#ThongIsNotConsent #ThisIsNotConsent

Outrage after girl's thong used as evidence of consent in Irish rape trial

DUBLIN -- Protests have flared across Ireland this week triggering a viral campaign online after a defense lawyer showed a 17-year-old girl's thong or G-string in court as alleged proof of her consent in a rape case.

The outrage has included a female lawmaker brandishing underwear in parliament and women posting pictures of their thongs online with the hashtag #ThisIsNotConsent.

"It might seem embarrassing to show a pair of thongs in this incongruous setting," said member of parliament Ruth Coppinger -- pulling the underwear from her sleeve against the objections of the speaker on Tuesday.

"But the reason I'm doing it -- how do you think a rape victim or a woman feels at the incongruous setting of her underwear being shown in a court?"

She was referring to a rape case in the republic's southern city of Cork, where a girl's underwear was shown to jurors.

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You see user, women cannot be held accountable for their actions

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This is law now!

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id rape her too if she was wearing that

not even if she lied about it

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Wait, so you think wearing under-wear in public warrants rape? The fuck..

st.patrick foresaw the fires of Ireland dim but really guys this is just ridiculous

What happened here? Fluid druid had sex, but she had no drugs in her system and no injuries, but lots of regrets, so a judge said her panties prove she wanted it?

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This MUST be a deflection, something about how she claimed he tore her underwear off or something. Pure theater.

This but unironically.
Teach women some modesty and they won't find themselves in dangerous situations.

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> (You)
>Wait, so you think wearing under-wear in public warrants rape? The fuck..
Yes. And ankle length dresses and bonnets
Burqas and niqabs are acceptable, so long as they aren't sexy

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Why do you Brits protest rape if a white dude does it but if a paki rapes you don't even mention it?

Eh, I’ve only been with a handful of women, but from my experience if they are planning to get lucky they don’t wear the granny panties
It shouldn’t need to be said, but of course planning =|= consent
Would like to hear the rest of the case

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>get drunk, high and naked then walk through a bad neighborhood
>get raped
>not their fault
I dont think she knows what fault really is

I feel like this is an excuse for women to show off their underwear. Attention whores.

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Shes not showing her full underwear because it's probably HUGE

How fucking hard is it to understand this concept? Wear slutty underwear = you're a skankazoid!

I’d sniff

Ireland dug it’s ducking grave. Hurry up and die already.

>My KAdpf
Amazing ID

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>Irish Examiner
of underwear

That Irish judge just has a fetish for women’s fecking knickers so je just made this ruling to get women everywhere to show off their thongs. It worked! He’s probably fapped himself into a coma by now. Based.

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I wonder when some woman is going to let slip those milky stains in the crotch of the thong. Cuz that would be fucken gross.

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All the women complaining need a good dicking to set they straight.

>Fluid druid

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That thong is huge, I'm not going to fuck a fatty, especially when her thong has more fabric than me boxers

As a pantyfag, I support this

>not asking for it

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>17year olds are wearing thongs and g-strings

I want off this ride.

What IS consent? Are they trying to say that when a man fucks a woman, they are at their mercy?
Thanks god that I always had mentally stable girlfriends and married the last.

At some point you guys better have the thot sign a fucking contract before the act lmao.

Wearing thongs does. They are thot underwear, women dont wear them for comfort they wear them in case chad decides to have spontaneous sex with them.

10 year olds wear that shit in the U.S. And the ride has only just begun.

Leave it to women to not understand what kind of arguments could be used that involved a lady's underwear. These skanks presume to know everything that could be said in that court room. The narcissism is insane, we need to start locking women up or something.

Here's an example argument that anybody else who isn't a knuckle dragger with a moderate amount of imagination could envisage:
The defense argues that the underwear added to the interpretation of something said that was not quite heard correctly. Suppose it somehow aided in the accused's interpretation of a statement that indicated whether he should continue into the path of sexual intercourse.

fucking whores

Jesus christ god help us.

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Soros News.

Sifted through 20+ news sites, both European and American. All of them have the same exact story word for word. And nobody says what the actual evidence that was presented was. The jury came back with a unanimous verdict that the guy was innocent after all, even the women didn't believe this THOT.

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So what actually happened

The underwear could possibly be the deciding factor in whether he believed he had her consent because it made her seem more likely to desire sex.

She wishes she was raped.

chick rescinded her consent two days after intercourse, like always

Nigga have you been in a liberal city lately and seen how kids dress?

The shit parents let their 10yr old daughers dress up in would be a hanging offence a few decades ago.

is that a macv sog photo?

The lawyer was probably making some reasonable if not strained pilpul kind of argument about how it made his client believe she was more inclined to fuck him.

Who fucking knows, these assholes have hours to sit around thinking of this shit. I'm just a retard on a taiwanese rice cooker catalog commitee IRC

useless cunts

I don't believe you.

Maybe "not your fault" but you are still gonna have had your shit pushed in.

Yeah, it reeks of manufactured outrage disingenuously misinterpreting what happened.

OMG a woman's actions have meaning?!? PATRIARCHY!!

kek any excuse for attention whoring for Likes. “Let’s say shoes cause rape next so I can show off my designer shoe collection!”

Yes. At least in Germany.

>women fully consent to posting their risque panties online for all to see
You have no idea how much this pleases me

I believe so

Well youre retarded. Ive literally overheard conversations about women complaining about how uncomfy their g bangas are.

Is it that or might he have raped her

You can tell it’s fake news by the fact that no one knows the details. Because the details would show that there’s nothing to be outraged about.

HE has a goatee for fucks sake you fucking retards!
I am so ready for the hellfire, IDGAF if I am still here when it happens or not..

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How am I retarded for not hanging around whores?

Well according to a court it wasn't rape you brainlet.

And it was probably the most minor casual tiny point in the final conclusion at the bottom of the list of things under “she said yes multiple times and grabbed his dick and initiated sex” but they just pick the one tiny thing they can misinterpret to get outraged about.

Trigger warning

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unless she accuses a Democrat, then she's just a catty bitch that some Republican bribed to lie

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>You can tell it’s fake news by the fact that no one knows the details. Because the details would show that there’s nothing to be outraged about.
Damn leafy bringing the modicum of intelligence, bravo, Sir.

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even plebbit was calling this bullshit. i'm thinking the kavanaugh bullshit must have redpilled them

Maybe she shouldn't have had sexual relations out of wedlock. There's a reason God was so clear about this in the Bible.

Yeah, somehow I doubt this thong was the only piece of evidence on display.

But hey, if you can grab one silly soundbite from your opponent and just pretend that's their only argument, that means you win, right?

most likely

>guy wants to rape girl
>guy pulls down girl's pants
>she's wearing a thong
>suddenly consent
Is this seriously what you guys believe?

do they not have washing machines in potato nigger-land ?

the fact that you're even asking that... you need to be executed for your own sake.

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We're doing #PissPantsForEquality again?
Be sure to call it something else, like #TaintThongsForEquality

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there's only so much Gain and Clorox can do

Kavanaugh redpilled a lot of men. Every guy has had or has a friend who’s had a close call with a girl claiming false accusations when she’s upset.

This is awesome! Roasties are so mad

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Women are children

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Why are they saying that the girl was raped if the guy was found not guilty?

I'd thonga

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yeah! All women should be dressed in black binbags. As salamu my brother.

No way that fatty can wear a thong. It'd disappear in her rolls.

>its literally only other peoples fault if get raped
reminds me of peaceful Christians that walk through the middle east to prove they are peaceful too

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