Hey anons from Texas how normal is this?

Attached: snowtexas.jpg (1113x739, 201K)

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Former Texas user here i used to love the place before global warming but we can't let cruz have the temperature controls

Make for an interesting LivePD tomorrow. pic related

Attached: 20181116_120239.jpg (1512x2016, 179K)

Texas user here. it's not normal and this is a direct result of Trump and global warming.


We can't let him get the nuclear codes

Attached: 11EDC7049582416D9C99B072DDDC5CDA.gif (300x300, 529K)

This image has cured my foot fetishism

Attached: serveimage_0.gif (320x180, 1.83M)

>it's warm outside
>must be global warming
>it's cold outside
>Must be global warming

Liberalism is a disease. The earth will go in a cooling cycle for next 50 years, get used to it faggot.

The panhandle gets a decent bit of snow. Not sure about this "early" in to winter, but I was born and raised in Houston. We got snow when I was 4, in 1989 and again when I was in 4th grade. Not enough to stick though. Got snow in 2004 when I was at UT in Austin, but it wasn't much either. The panhandle always got more though. Pretty normal I reckon.

Austinites are a cancer upon Texas and should be disregarded. Disgrace to the namesake of the man.

>This image has cured my foot fetishism

Attached: 20181116_123350.jpg (1512x2016, 228K)