Attached: snowtexas.jpg (1113x739, 201K)
Hey anons from Texas how normal is this?
Nathan Bailey
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Jordan Ramirez
Former Texas user here i used to love the place before global warming but we can't let cruz have the temperature controls
Brody Garcia
Make for an interesting LivePD tomorrow. pic related
Hunter Fisher
Texas user here. it's not normal and this is a direct result of Trump and global warming.
Samuel Martin
We can't let him get the nuclear codes
Logan Brown
This image has cured my foot fetishism
Jose Phillips
>it's warm outside
>must be global warming
>it's cold outside
>Must be global warming
Liberalism is a disease. The earth will go in a cooling cycle for next 50 years, get used to it faggot.
Colton Garcia
The panhandle gets a decent bit of snow. Not sure about this "early" in to winter, but I was born and raised in Houston. We got snow when I was 4, in 1989 and again when I was in 4th grade. Not enough to stick though. Got snow in 2004 when I was at UT in Austin, but it wasn't much either. The panhandle always got more though. Pretty normal I reckon.
Blake Walker
Austinites are a cancer upon Texas and should be disregarded. Disgrace to the namesake of the man.
Oliver Gomez
>This image has cured my foot fetishism