Stay the way you are.

I have a FB friend like this. Almost wonder if it's the same dude. Never met him in real life. Nice guy. Not totally bluepilled. Basically a crossdresser who still likes to (try to) date women but he's been dropping hints that he wants to take trans to the next level. Like... dude... no. Dude's in his 30s and never had hormone treatment. Looks like a man head to toe, average to sub-par. Looks a bit silly when in his trans look but I'm not gonna tell him. Gonna be such a train wreck if he gets the axe hole. Don't wish that on anyone.

This thread is cringe op you don't own your friends body or anything ingnore this retard taking a pill which hasent been proven to cure dysperia in any way it will most likely make him completly retarded

Yeah, this.
My brother went through a phase.
He was depressed and confused.
Said he wanted to be a woman.
He dressed up as one, put on fake tits etc.
Now he wears earrings and some nailpolish "to express himself".
But he aint no chick.
Got a GF, looking to buy a house, raise some kids, and he's fine being who he is.
Still a hairy dude.
And happy.

tell him to go to the doctor and get prescribed testosterone. i'm dead serious, it sounds like he needs it.

that or my original comment

I’ve met his younger brothers. They are hilarious and wholesome brothers. Great lads. I think they know he’s gay or something and likely they might support him.... not sure.

We live in a very liberal island in a mostly red state... could be that too

Oh, he don't wear the fake tits anymore.
That was the "phase"
Probably felt embarrassed.

doesn't sound very smart


This dude is 20 something, so not the same guy, but that’s a pretty close comparison. “Whole and complete” is true. Thanks.

Lots of good responses.

Fuck the shills.

I'm glad your brother woke up before he mutilated himself, and I hope the same for OP's brother.

Read this thread
Basically a chemical lobotomy, your friend will become a drugged out zombie if he takes this
really makes me think, also helping your friend in different way than allow him to mutilate himself and allow him to live in pain 24/7 is something good to consider. Also 2/10 made me reply

How’d he get a girlfriend?

fuck off optics fag

show him the quicksnip webm

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Read the content of the thread, not the OP

You should read it too, so you stop spouting debunked "facts" like the suicide rates after transitioning meme

do people really do that to themselves? am i taking my small degree of sanity for granted? i just can't imagine what would compel someone to have their wang severed.

Thanks for the tip on pimozide.

Good thread.

How do you take the moral high ground against someone who is harming themself?

“What you are doing is insulting to women...” ???

tell him that if he puts on a bra and gets a boner, its a fetish, not an identity

Telling people to stop being trans doesn't work and preventing them from transitioning is psychologically damaging.

Make sure your friend knows what he's getting himself into and is really sure about it.

Read more than just the OP.

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My girlfriend pointed out that he can never understand what it’s like to be a little child who undergoes female puberty, grows tits, gets horrible cramps and bleeds, being a 12yo sexual object. Etc.

Is this the moral high ground?

talk about the suicide rates.

Have him read this study:

Transitioning is a social contagion, it's a mind virus that preys upon feelings of inadequacy. Transitioning will NOT make him feel less inadequate, only moreso

Okay, will read more.


Preach the Word of God to him. Only a miracle can save such a faggot. I'm not even joking.
The only faggots I've seem who became sane were the ones who converted.

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>The description of cluster outbreaks of gender dysphoria occurring in pre-existing groups of friends and increased exposure to social media/internet preceding a child’s announcement of a transgender identity raises the possibility of social and peer contagion. Social contagion [20] is the spread of affect or behaviors through a population. Peer contagion, in particular, is the process where an individual and peer mutually influence each other in a way that promotes emotions and behaviors that can potentially undermine their own development or harm others [21]. Peer contagion has been associated with depressive symptoms, disordered eating, aggression, bullying, and drug use [21, 22]. Internalizing symptoms such as depression can be spread via the mechanisms of co-rumination, which entails the repetitive discussion of problems, excessive reassurance seeking (ERS), and negative feedback [21, 23–25]. Deviancy training, which was first described for rule breaking, delinquency, and aggression, is the process whereby attitudes and behaviors associated with problem behaviors are promoted with positive reinforcement by peers [26, 27].

They think they have to sacrifice their manhood to be able to express femininity ironically because of patriarchal upbringing (or ''brainwashing). I know that sounds Tumblr-esque as fuck but hear me out for a sec. Almost every man including myself was raised to believe emotions (aka femininity) are unmanly and that they should feel ashamed for expressing them. It's common knowledge in psychology that suppressing feelings isn't healthy and will only result in explosive emotional outbursts. Someone's desire to transition is the embodiment of this outburst.


Tbh it sounds like people are transitioning because they have nothing better in their lives. So I would recommend to OP to try to 'distract ' his friend by providing meaningful activities to his life.

Give him the suicide and regret stats.

Tell him to read this book.

There have been plenty of successful treatments of would be trannies with CBT and the like, they just didn't want to be cured.

Interesting. Thank you

Read the surveys. Look up more data yourself. There are many, many studies and surveys on this subject. Look for primary sources (scientific studies and surveys), not journalists' opinions. Don't mindlessly believe what people say on imageboards. That applies to what I'm saying too. Learn. Educate yourself. Be skeptical, but keep an open mind.

And above all, talk to your friend. Tell him you have his best interests in mind, and make sure you actually mean it. I don't know your friend. Nobody here does. Try to understand why he feels the way he does. Understand that it's not your decision to make, but ensure that it's an informed decision. Don't push or pull.

0.4% regret it. Psychological distress decreases after transitioning in most cases. Suicide rates increase sharply with rejection by family and friends, and with attempts to prevent transition.

Could this data or any data have been tampered with or skewed?

All of recorded human history before you were born could be fabricated. Everything you see, touch, hear, taste, or smell is an illusion maintained by complex processes in your brain. We trust this illusion because it's all we know. To believe anything at all is ultimately an act of faith, whether it's a history book, a scientific study, a greentext story, a news article. Some sources are more trustworthy than others and ideally, nothing should be trusted blindly. Yet in order to live our lives, some things must be trusted regardless of whether or not we can verify them firsthand. What you choose to trust is up to you and you alone.