Diversity make nation stronger

Diversity make nation stronger.
Do you agree or disagree?

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Disagree. Now quit being gay and take China and Korea back!

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Nah, we need to strike pearl heaber to destory Trump regime and establish legit democrat regime on there

t. chink

>an chink like democracy

epic lel


Stop shitposting and go back to teaching English, David.

Chinese are autocrats like Trump


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>Implying everything is trump
Meme flag faggot.


Don't let them take it from you.

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>korean has brain to attack pearl heabor


I'm not sure.
Let's ask the Hapbsurgs.

In what possible way would diversity make a nation stronger? Unity makes a nation stronger.

Why would you degrade yourself like that? You are dumb you korean fuck.

Must you do this every night Brian?

Only once Japan is ruined by multiculturalism and everyone's favorite anime stuff gets destroyed will people realize that the diversity they've cheered for all this time has always been a cancer.


if only you knew how great you have it.
you hardly have any nigs, and its socially acceptable to not dish out perpetual gibs. nogs destroy communities.
trust me nipbro, passing through the hood at night unarmed is more likely to kill you than mexican tap water

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