Medicare For All

2020 election issue right here. This is the war worth fighting.

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HeliCare TM for all commies

didn't the official plan for that basically cost the same as the rest of our total budget?

You can just die now but don't take us all down with your orgy of anarchy.

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dems are the party of elites, no thanks

>Wasn't that expensive?
Isn't Social Security and the military expensive? Well guess what, they aren't being shut down either.

THe only war worth fighting is stop funding Israel.
Then and only then you may have a small chance for medikair 4 all.

>dems are the party of elites,

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that's a nice talking point but you're talking about doubling taxes even to keep our already high deficit
and that's without even mentioning the free college plan which is expected to have similarly astronomical costs

>free college plan
Perhaps another day.
>talking about doubling taxes
Lets let the rich keep raping this country and pay some minimal amount to purchase indulgences.

there aren't enough rich to cover that
also again maybe we should do something about our current deficit before we start writing more checks

What you're asking for is even baker than the shit Drumpf pulls out of his ass.
You're asking for the elimination of 95% of your own government just to fund it.
Otherwise you may as well go back to colonialism.

Yea , trump supporters are trailer park trash Hicks that vote against their own economic interests

>there aren't enough rich to cover that
Prices will have to come down. If that seems setting prices then sobeit.

>elimination of 95% of your own government just to fund it.
Be more specific. What is being cut?

>vote against their own economic interests
When they get hit with bankrupting medical bills they will vote for their economic interests. At least most of them. I thought the right claimed to understand human nature?

Well it certainly would be cheaper. And then everybody would be covered. I’m not seeing a downside to this actually

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>Prices will have to come down.
forcing taxpayers to subsidize insanely high bills isn't going to bring down medical costs any more than it did for the price of college tuition
>if it means setting prices
how do you plan to do that if we can't even manage to negotiate with drug manufacturers(many of them foreign) for lower prices even now?

Luckily , the current system is so unsustainable. It’s going to radicalize ever non boomer so far to the left

>how do you plan to do
Kick the lobbyists out on their ass. There are already examples in other counties to follow.

The Pentagon is the bane of your existence.
Once you ignore them, you can do anything.

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and when a foreign manufacturer refuses to ship at the dropped price and liberals just like you cry in the streets because they can't get their drugs?

>The Pentagon is the bane of your existence.
"But muh space force"

Yeah the US has zero negotiating power. They probably didn't want any of our money anyway.

yea, i agree that the government has the right to put a gun to people's heads and tax them against their will, in order to put a gun to doctors' heads and force them to perform medicine on people. this will definitely lead to better medicine at lower costs, and by extension the further development of newer, more effective medicine.

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Your argument sucks dude. So does Bernie's.

Asking who will pay for it is a shit argument. Medicare for all can be debated against by asking "why the fuck is everything expensive in the first place?" The debate needs to be simply re-framed.

>Pay for my problems

>Who needs medicare most?
People who can't look after themselves.
>Who does this include?
Fat people.
>Which party pushes (((healthy at any size))) and encourages people to become obese?
The left.
>What do the left offer?
>So who is likely to vote for them considering if they don't they'll have to die (or lose weight)?
Fat people

Wow, this must be one of those pure coincidences. Like how right wing areas need more (((diversity))), (((diverse))) "people" who just so happen to vote left wing, because they're parasites looking for handouts too.

>this will definitely lead to better medicine at lower costs,
I didn't say it would be perfect on the first try and nothing is.

ITT: bootlickers who vote against their own economic interests

>People who can't look after themselves.
Some people will just be out of luck and lets face it , you don't want to help them either. We can't jeopardize the system for a few people.

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desu medicine should not bankrupt you
shits messed up

we have some but our power isn't total especially with the foreign makers
you can't just drop the price at will even if it would be nice

I live with my parents who live on my mom's disability and I'm still a Hoppean Libertarian. I don't like that I am basically stealing from people. I still vote against socialist bullshit because it doesn't work.

Don’t you have universal healthcare in Canada?

There are a lot of elitists here that don't want to face the fact that their parents are part of the problem. The very people that raped this country and its people. There are a few confused followers mixed but they need this too.

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Because doctors didnt put themsekves in debt to save lives. Right?
Why not just keep them in debt forever because of greedy fat socialists who didnt want to get a legitimate job to pay for their services and instead rob every honest american who actually pay taxes

I'm an American. Japs can stay out of my countries politics too!

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no, it didn't, dumbfuck. it's only bad for dividends of drug company shareholders and useless layers of hospital management faggotry

If I told you the doctors were jewish would you use less healthcare?

The goal is to give just enough to the voters to make them feel like they're getting something and keep voting Democrat for life. If they can somehow afford to give a perfect healthcare to all Americans, they'll never go through with it.

I think you're right but the Republicans will eventually realize this is the way to go I hope and both sides will bargain for better healthcare.

>A study from George Mason University's Mercatus Center finds that Sanders plan would add $32.6 trillion to federal spending in its first 10 years, with costs steadily rising from there. That closely matches other studies — including one by the liberal Urban Institute — that looked at Sanders' plan.

got a source dumbfuck?

Nice try fucknut, most doctors are indian.
All the jews are lawyers and lobbyists for the the health insurance scam that you want oso bad

>most doctors are indian.
Do you want them touching your after they pooped on the floor?

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>why the fuck is everything expensive in the first place?
which has absolutely nothing to do with medicare whatsoever. once upon a time the US government required that auto manufacturers create a standardized system in order to bill out jobs at a certain number of hours. if hospitals and doctors were required to publicly disclose the cost of each and every procedure and compete against each other as a result, then prices would drop

I rarely see a doctor, because of crudspuds like you who made them desperate to. Charge more to cover expenses. I dont trust any healthcare professionals anymore, especiall nOt the VA

Fuck wait in line healthcare and fuck you.

>I dont trust any healthcare professionals anymore, especiall nOt the VA
I agree. The VA sucks and is not a example or national healthcare. It is a jobs program disguised as a healthcare service. The VA is also not going anywhere just like Medicare and Social Security.

>Government cant get healthcare right.
>Give them full reign on publiclic healthcare instead.
Are you dense?

Guys...why don't we just give them medicare for all? Hear me out. Eventually it will collapse and then we will all be broke.

>Wait in line like plebs.
Oh pardon me

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51.9 percent of Republicans would embrace a Medicare-for-All policy.

My slogan is "Make America Greater!".

This is top shelf autism!

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Democraft or Republican, I wouldnt mind if affordable medical care was the main election issue.

White kids need healthcare too.

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What of it?

Thanks for turning it off.

I hope it happens but it seems literally impossible with the high cost of healthcare in the US.

Note: prepare your anus for much higher taxes. We have to deal with it here and it sucks, especially when drunks and junkies clog up the ER instead of dying in the gutter where they should be.

Literal thief who doesn’t understand supply and demand.

Americans on government insurance are MORE satisfied than those on private insurance.