Any other redpilled rappers?

Any other redpilled rappers?

Tom MacDonald seems pretty good along with Hopsin (even though hes a nigger)

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That guy is cringeworthy. If he was redpilled, he would either abstain from rap entirely or make much better music.

>redpilled rappers

Is that an oxymoron?

Rap "music" is entartete kunst.

what this guy said, also off topic trash. Rap is for niggers and spics. Subhuman music.

/Thread. Rap belongs in Africa.

>rap was invented by white people
not very smart are you

So because someone chooses a different outlet doesnt mean its just for niggers and spics... You can actually understand what hes saying and he isnt just rapping about fast cars and fat bottom bitches..

Bump you niggers

Goddammit- quit imitating niggers. Fucking face tattoos no less. Why the fuck are you even on this board?? YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

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how is it a problem?

>Tom MacDonald
confirmed faggot

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My first 2 sentences pretty much tells you all you need to know.

Upchurch the redneck

Em actually came back around a bit. Still hating on trump a little but his last album was necessary for the hip hop community as a whole. Death to mumble rap, and death to the rap hating faggots here

You're a fucking idiot colonizer

listen to pic related

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The notion of a rap community is funny to me.

Hopsin is an INTJ. He's a sperg who would probably be here on 4chams if it weren't for his unfortunate skin condition. In 'Ill Mind 5' he goes off pretty hard on thotties and niggers.

actually its the gangs , crime, drugs , murders
and many other goodies that are colonizing america

you see it backward

Rap is garbage

> i did a thinga
> uh uh nigs do thingas
> cockbutt dingalinga
> uh uh nigs do thingas
> why you squeeze my charmin?
> uh uh nigs do thingas
Three note diddle
> i dont have to repeat uh
> nilgas walk on feet uh
> i dont have to repat uh
> nilgas walk on feet uh
> uh uh no repeats uh
> on they feet uh

Cant even get a fucking cymbal crash

White people bopping their heads listening to rap is the cringiest of the cringe.

Kys. Triple barrel shot gun style.

> Rap
> Redpilled

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That dude looks like a faggot, looked him up, has a song called politically incorrect, GTFO Tom no one wants your faggot music here

dude I just stumbled on him today, Whiteboy is pretty legit. He obviously doesn’t give a fuck about the mainstream but raps good. really nice push of the overton window.

Everybody Hates Me for something or makes something up when its for nothing.

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Always on that BLAH BLAH Yall should keep it to yourselves.

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Where’s that funny copy pasta about this dood

Three note diddle kek

Rap was invented by Europeans

Shakespear's playswere written in Iambic Pentameter, which is the same structure ALL rap is built on.

enjoy the new redpill faggots

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Can't read his ski mask? Is that a maga ski mask?

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looks like it, niggerish wigger. Fucking shoot em' already.

Make America Hate Again

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Everybody Hates Me .... Dude is clownin all yall.

Thanks, just curious, but not curious enough to listen to it

"Yo, JaMarcus- gimme backs muh Shakesphere collection, nigga."

GTFO with your justifying degenerate garbage, jackass faggot negro.

Listen once and actually listen to his words. It defines social media culture, and it aint pretty. All victims turn out to be the true victimizers.

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>hair braids
>smokes weed
yeah he snorts red pills alright

Can confirm. He even outs the jew.
Song is called hillbilly

so are you saying he's based?

How many meanings does that word have here? If by based you mean speak the absolute truth about others with no fear of consequence then yes.

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No rapper is red pilled, anyone that acts and talks like this is a retard. Any white dude that lowers himself to that level of faggotry is trash.

Iamjakehill definitely lurks here


based and redpilled

Fucking leaf.

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Choose one, nigger.


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His songs politically incorrect and exposure are pretty good desu
Check out Chris Webby

2pac was originally 2piece before they Juice influence

Mr bond

Lyrically not terrible, songs were ok but a lot of variation, I don't listen to much rap, I like Aesop rock and cage, shit like that but he is much better than I expected, looked like a faggot mumble rapper

Meant not a lot of variation, most of it sounds the same
I like this chick and Kool Keith

He is a bridge over just like Upchuch that appeals to young conservative males, and the occasional dixie nigger Tom. The true rap critic community accepts Macdonald because he is true to the "art" form itself. I am Death punch or Metal so I found it interesting I could actually give him a try.

Yeah, I could see me listening to a song or two here or there from him, it's not bad, I am pretty specific when it comes to the rap I'll listen to though, I'm mostly into classical and alternative or metal, but I'll throw a couple songs on a playlist and see if it grows on me, even if it didn't at least he has some substance to his words

Fuck rap. Fuck you.

>no bones

bones is friends with sam hyde, refuses to sign to any label, has a super chad white brother with 2 proud white children, extremely versatile not only raps but can sing as well, talks a lot about the struggles of midwestern 'white trash'

hopsin and tom macdonald suck

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Ok Tom we listened to your music. Lyrics are good but rap is shit.

Take the track "If I change" I don't like the first 2 minutes but then it just takes a drastic turn in tone and message.

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Lol not Tom I figured someone would say this after I made the post kinda surprised this got as many replies.

I checked out the rappers listed and not bad desu.

Agreed completely ill mind 5 is my favorite of his ill minds also his newer one talking shit about his baby momma is hilarious

Guys need to stop dismissing rappers who spread the actual truth any medium aslong as it conveys the message is good in my book... And if it even redpills 1 nigger or wigger then thats a win.

So you are Juden researching to see if your slave is producing shekels.

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Also Hopsin is literally against everything Jow Forums is degeneracy, drugs,media,hollywood. If it wasnt for the race mixing then wed say hes /ournigger/

Hopsin drops a lot of redpills, even if he is just complaining.

Oy Vei anti-semit

this, I agree its all degenerate and based in primitive nigger beats, but its a huge part of youth culture and american culture, you don't have to like it but its important to not shut it out completely like a total sperg to be able to connect to normies

im sure some wingnats will blow me up for thi

Tom has impressed me with the promotion of knowledge that they are convincing followers to destroy your own minds and bodies.

I stated a description how is that anti anything?

White boy, politically incorrect and everybody hates me are based as fuck.

Just a joke bro lighten up a bit

Yep its not the 50s any more we gotta adjust to whats influencing the masses I think thats the biggest thing holding back the republican party and "alt-right" mind set currently.

You can only walk halfway into the woods

Also in "White Boy" Tom literally names the Jew at 3:05

Wow I can't believe that no one has said Mr. Bond, one of the only actually red pilled rappers, everyone here is just saying wiggers.

Ill have to check it out got a link to a good song ?


All rap is for niggers. Kill yourself, mutt.

Grant McDonald is fucking killing it

I like it... Not so much the beat and feels kinda bland but the lyrics are good

You can find a few decent Kanye west songs.
Untralight beam, Ye vs the people and violent crimes are pretty good.
Still have some ooga booga aspect to it though.
Also the first half of “I’m not racist” is redpilled. Just end the song after the white guy stops, the rest is lefty rebutting, and going second when there’s only 1 round each, clearly gives an advantage when it comes to debate, which is what that song essentially is.

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Rap and redpilled do not go together dude.

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The replies to this post and the different artist that have been shared seem to beg to differ..

it may not be the norm but it is starting to happen..

One last bump

I can never imagine anyone who listens to rap has any ounce of love for what it means to be white; fuck rap.


Imagine being this much of a faggot

I mean hes a leaf...

day of the rake...

although fuck em...

Are you surprised a leaf is a major negrophile faggot?

He looks Canadian


Saw this on my jewtube (((recommended))) videos and its aight I guess but his other stuff seems like trash

You have no idea how bad it is.

>everything created by white people is inherently good
I, i have no words.

lol this peanut head way of thinking and categorizing mediums of expression is the real cringe. Substance over form you fucking retards.

(((white people)))

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Ah good to see someone agrees with me!