BRIT/pol/ 2: revolt boogaloo

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I'm joining.

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Goddamn if true.

So is this sharia mob? Or bong antifa?

Damn, this could turn into something big. Nice! Go after the grooming gangs. Fuck them.

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Fucking uprising ! join your local. get organized and stop crime

If they go hard enough you know we are gonna join in

Here's a link to the previous thread

Request in last thread answered.

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Would you like to see Britannia rule again ?

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Angry Goy 3- Revenge of The Bong edition


Take notes britboys.

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mien sides

If already joined .
>proud member of CID anti terrorism unite

Nice. Let's see how this turns out.

havent they banned shells, screwdrivers, and other tools in bongland? We'll need to find another way to fuel the fight of our anglo-saxon friends

Are brain damaged philosemites amazing?

>White couple pissed off at shitty lazy police
>Start a group patrolling streets
>Group reduces street crime and popularity sees it grow to 400
>Some members accused of violent vigilante justice
>MSM blows this all out of proportion (as per usual with anything to do with white people
>People sort of like the idea of vigilantism after decades of shitty police letting shits run our streets
>Begins to grow rapidly doubles and then trebles in size over night
>Ranks filling up with people tired of the shit and looking for vengence
>Inspires other groups to start up across UK as MSM manages to blow even this out of proportion

And this is all happening at a time when Brits are absolutely pissed off with our government and the police don't have the resources to handle it if it escalates.
A worrying eye is also being cast across the Irish sea towards Northern Island.

I'll watch out for any spooks on my way.

What did mogg do? Why is it trendy to hate him now?

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With memes?

nothing nicer than a quick game of tickle-willy between two heterosexual men

Keep up Gods work Boys

George Soros.
He was probably behind the smearing of Corbyn too (Corbyn is anti EU).

We can buy shotguns...

*sighs in british.
Protip moran: wanna know where you have to get shotgun shells from?
>a shop that sells shotguns

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>When your police are shitty and incompetent, but you still live in a nightmare police state, but you realize the police are shitty and incompetent and if they can't stop the roving gangs of violent muds they won't be able to stop you either, so you and 400 of your white neighbours make a vigilante group which then swells to 1500 overnight because it's a really good idea, eventually forming a massive army that forcefully removes kebab, drags Teresa May out of parliament and publicly hangs her for treason, then tell the EU to get fucked and you're not giving them ANY money and hard Brexit, and once everyone realized the government is useless and took things into your own hands things got done and your lives were much better.

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Nice idea. But I’m pretty sure if you have access to shotgun shells, you’ll have access to a real shotgun.

i hope it happens in every city in the uk
since the police and govt cover up pedo rape gangs they should be ashamed

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guy u dont even have a mcdonalds

IRA thot detected.
Requesting immediate UDF waifu response!

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The Capitalists don't stand a chance.

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dont need a loicence in england to get shells, only the gun

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FUCK wrong one lads.

based and redpilled Anarcho-Capitalism for Britain

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U wot m8. hahahahahahhahaahhha

how do repat laws work in britain, im 3rd gen, can i come home?

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nice if you can afford it

Thats.... who thought that up? I mean, I'm sure any bong who wants to arm themselves is very grateful but still.

Yeah, buy a crapton of shotgun shells and make your own shotty.

Yea, but are they Mussies doing Sharia patrol, or are they Bongs moving to take things back?

Sorry we're full at the moment

I had no idea.

kek should do a meme ball for Westiminster
>when your grip on power depends solely on an ever expanding police state, so you dedicate resources to policing thought and speech resulting in rapidly increasing crime, meaning you have to dedicate even more resources to police the increasing resentment at the government to the point where you've no one left to police the streets and the void is filled by angry vigilante groups who rapidly gain in popularity and you don't have any one left to stop it escalating to the point where they kick you out of power.

Might need some work

>not understanding everything will be higher quality and dirt cheap
Read Hoppe

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No but they got some badass old forts that you can now pet dolphins in

Is that a real life mutt?

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prolly true. wouldnt want to take a spot away from a potential asian or african immigrant

That would be illegal canada bro

?im 100percent english

No, in the pic you posted.

Not true. On your SGC it will say how many shells you are allowed to purchase at anyone time.

oh, just a random pic lol, but prolly

do i get bonus points for moving back if my great granpa fought in the british first army?

police are selective on who gets their attention

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That looks fun, what game is it?

Hoi4, it's good.

you can be gifted shells to by a shot gun certificate holder too. all legal

This is great. Too bad the "national leadership" won't let them stop immigrant flows into the nation.

rare (for me anyway)
There's groups popping up all over UK, because the media have basically acted like the best advert for it by trying to scare people. Some groups are just larps, but others are the real deal.

*about how many you can store. You dont need a certificate to purchase them

I honestly have no clue but I read up a little and found this. You’d probably have a good case since your in a commonwealth country and have family connections.

Thought shotgun shells you can buy as many as you want provided you show your licence at the till. Rifle ammo is restricted to the amount per the loicence.

Option B: buy blank shells, casings and a loading press.

>*teleports into your cabinet*

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Oh, it’s actually called the file name. Ok, cool. Cheers commie. You can die last.

You don't own a shotgun do you, the reason I can tell is because on your SCG it says how many you can buy. You've got it the wrong way around, you need a SCG to buy, but not to store. This is because a lot of people find shells when renovating old houses (particularly in the country).

Larping as Mosley is probably the best thing in the game.

If you're going to go that far might as well set up a mini forge and make your own casings, make gunpowder out of fertilizer. It's a bit more work but the gobermint doesn't know you're making ammo.

Good lad

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See the white light, the light within
Be your own disciple
Fan the sparks of will
For all of us waiting
Our kingdom will come

This is how the Great British Liberty War started. We are now witnessing history in the making.

Attached: KingdomCome.gif (397x212, 1.05M)

Used to be the case, but then that nutcase went on a rampage with a shotgun so they restricted the amount.
However depends when your SCG was issued as some of the older ones don't have it on there, so technically you can buy as many as you want but this is a grey area and I wouldn't do anything that gives the police an excuse to revoke your cert.

> Owen Jones makes a video about muh right wing thugs,

Can any of you lads give me a quick rundown on the current state of Brexit?

>The PDSA Gold Medal is an animal bravery award

>In July 2010 a dog named Oi received the medal for protecting its owners from a machete attack

>Oi Was A Staffordshire Bull Terrier who saved her owners' lives by fighting off a gang of four machete-wielding assailants.

>Calling your dog Oi

It doesn't specify what happened but you know full well it was the dogs name that caused the incident "Oi, come here!"

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Unironically cancelled.

Always tends to be the case, Commies strike first and then cry innocence.

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brexit has been cancelled


Bird? Round my neck of the woods, drove past his house today

Yeah May fessed up in a press conference saying it's this or no brexit at all. That's why everyone is going mental.
This deal doesn't have the votes to get through commons, which I suspect was her intention all along.


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I genuinely believe in years to come people will look back at Theresa May and look in awe at her sheer will and determination throughout this absolute nightmare mode in British politics. Tony Blair and even Thatcher would have given up by now. Her resolve is almost superhuman

>actually an australian larping as a brit because my internet provider is so shit they put my IP on the other side of the world

It's just neighborhood watch that will walk patrols and schedule escorts to walk women and the elderly to appointments

They should be training in medieval weapons and making knight's tabards from bed sheets and red paint

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What the actual fuck!!!
Blair would've just ignored the referendum result so right there.
Thatcher was adamantly opposed to any political union from the very start.
May deliberately wasted time so there wasn't any chance of renegotiating a shitty deal, the only purpose of which was to give her an excuse to cancel Brexit and blame it on us.

wtf is that, an autistic mayan/abo crossbreed?


>Thatcher was adamantly opposed to any political union from the very start.

Wrong btw, in the early 80s Thatcher was pro-European and passed the Single European Act, the progenitor to Schengen and Maastrict.

>the only purpose of which was to give her an excuse to cancel Brexit and blame it on us.

I can't really argue against these conspiracy theories t b h

like you americans are doing any to stop the caravan from entering california pathetic

>bed sheets and red paint

Typical orc mutt, I suppose they should paint the flaming eye of the dark lord on there too, BEGONE TO THE SHADOWS YOU FILTHY MAGGOT

No Thatcher was angry and is on record saying she felt she had been mislead during talks with EEC and even predicted the EU.
She refused the monetary union part of the Maastricht Treaty, else would would've had the euro, and openly criticised it. This is why Soros shorted the pound out of spite.

I have done nothing but talk to you guys on here hoping to inspire a response to the subhumans in your country nearly thinking it was futile. Just wanted to say great work.

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No Muhammad the Knights Crusader cross because it is time for Crusade and to defend England

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Grab the rolling pins! Cricket mallets! Wrenches and hammers!
All our best weapons!!!
Let's go!!!!