Republicans suffer worst midterm defeats in a CENTURY

AHAHAHAHA!!! How's that RED WAVE workin' out for ya, Jow Forums?

>Trump suffered the worst midterm loss in a century, says JP Morgan

>...JP Morgan Asset and Wealth Management’s Michael Cembalest took a look at the vote results (pdf). Adjusted for the strength of the economy, he says they represent the worst performance for a president’s party since 1918...

>“There have been large midterm swings before, but usually when markets were bad, when the economy was bad, or both,” Cembalest writes. “The chart tells the story: midterm House seats lost since 1910 are shown alongside changes in inflation, employment, equity markets and home prices. Based on the hand the GOP started with, they should probably have been able to retain the House. Sometimes, however, money can’t buy you love.”...

>You can also see in the chart that voters respond to more than simply economic fundamentals—see 1994 or 2006. But it’s surprising to see a loss of more than 30 seats at a time when economic indicators suggest boom times.

Trump shat the bed in the midterms despite having the best "fundamentals" for victory in a long time. This is an established fact according to the data. /po;/ will defend this.

Attached: Chart.jpg (574x517, 57K)

Stop we are already dead

Imagine having to manipulate statistics so hard just to try and make a pathetic attempt at making Trump look bad at the mid-terms even though the Republicans lost fewer seats than most in history.

I mean, I don't know what this is supposed to be. That all of the Republican's critics are morons because the economy is doing great, perhaps?

>adjusted by our magic numbers ORANGE MAN PROVEN BAD

>painting the bullseye around the arrow

The best increase in senate seats in 100 years. You win some you lose some. Moron.

>2010 midterms
>democrats lose a lot of seats in congress
>retarded republicans think that this means Obama is screwed come 2012 election
>prop up Romney as their golden boy to defeat King Nigger in le epic landslide victory
>ends up losing 2012 like the smug losers they are

I know you guys are stupid, but holy shit.

>Adjusted for the strength of the economy
Kek. So those numbers are meaningless then.

Attached: 5A72Jmz5STqVQeK8.png (755x943, 722K)

Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

Bush gained 2 senate seats during his first midterms in 2002. But unlike Trump, Bush also MAINTAINED control of the House.

Hmm, I wonder what event in 2001 caused Republicans to maintain control of the House in the next cycle?

Perhaps it could have had to do with something about 9/11 and being at war.

>if we use this one metric I came up with specifically to make drumpf look bad, drumpf looks bad

For blatant cheating they did pretty horribly.

I'm not sure what you're implying here. Both parties condemned the September 11 attacks. I doubt it benefited one party over another. That was more of a "national unity" moment than one of political division.

Attached: - Beginning of Afghanistan war.png (1414x890, 377K)

Attached: SAGE.png (1156x2031, 290K)

that's the point. both parties condemned it so people were okay allowing repubs keeping it since citizens wanted it.

>Adjusted for the strength of the economy
for real, this is incredibly dishonest
the current economy has a lot to do with Trump's policies

This. It's just jews fucking with the numbers and manipulating the facts. Situation normal. I'd be more surprised if they hadn't done this by now.

That's what happens when the media tries to rig elections