If they knew there'd be so many school shootings, would they still create the 2nd amendment?

If they knew there'd be so many school shootings, would they still create the 2nd amendment?

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Use, for example the Puritans used to mandate that there be at least one armed man perform sentry duty during church service. Most virginia gentlemen felt naked without a sword on their person.

>40000 traffic fatalities per year

They would have prevented public schools.

Children didn’t go to (((schools))) back then. Get in the oven kike.

Shill, gun homicide is minuscule compared to all other deaths.

Beat me to it

NH has that law still. It was to make sure that people could defend themselves against an Indian attack. To protect against America Indians, not poop-in-the-street Indians.

they'd probably yell at you for forcing all kids to attend school

>NH has that law still.

answer me honestly, what does that at all have to do with the OP question.
>without whataboutisms
it's not related, there were no cars during the drafting of the declaration of independence, neither was there mass opiate killings or the suicide rate that you see today, can you at least try to engage the discussion without your retarded askew tangents?

That doesn't invalid the concern. You don't say that since Bob robbed 19 banks so the you ignore Bill who only robbed two

What does that mean?

This. Public schools should be abolished and the whole system decentralized. Multiple small school.


Mind you I'm pro gun. But I think these sorts of arguments are completely retarded, (because of the rates of SIDS I can own a gun!) fucking retarded, try harder than that.

You whining shitbags think licking assholes is cool... why in the fuck would anyone listen to you creeps about guns

this here, public schools were not anywhere on their map

America, the great experiment.
I don't think they foresaw all of the issues that multiculturalism would have caused. They probably counted on white people to remain racist.
>but school shooters are white
Most of today's maladies affecting white kids can be directly attributed to multiculturalism.


yes all of your problems are caused by brown people, you can go to sleep now.

they didn't foresee their descendants forced integration with freed slaves and the influx of highly addictive cartel drugs. they thought we would farm and raise farm animals and fend off indians.

not live in fear of niggers, drug addicts and schools full of their kids and the effects of all of that.

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Yes, and they would tell us we fucked it all up by lowing the voting threshold.

literally fucking pathetic.

Most mas shootings are false flags of a tyrannous government hellbent on disarming a law abiding citizenry. I’d say they’d be convinced of its foresight and wisdom.

Yes, and I'm pretty sure the foresaw repeating firearms as the puckle gun had been invented by that time. They were smart and understood that technology advances.

This, Anglo America resisted the Germanization of America. This especially included the Prussian school systems being brought here. They slaughtered the Hessians on Christmas to show they wouldn't put up with their zombie attitude toward war.

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Quiet down Nigger Boy the White Men are talking

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They touch on this.

One said that if someone goes and shoots 5 people in public, the only person that can stop them is another person with a firearm, and the law won't stop that original person from finding his own.

I'm amazed at how little Americans know about their own history.


Actually, I think their first question would be “wait, who the fuck added this shit about niggers and women voting?”

The Northwest Ordinace mandated public schools, some of them were very much in favor.

And to add,

This same argument applies today equally well and is irrefutable.

yeah this is a 'white people' issue. gotcha. I'm white myself and I think that blaming minorities for something like this is very retarded, I think that you're retarded for even viewing this as a race issue. bassically shut the fuck up, stop talking to someone who's higher IQ than you are.

yes, they would be appalled by how lazy and weak our society had become that a fucking child could bring a man's weapon into a school unchecked

there are many factors but you main basic problem to all common white men , women and children in America , are niggers.

you may think not but you don't look up crime statistics either cause you're too busy being a douche.

have that iq you speak of faggot

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>false flags

You need to remove your tin foil hat and join us in the real world buddy.

If they knew what was going to happen they would have banned Jews, banned Cia type organizations, banned forgeign interventions

Only slaves can't own guns.

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Crime statistics speak for themselves, has nothing to do with mass shootings. the average white person in America does not rub shoulders with a black person enough to want to shoot up a school, try again. niggers are the at the bottom of the barrel of this sort of event. unless you mean they shoot way more people than whites do in which case I agree with you. but I know that's not what you mean, you just want a catch all scapegoat.

They knew, and they still created it, for the best reason: Freedom from Tyranny.

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Yeah sc did that after (((Dylan Roof))), the guards are undercover although

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has a lot to do with the OP thank you.

best post in the fucking thread

>answer me honestly, what does that at all have to do with the OP question.
I think they were very clear on the concept of firearms, and it is IRRELEVANT to the amount/lack of babies being killed.

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Yes, they would.

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>If they knew there'd be so many school shootings, would they still create the 2nd amendment?
Yes, because they knew the people's rights were not subject to other people abusing those rights.

Besides, the second amendment doesn't grant people firearm rights. It protects rights they already have.

>1 post by this ID
Oh, you're a shill.

okay then we're talking about something unrelated and different than the OP you just want to racebait.

I believe they would ask, "With all this fucking lit firepower, why haven't you taken England yet?"

>okay then we're talking about something unrelated and different than the OP you just want to racebait.
I am talking about
>If they knew there'd be so many school shootings, would they still create the 2nd amendment?
I provided you a photographic example of what their expectations of the 2nd amendment were. There is nothing "race baiting" about it. The right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with school shootings. It is irrelevant. Our founding fathers would have scoffed at the idea of large scale public schools, and if there was a problem, they would have had the local townsfolk deal with the perpetrator of such a crime. There wouldn't be a trial.

Also, all of the students in any local school house would have been trained and quite possibly armed in the first place.

okay nigger I'm done talking to you you've already shown your colors. the issue is with brown people and not with what they had in mind in the constitution gotcha. you can stop replying to me now.

You're a fucking idiot

If they knew the children were taught with niggers, subjected to sexual-perversion indoctrination, taught that they man evolved from monkeys and pond-scum, and heard the rap-music they have to hear, then not only would the founding fathers still support the 2nd Amendment, they'd write a another one to prohibit the government from ever getting involved in the education business.

Why didn't we have all these school shootings in the first three quarters of the 20th century?

>the issue is with brown people and not with what they had in mind in the constitution gotcha.
I have said nothing about any race creed or belief system. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with that, or school shootings or random violence. The right to keep and bear arms is for all. You are making it a race issue, and doing a terrible job about it. You aren't that good of a troll.

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They created it because they predicted schoolshootings

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>You should only go after Bill because the media says so - Bob isn't even a big deal.

Try harder next time.

There were school shootings back then too. It's not a new thing.