I married into a wealthy Jewish family

I married into a wealthy Jewish family.

>first born child dies at birth under mysterious circumstances.

>rabbi from a local reform synagogue shows up and offers a free burial plot

>but rabbi you guys dont bury still borns...

>Times are a changing goy, we do this for your wife and her poor broken heart.

>years pass and later stumble onto claims jews eat babies. NAAAAH cant be true

>Kicked out of countries multiple times for eating babies and children ..........

so how can I tell if my first born was eaten and or killed by Jews? If this happened I will not let it pass but I need to know more before I act.

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you have to ask.....

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Demand to see the remains.

They definitely used your child for stem cells and blood.

I'm obviously in the dark on this topic and the information is NOT readily available. Honor my trips faggot.

It would be difficult to exhume the body but maybe that is necessary.

The rumours state they consumed gentile children, not their own. If you are going to LARP at least stick to the underlying story.

From my own research that I am doing at this moment I have learned that it is extremely against Judaism to exhume a body. How convenient...

dig up the burial plot and see if there's an x years decomposed baby in it


He didn’t bury it, he sold its organs.

Stupid post.

I am a gentile but the mother is a jew. That would mean the child is a jew by their lore so is it fair to say that means the baby would be safe from cannibalism? I am not larping.

This might be the only way. I may just crash the gate with a bobcat and deal with the consequences if I can not think of anything better or If I am not certain it didn't happen.

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I think your trips are all the proof you need. I’m case you are still on the fence he’s a photo of a kike sucking blood from a babies dick.

Don’t throw away your life OP. What is a better way to avenge your child? Kill random vampire Jews, or joining us to destroy the lot of them?

Don’t throw away your life.

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how long has it been since the death?

Judaism is the most disgusting religion on planet earth bar none

join who? I live in Canada. The most right wing people I know other then myself are my jewish inlaws.

Us on Jow Forums. You cannot best the Jew with violence. You must use his own weapon against his which is public opinion. We are creating a world full of counter semitism. Most of gen z hero’s are closer counter semites. The real holocaust is approaching.

Pewdiepie is counter Semitic, the creator of Minecraft is counter Semitic, trump is counter Semitic.

We are shaking off the shackles.

5 years and six weeks.

Where is the mother. Why did her Jewish family approve?

Probably Made good boloney

>counter semitic

Jewish fathers fuck their daughters. This is a known fact. She’s a freak in the sack isn’t she OP?

Shellacked, brother, shellacked.

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Must hurt you daily to know your parents mutilated your dick for your kike overlords then huh

dang, it would be really hard to prove that man. Just keep an eye on the children you have now around those jews man, i dont trust them

sounds like a larp to me. Who has Jow Forums ever beat? shia labuf? Jessie slaughter and her dad?

this reeks of datamining , why would you come onto the altrightwing leading board to destroy all subhumans and tell us about your degenerate ways of having a child with the enemy? 0/10 kys

Hillary Clinton

Lol wrong on all 3 counts.

Being anti-sjw and msm hit pieces doesn't mean any of the 3 have considered the 'JQ'.

Trump particularly is laughable, he lets Kushner run half the white house for fuck sake.

The rabbi was just kissing up.

This is why they circumcize the goyim

Yes it does. That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to counter semitism.

Hey your the faggot who let jews kill your firstborn. I don’t need to take advice from a retard like you.

Also we ordered some air strikes on Syria. NBD :^)

>pewdiepie is about as anti Semitic as chef boyarde.

>minecraft creator is a hard core sjw sweedish style.

>Trump... Trump has actually been a role model of mine since I was very young in the early 90s. Part of the reason why I know so many jews is because I copy Trump a bit to much due to my subconscious choices influenced by my childhood idolatry of him. Trump is down with the jews and always has been. Oddly enough I have never seen the reality show where he says "your fired"

The mother is still by my side, extremely loyal and hard working. He parents are social outcasts to other jews, very right wing, outspoken on soros, fox news power level however. They approved of me not until the last three years it was a hard sell but they where polite from the start now I can tell they see me as family.

No actually shes the least wild lover I have ever had but somehow our relationship is the most stable. I have seen her and her father interact, they do not fuck. I've trained her to give wicked head though over the years however.

if i exhume the body though even in five years it should be possible to tell if it was even partially consumed maybe? or is it down to a skeleton now? Jews do not embalm.

Ok this thread is full of kikes like yourself.

I’m calling it a slide thread. Enjoy the indictments baby dick sucker the world is starting to hate you :^)

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trust in the digits user...

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You’re a kike and this is a slide thread go fuck yourself baby dick sucker

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I, a Jew, laugh my ass off whenever I go on this forum, it's like looking at zoo animals from outside the glass.

Some of you morons actually take the memes and JPGs posted here seriously, that thought is the funniest. You think Jow Forums, an anime board, holds the truth that people are too stupid to see? Talk about delusion.

I've told my Jewish friends to go on here when they need to laugh at pure idiocy. The fact you quote fake verses from the Talmud is especially lulzy, it shows you don't even fact check your info.

Thanks for the good times pol, please keep being you, and us Jews will keep laughing.

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a baby doesnt need a bobcat
you just need a hand shovel
when you dont find anything, or find nothing but a dead cat in its place, well you know what to do
you will want to have video evidence

kike detected
you can smell the fear

Jew took my foreskin. I find it hard to forgive

being block from replying.

what does your heart tell you?

We have beaten every alphabet soup agency in the actual intel game for like a decade.
We were so good they became us, but you don't see anyone here paying lip service to them do you?
No, they grafted onto us and hide as us. We are that good.

I've heard the word goyim is kind of like the word barbarian, is that true?
Just everyone who isn't from where you are with the same negative associations

lmao, add another paragraph or 2 to that and we have the new Navy Seal pasta.

>kike triggered by goyim knowing about the crimes of his people
Lol, you faggots are so fake and two-faced. You view all non-Jews as zoo animals, not only us autists on Jow Forums.

Nice copy pasta faggot.

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With an enormous IF, if something nefarious happened then they swapped your legitimate Jew baby for a rich Jew family's genetically defective still born child. They can clean up their defective genetic line without the stigma of everyone knowing the child is half goy. If I were an inbred wealthy Jew whose kids were all born fucked up and even my own seed was defective and I needed an heir as all my siblings kids were screwed up too I would adopt. So if what I said is true then it would have to be people who could not do an above board adoption. This is a highly unlikely scenario, I just like to see the evil in Jews in text.

Reform are not Jews
They do bar mitzvah for dogs ffs it's larping goyim

It's time to see Rosmary's Baby, OP.

pray for that poor boy

You can't just ask or they'll fake it, you gotta dig it up yourself in the middle of the night during a rainstorm.

They are as legit as any other jew. You have no Temple, no covenant and no Ark in the Temple. No proper blood sacrificing and so on and so on. All jews are larping and have been for more than 2500 years.

If he was then he was being a very kind person. It made things a lot less difficult for my wife and at great cost to his Jewish community. It was my cynical disbelieve that anyone could be so kind that first brought my mind to think of alternative reasons and to my horror found the legacy of cannibalism.

Id like to see some literature on this

Im not giving any advice but plaintively asking for information.

Unironically this, unfortunately.
Or, what you could do, if you can afford it, which it sounds like you can, is wait (yes.. don't uh.. force things, but wait.. this part is key) for the next family death over which you have some control over burial arrangements. Ensure the recently departed is buried elsewhere in a newly purchased family plot of your choosing, at which point you have a reasonable justification for having your firstborn's corpse exhumed. Oh and also you're gonna need a trustworthy pathologist ready which might take some doing.

you brought this upon yourself for marrying into a fucking wealthy jewish family, you stupid, godforsaken leaf.

>minecraft creator is a hard core sjw sweedish style.
That's just straight out false.

WOW, and checked

Yes this is evidently the case so please show me the info about Jewish cannibalism so I can look for signs that it is true or false.

Not all "jews" are into that stuff, you are looking for the synagogue of satan, children of Cain

I will check out my assumptions on him.

I have thought about exhuming the body to move it to a private cemetery. It is against jew rules though to exhume. It is also against jew rules to see the body or delay in burying the body for any reason.

I have seen an ark in a reform temple, maybe it was not a legit one?

goyim means "nations" or "nationals". I am always shocked people do not know this. Its literally looking down on a person for being part of a "nation" instead of operating within a nation as a family unit.

Ok so my earnestness at giving you a non-shill benefit of the doubt: falling fast

You have the lingo down reasonably well. If you can bait a leaf into posting bad antisemitic hate stuff, that's maybe "actionable" here. Well bon chance in any case. Hope it was worth it.

My heart says they gave us the burial plot out of kindness or at worst the hopes we would become paying members of the synagogue. If there is a chance they ate my baby I want to now about it. I have heard there is evidence of Jewish cannibalism. I was hoping someone would show me some. I am currently looking for myself while I check this thread and failing.

wut? I have posted the evidence I found. Multiple nation banning for child eating and murder or blood rituals. I want to know more lore behind it for my real life investigation.

No I saw the dead baby come out of the vagina. I took a good look at the corpse.

No way of knowing for sure what happened. Why focus on it? Seems like larping. What snippet could we give you that could help?

A dead baby isnt a jew or gentile its just a dead baby.unless you married a Rothschild i dont see the Rabbi giving a shit

Ever heard of an artist named Francisco Goya? He has some interesting paintings, I wonder what inspired him.


>OP makes up a story
>Jow Forums believes it without any proof because it's negative about jews

>first born child dies at birth under mysterious circumstances
ayyy just remembered that the first born of a Jew man/kiwi lady I know died of cot death and it's always treated as hush hush which doesn't seem to be how people usually deal with that sorta thing.

Unless someone confesses I don't see how you would know.

If anyone had any information I could look for evidence of it. Anything from tools to symbols to claims of how the ritual takes place.

>first born child dies at birth under mysterious circumstances.

care to elaborate ?

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>as a jew I laugh at Jow Forums
the bible says you are a child of satan you kike faggot, laugh at that

Comped mods did THIS to my Trips..
PROOF mods are comped.
Pic related.

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Cannibalism is also a sin in Judiaism if these individuals are willing to violate that why would you assume that they care if the child is jewish?That said convenient reasons to throw out the Jews does not mean they are necessarily true.

In judiaism the human body doesn't actually belong to the human it belongs to God and its sorta like we've loaned our bodies from God. To in any way harm or mutilate that body much less eat it is considered an affront to God as the body is Gods to do with as God pleases not for petty humans to scar.
This is btw why jews are not allowed tattoos or piercing outside the single to each ear for a female. No clue how traditional or non traditional the judiaism of your wife is, but this is basic Jewish theology and has been since the religions beginning.

Watch out, they'll sense you are on to them.

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>but rabbi you guys dont bury still borns
>jew that gives rabis shekels says what?
> stumble onto claims jews eat babies
They drain the blood, they're not animals.

>jew offers something for free
I'm calling bs...

i hate my parents
i hate the kikes
i hate weimerica

>what is Sabbatean Frankism

fuck off kike, you know exactly why.

this shit is too crazy even for \pol
fucking crazy goyim.

>if i exhume the body
enjoy prison
Cellmate: "What are you in for?"
You: "I believed a stupid fucking conspiracy theory I read on the interwebs and dug up my child's grave".
Cellmate: "WTF? Welcome to Bitchville, lil' chump; population: you. Now hand me that lotion."

What do you know about "Blood libel"
Do you know planned Parenthood and NARAL are owned by Jews.

Also look up st.simon of trent

Post pics of your wife's Khazar milkers

Jews can trade children to sacrifice to Moloch they just can't sacrifice their own.

This is written in the Talmud.

So yes Jews can sacrifice Jewish children to Moloch just not their own.

look into the book Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff


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Yes. It does.


it's more anger than hurt though

That is also why tattoos were very common amongst the pagan tribes over the world, and the practice has resurfaced today, formerly only seen amongst certain lower classes associated commonly with criminal activity, such as shipmates.