

Michael Avenatti’s law firm has been evicted from its building after failing to pay rent and losing a final appeal.

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Hope trump jr refuses his boxing match.

>appealing paying your rent
This pasta nigger has got to have some jew blood in him

He is in the process of moving his office, and the firm he was renting from would not honor the terms of the rental agreement.

red pill me on avenatii

fagenutti is well and truly fucked
he also owes millions to his former law partner, as well as millions to irs, when he gets convicted of felony he will lose his law license
hes totally fucked

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To clarify: He was paying his rent for his office. He moved to a bigger office and the firm he was renting the first office from was supposed to allow him to terminate his lease according to their agreement. But the landlord firm would not honor their written agreement so he stopped paying.

dont even bother dude, by the time you get up and running on fagenutti and able to help destroy him it will already be done. by this time next year fagenutti will be washing your windscreen at a stoplight for spare change

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Just like how his ex wife didn't "agree to the terms"

Perhaps she didn't. He is a lawyer you know, I'm sure that he has a very good understanding of any of the contracts and agreements that he is involved in.

whats the address of his new and "bigger" office, dont forgot to provide address of his old office

isn't stormy broke now too? She'll be sued for millions by Trump for breaking her agreement.


...like taking on a client that has and continues to violate a non disclourse agreement, thinking it a slam dunk?
This guy is an idiot, a coke head, and a wife beater.
Find a better hero kid

Damn, now he HAS to run for president, how else will he get out of this mess?

dude you must be trolling at this point
hes done man, its over, hes completely ruined a la leBeouf, no one is ever going to take him seriously again, hes all washed up
if i was a avenutti supporter i would npow be embarassed, like many are, and everyone who ever had anything good to say about him are quickly regretting it, and slinking back into the woodwork
its so bad you couldnt even make it up, the latest news is that it was a man who reported the "domestic assault" .. we know it wasnt his ex wife, so its probably a hooker or a tranny, memes like this write themselves
avenutti is finished
if your smart, and dont want to be laughed out of the room along with him you'll stop pretending that he was ever anyhting but an ambulance chasing jack-ass

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That's your argument? Laughable

More likely we are talking to CPL right now

no trump is not countersuieng for breach of NDA, he already bankrupted her with his attorneys fees, so his legal team wisely told him not too bother, because (1) she has no money left (2) it would only give the story more oxygen

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What was the charged with?

If convicted, loses gun rights. Huehuehue.

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He's not my hero and I bet I'm older than you. Bone up on your skills pal, they're sad.

>4 posts by this ID
Michael just go to bed

no, thats your arguement, you made it, so prove it

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Laughed out of the room by Canadians? That's not even possible.

>5 posts by this creepy porn lawyer

Mike, get some sleep, its gonna be another long day tomorow.

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What difference does the number of posts make? Did you just make that barometer up yourself? What an idiot

Stop making me fap to people I hate!!!

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He’s a big guy...

Could this guy honestly be any more of a fucking scum bag? His morality is demon tier.

Go back to your bacon asswipe

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>8 posts by this wife beater

little mikey havin a meltdown on Jow Forums

status: in custody ....

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He's just a typical kike lawyer you'd want on your side of you woke up in jail after a dui. It's the media's fault for giving him a platform

>four months in rent — more than $213,000 total
yikes and oof.

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When the jew gets jewed

Can I sue to not pay rent or is that reserved for members of the elite pedophile cult?

>your honor, the car did consent to beinging driven drunk. How can you hold my client responsible for the wishes of the automobile?

He could be a descendant of Butch from the Little Rascals.

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This is accurate. Washington Examiner is part of Trumpkins buttlicker.

He’s moving into a bigger office facing Central Park.

Third rate indeed.


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>Kavanaugh is probably guilty
>Avenatti is a friend of the show, and we need to wait for all the facts to come out

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That fag isn’t nearly as big as he talks. Average height/weight and all mouth.

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