>say word
>livelihood STOLEN
This is defacto censorship
Say word
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That'll be $19.95 Plus tip
Damn, Drake Bell really hit new lows
So is saying a word at work and getting fired.
So is saying a word and alienating a friend so that they stop associating with you.
I think the Papa John's thing is the result of a sort of vindictive hysteria, but in a way you should recognize that it's evidence that you don't need a government to change people's behaviors, which is great for pushing for less government.
Thats what happens when you take a company public he could have kept total ownership of the company and been fine
They were just looking for an excuse iirc
But yeah it's retarded , nigger isn't even a slur I'd be insulted if I was one and someone did not call me that .
The fact that niggers call each other that is proof it's not , you don't see kikes call each other kike
$0.01 has been added to your account
I dare you to say it!
He should sue and get his pizza pass back
If a black CEO said "cracker" you'd be (rightfully) up in arms.
They killed him because he spoke the truth
there are 4 in the fortune 500. no doubt each of them has said that. bet those 4 niggers say nigger more than i do.
So you'd be fine if one of them said "cracker" in a public manner and take no retaliatory measures against them?
i dont care what niggers do, as long as it doesnt involve me. thats why i live on an island, they cant swim.
I don't think I'm wrong here bruh.
Yes. And he wouldn't lose his company.
kike is just a word, not even particularly derogatory
Their pizza is absolute garbage. The sauce was like tomato juice and it made the crust inedible. The toppings slid right off not to mention they were shrivled up. And burnt. Worst pizza ever. If you can even call it pizza. Their slogan should be worse ingredients worse pizza. Because it was shit. I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
It's not censorship, it's the media cycle blowing things out of proportion. The lying press will GLADLY destroy people's lives for outrage clicks
This was my favorite chain pizza place. I don't eat it anymore because of this. They just used the word as an excuse to literally steal his company from him.
He not done yet he's still fighting
And nothing would happen to him.
That's the double standard.
there is nothing to stop conservatives from organizing similar boycotts, problem is conservatives have no interest in the useless bullshit commies sell
If a black CEO gave an entire speech only saying cracker I wouldn't give a shit. The media tonguing his balls for being "brave" on the other hand would infuriate me.
It's about coon kaepernig
He made like 40 million on stock prices after libs went out in force to buy that pizza after he was canned
Depends on the context you stupid faggot. Pizza guy simply said that the Chicken man use to call black people niggers and that was a horrible thing. He was literally talking about how racism is bad and now he's a pizzalet because he said nigger regardless of the context.
and how it different from being a communist with all your companies being controlled by government, with the government firing you for saying something against the government?
Because the government uses violence, while non-commie groups of people associate or not at their own discretion without violence against anyone.
no, government can just fire you without using any violence just as well
communists would just demote you to being a janitor or something like that, make you do the dirty job and ban you from working in better places
isnt it the same thing that is happening here?
No; the government is based in violence.
If I own a private business, and I employ someone, if I don't like them I'm going to fire them, based on terms in a contract if I've got one with the guy.
Our association was voluntary, and either of us can break it.
Association with the government is NOT voluntary - they force themselves on people. Taxes aren't voluntary, so people are FORCED to pay for the commie janitor whether they would normally buy his services or not.
If people can't opt out of dealing with you, it's violent and wrong.
>Go to hospital
>Set up a bunch of explosives
>Grab an AR-15
>Go to the baby section and start shooting the infants
>Set off explosives while people leave
>Take the scalpel and start shoveling people's eyes out
>Set the entire place on fire
>Take a shit on the cancer patients before leaving for extra measure
>Get caught and kicked out of the hospital
>rubber band a Eula to a brick
>throw it through someone’s window
>”by accepting this brick through your window, you hereby agree to release the thrower from any and all legal liability damages resulting from this brick being thrown”
>-but judge
>go to a restaurant
>order a meal
>put some hot sauce on it
>”sir I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to leave, illegally modifying your meal isn’t fair to other customers”
Hello, I would like one pepperoni and cheese pizza please.
>Mama mia! Ah-comin' right up!
>Ah-here's ya pizza, sir.
Oh, pardon me, my good man, but I believe there must have been a mistake. I just wanted pepperoni and cheese - no peppers.
>Ay Dios Mio... I'm-ah sorry, sir, but we put-ah peppers on-ah all our pizzas - it's on-ah the fine print of our-ah menu.
Really? Sorry, I didn't realise that. Can you please just make me a pizza without them? I'm really hungry.
>No-ah can do boss.
This is ridiculous, I'm taking my business elsewhere.
>Just-ah to let you know, every-ah pizzeria in town puts-ah peppers on their pizzas.
Okay, fine, here's your $20...
*Sits down and picks the peppers off of the pizza*
*4 Mafia goons burst out of the back room, pin you against the wall, and take your pizza away*
What the hell is going on here!?
>Ay mama mia, Dios Mio, by completing your transaction, you agreed-ah not to modify the product! You broke-ah the end-user license agreement and we'll be revoking your pizza and banning you from-ah our shop. Au revoir, amigo!
This is literally what videogame publishers get away with. How can you possibly defend this?
As with Roseanne and ~*Megyn Kelly*~ it was for a variety of other reasons why Poppa Kraut was bounced.
When it's a blatantly moronic reason that you publicize, it must be even more ridiculous what the other reasons they might have were.
I worked for him for 2 years. Always could tell he was based
You must have ordered from a franchise store or a really poorly ran cooporate.
Wife is a PJ General Manager. Best Pizza you can get.
chain pizza sucks dick anyway who cares
Yes and no. He is free to say that and customers are free to get pizza other places. Even if he said some racial shit he's welcome to think that but as a businessman he should have known better than to say that shit out loud. Their pizza was shit anyway, remark or no remark
Why TF is Papa Johns sauce always so sweet and sugary? No other pizza company has sauce anything like yours, theirs tastes remotely tomato-like?
QRD on Papa Johns? Their website is garbage they don't really say what's going on
Except he said it in the context of talking about how not to offend customers. The (((ad agency))) recorded the conversation and tried to blackmail him. He wouldn't pay, which is why they leaked him saying the word nigger. Don't be a faggot.
I see it all the time here though
Fuck off kike
No I wouldn't. Isreal and Palestine just dropped like 300 explosives on eachother and nobody fucking cares.
its really the worst tho.
>retire rich
>wander around mansion singing songs you wrote about dumb niggers
Living the dream.