Jow Forums humor thread

I need a laugh, guys. I'll dump what I have. Memeballs and rare merchants welcome.

Attached: the belgian one.jpg (3508x2480, 743K)

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Attached: chicken.jpg (554x511, 60K)

Attached: balled-up paper.jpg (1200x900, 139K)

Attached: god.jpg (644x598, 55K)

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Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at 20.20.57.png (2870x738, 658K)

Attached: (((white))).png (1000x1300, 598K)

Attached: grey shirt smoked too many marijuanas.gif (446x251, 1.33M)

Attached: just some trees.jpg (380x478, 39K)


Attached: feminine essence.jpg (475x455, 28K)

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Attached: reality.jpg (890x876, 150K)

Attached: words.png (556x628, 69K)

Attached: 1534533780076.png (1473x862, 783K)

Attached: tfw no gf.png (888x876, 517K)

i came here to laugh not to feel

digits. he meant for brown people.

Attached: 5.9.jpg (640x620, 96K)

Attached: bolso salt.jpg (3000x3707, 3.04M)

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Attached: nigga home invasion.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

Attached: do you see it.jpg (673x587, 448K)

Attached: objectively.jpg (500x512, 38K)

Attached: racist_DD.jpg (2150x939, 669K)

Attached: anprim-memeball3.jpg (480x283, 30K)

This guy could make a wicked Xavier cosplay if he's still alive

Attached: feminism daisychain.jpg (640x480, 176K)


Attached: xavier.jpg (1024x765, 64K)

Attached: goals.png (644x598, 111K)

Attached: literaly rape.jpg (900x550, 71K)

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

{{{Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: youngtuckercarlson.jpg (236x241, 22K)

Attached: brits.png (908x1070, 1.3M)

Attached: edom.gif (480x296, 1.65M)

Jow Forums killed a guy not too long ago

Attached: criminal neglicence.jpg (1360x1484, 428K)

Attached: 59kfckucfukd.png (641x416, 770K)


Attached: tfw no gf.png (680x383, 444K)

Attached: Julius.png (484x1864, 470K)

Of course the swede would find this funny

Attached: 876874654342.jpg (501x585, 4K)

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>I need a laugh, guys
Take one step back and look at this place.

Attached: 9.11 memorial.jpg (576x768, 209K)

Attached: 1386317978818.gif (640x350, 547K)

>tfw seen the same memes in this thread for years
>all good oc creators moved to reddit so they could get recognized

Attached: 06E4B32D-5DFB-4D5E-A115-47ECCFF5FBB9.png (500x711, 150K)

Attached: Alphie the White Supremacist Lizard.jpg (492x544, 40K)

What the fuck

I've been here too long. I just realized what this is

so subtle

Just post old memes dude

Attached: 36855C03-D73E-4CF2-8B96-29FC2F39E6A3.gif (320x287, 1.36M)

I was there, nice

Attached: frog27.png (1000x916, 23K)

Attached: 4chan Janitor.png (659x434, 63K)

Good pasta


Attached: 4C799417-69AF-4E0A-A723-9717A1295996.jpg (540x614, 105K)

what game?

I'm a faun, you dork!

Pattern recognition is too good, my IQ has surpassed 6 million


Jesus, what have you done to me Jow Forums? I now see merchants everywhere and on everything.

Romania not even once.

no, just no

Is it just me, or are Jow Forums threads about as funny as post-cancer /b/?

Attached: Kindr danger.jpg (1280x720, 202K)

Attached: side by side.png (1291x1600, 2.58M)

>4.141 Thousand dead
>Not 6 Gorillion

Holy fucking shit lost!

2/3rds isn't bad. D's get degrees and all.

Attached: 1515290335621.jpg (960x671, 146K)

Attached: 250px-ShadowPresidentBoxArt.jpg (250x250, 15K)

>tfw no qt belgian bf

Attached: 1540195324699.gif (305x320, 890K)

I see it.

Attached: 1513984638835.gif (495x283, 275K)

The stars and two dots I got right away, but the balled up paper took a minute admittedly.

Attached: Pepe.jpg (400x510, 25K)

How is a Jow Forums humor thread this dead?

Attached: 7325a8a495e4c3eaf7724ad9ffdfb6685b54ad23e664796c0f675ce3f853b319.png (640x400, 24K)

Attached: fe1654361f6bc020a8c8112138633799532f72a1fd0179014b33befac7f4b945.jpg (370x257, 31K)

Attached: 1440988449792.jpg (825x1195, 308K)

The hell did I just see?

Pure Coincidence!

It's supposed to say "glitter"

Attached: ay597a934c.jpg (1514x1009, 150K)


Attached: Average Leaf Poster.png (1080x700, 1.08M)

why do they want in if it's so bad?

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Attached: 1508107446909.jpg (720x540, 78K)

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Attached: 1514772730938.gif (324x282, 2M)

>That dog can hunt

Attached: 1541375589661.jpg (266x389, 41K)

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Attached: f44.png (635x1600, 1.74M)

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Attached: 1535244090103.jpg (463x626, 61K)

Attached: 1417492965353.png (649x427, 304K)

They moved to other chans as Jow Forumsbecome reddit you retard not the other way around

They used to be really funny and really racist now it's a watered down reddit version of it.

I need to quit this fucking board

'All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead.'

How is such a thing even possible?

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Attached: 6f6057f14c1f94ebeba5fd7d3f04a254.jpg (2048x1024, 131K)

reads like a trump tweet desu