1. Fully automatic firearms are much more restricted than other firearms

1. Fully automatic firearms are much more restricted than other firearms
>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms

2. Silencers and integrally silenced weapons are much more restricted than other firearms
>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms

3. Shot barreled shotguns are much more restricted than other firearms
>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms

I think the pattern is obvious. Most gun related crimes are committed with handguns. Do you we want that to stop? Easy. Pass laws that restricts them in the same way full auto machine guns are restricted.

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>3. Shot barreled shotguns are much more restricted than other firearms

In Canada:
>an 8" barrel on a shotgun is completely legal and they have never been used in a crime ever


Why dont we just make murder illegal?

Attached: 1539222119228.jpg (1242x1564, 920K)

>small easily concealed gun is used often in crime
Color me surprised.

1. Alcohol is banned entirely
>Result: barely any people ever get intoxicate... oh

2. War on Drugs
>Result: barely any people ever consume dru... oh

>Most gun related crimes are committed with handguns

Handguns are more regulated than rifles.

1. All males have no penis
>Result: No Rape
I think the pattern is obvious. Most rape is done with penis.. Do you we want that to stop? Easy. Pass laws that chop off dick.

>Easy. Pass laws that chop off dick.

Hot if done by a muscle girl

You literal chimps have been trying this since since 1934. It was an abject failure.

Why do you think your forebears decided to focus on assault weapons?

Holy fuck you retards need to be purged.

There is no gun debate. Here's the deal. Fully automatic weapons are gonna come back. Either the Jews shut the fuck up or they get shot in the fucking face for being a traitor. Make your choice.

SCOTUS already ruled that handguns are untouchable.
Get bent fag

KYS faggot.

Attached: 1542231072319.jpg (1280x960, 142K)

>3. Shot barreled shotguns are much more restricted than other firearms
You are a dumb faggot, niggers regularly cut down shotguns.

With practice semi auto with a good aftermarket trigger is all you need.



Don't get me wrong. I would love full auto to be attainable, but it isn't needed.

>With practice semi auto with a good aftermarket trigger is all you need.
It doesn't matter what your opinion is. It matters what the constitution says and the American people need the same exact firearms as the military because the 2nd amendment is to overthrow tyrannical governments. Anyone advocating for gun control needs to be hanged for treason.

>laws that made them restricted when the population was drastically more white worked
>when gang culture and being criminal weren't cool, the laws were followed
Color me surprised.
>there was never as many NFA items in circulation as there is hand guns

only way to get these stats is to uninclude all gang violence

kys slowly

You're the dumb faggot.
Niggers don't care about restrictions

OP is stating that the vast majority of gun crime is done with handguns. And the amounts done with other types of weapons are statistically insignificant.

The only reason silencers are restricted is because you'll never hear it.
With a fully automatic you can unload an entire magazine in silence and more people will die.

correlation does not equal causation!

You don't actually believe this do you?
Surpressors still make an appreciable level of noise if you're not using sub sonic ammo. Enough that you still need ear pro.

>1. Fully automatic firearms are much more restricted than other firearms
>>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms
if you look at the gun crime statistics before 1986 in the u.s they were practically the same as they are now.

>2. Silencers and integrally silenced weapons are much more restricted than other firearms
>>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms
you can actually create your own suppresor/silencer at home with an oil filter so it is backwards to ban/restrict suppresors

>3. Shot barreled shotguns are much more restricted than other firearms
>>Result: barely any firearm-related crime is commited with such firearms
you can make your own at home very easily so it is retarded to ban/restrict them.

1. silencers don't exist
2. you can still hear a gun even if it has a suppresor on it.

I own a machine gun, multiple silencers and short barreled rifles. People like me are not the ones that commit crime. Niggers are.

Check the demographics of crime you fucking faggot.

>much more restricted than other firearms
set up a gun trust and buy all the machine guns you can afford, its easier than getting a concealed carry licence and cheaper too

A properly-prepared gun trust has significant advantages for gun owners. It enables the use of NFA-regulated firearms and accessories among trustees, protects against potential future regulatory restrictions, and provides for the orderly transition of ownership upon death.

The EasyTrust is 50-state legal. The process of ratification will differ by state, but we’ll send you a document detailing the processes you’ll need to follow. We priced the EasyTrust at $129.99 – a fraction of the cost of typical gun trusts

Im happy to see some spirited responses. Pussy faggots arent american, only american disregard saftey for freedom. And through the chaos is produced the most self relient and prosperous collective ever known.

What is this?
>reads like an anti-regulation thread
>suggest regulating guns
sage and move along
>go away shariablue

>$10,000+ for a full auto gun
>$300 for handgun
hmmmm. must be the restrictions.
Then again, there are plenty of gang members with access to illegally owned, fully automatic weapons. As a matter of fact, they are easier to obtain (and cheaper) when bought on the black market. Good thing they are heavily restricted, right goyim?

They are afraid of shoulder things that go up

Ignoring everything else, tell me why the focus is on rifles which are barely used in crimes.