I don't understand what other tool to fight madness with than madness. It is an unfortunate situation, but if you think of a better way, feel free to share.
Alexander Walker
The weak should shuffle off this mortal coil so the strong have room to prosper. Good on you two, now get lost.
Ryan Peterson
how often do you fucking cunts have to fight of kangaroos trying to rape your dog? does this also happen with abos?
Jose Williams
I am 100% for his comment. They gave him the "no uterus so no opinion" nonsense. It is like saying you cannot have a say in politics unless you are part of the group being discussed. When we can identify as anything we want I am going to be a koala because they are a protected species that cannot be removed from their natural environment (no jail for wrong think). Plus they are cute and every chick wants to take one home.
Jaxson King
>Nose/throat is fucked up >can't wag another Saturday night
Kill me lads.
Henry Gomez
Just turn up and do a half arsed job. It's the modern way after all.
Gavin Allen
Jumping off a headland
Eli Rodriguez
>Jumping off a headland How pathetic. At least jump off a tall building on a week day during the lunch time rush and freak out a crowd of lefties. Or try to improve your life and try to be a bit optimistic cause we really need more red pilled people around if things are going to get better. Your suicide would be as good as being a traitor to your country.
West coast is perfect for a rain loving neet, might have issues getting decent internets, but it's pretty fucking isolated, and the land there is cheap as fuck cause all the mining in the area decimated the local ecosystems. some areas legit look like the surface of the moon they're that barren. just be aware that 90% of your neighbours will legit be inbred
Brody Parker
I cant improve my life if the reason im comsidering killing myself is my failing health. Doubt ill do it though
Christopher Martinez
Then complain about your issues to lefties on bookface. Start a go fund me and milk an easy life from the bleeding heart lefties.
Leo Lewis
Make sure it's at least 7 stories and try to land on your head.
"a perfect fuckin swan dive into a concrete slab" From one of kevin bloody wilsons songs.
Jaxon Johnson
> seriously disabled not cute male > experimental treatment cure me > can’t afford If I was a cute girl hi could make a gofundme or trick betas into paying
Listen up OP and listen good you fuckhead You make sure every time you make a bread, and that goes for all of you, that you include CHINK FUCKING SUBVERSION AND THE FACT THEY HAVE OVERRUN OUR CAPITALS AND ARE WORKING WITH THE GOVERNMENT TO DESTROY OUR WAY OF LIFE
Not fucking 'check der archive' not pretend it isnt happening. You keep it at the front of our collective conscious as a reminder.
Leo Hill
Mmm I used to choke heaps, cause of my tonsils and esophagus. Has them taken out
Cooper Lee
Nice day in Melbourne, walking around city do some shopping, full of interracial couples, white girls with ugly Asian boys, old white ugly men with young ugly Asian girls, niggers, young nigger couples, nigger families with 2^n nigger-lets. People are all friendly to each other, much better feel and atmosphere than I experienced when I was visiting the US. The harmony is real. I feel fully cultural enriched at the end of day, and becoming stronger. Why anons haven't moved to Melbourne yet?
Austin Hall
Had me tonsils removed at like 6. Dont know what this is. Been living off milo and antacids since wednesday because the doctors were all booked up. Only 63 hours til i can go see one left.
Never seen a white girl with a gook and im pretty old by standards round ere
Caleb Reed
protip for all aussies (not chinks) docs always keep an early appointment open (if they start at 9 they have really started at 8:30 in case someone comes in with a life threatening injury etc), rock up and take it, theyll be pissed but will see you
Michael Butler
I roughly saw 2 AMWF and 2 WMAF couples by walking around in CBD. Lost count later on as I walked into shops.
And please, stop boasting of Chink pride. You're here for a reason-your country is a 3rd world shithole filled with drones slaving away for the state. Consider yourself lucky to be here, foreigner
James Evans
You need to try a poo (((doctor))) then come back, if you could come back. Chink doctor from my experiences so far ranks on the same level as whites. I haven't got bad experience from them. Many of my mates got completely fucked up by poos then turned to chink or white doctors.
Thomas Jackson
We need chink tradies so we can build lots of shit.
Adrian Harris
Because a white doctor has empathy and saw you as what you are. An animal
These browns and chinks sound wonderful, perhaps move to India or back home to grorious China?
It's nothing about chink pride, you walk into clinics by yourself then tell us what you see. The pride means you suck but somehow declare you're better than others. Chinks in general are in much higher ground than Anglo-Celtics Australians, just like in 1788 the Anglo-Celtics illegal immigrants were in much higher ground than aboriginals. It's nothing new and nothing personal.
Parker Murphy
And have it fall down a year later. We dont need anyone, jew (chink)