I am 47 years old

I am forty seven years old, but its getting hard. I lived a good life, which is why I am a looser. I have tried to be the quintessential economic soldier, not expecting anything, but to live healthily. I am a whitey at this age doing what twenty something illegals do, and more. I worked the first half of my whole life for a future (work, serve education...), married to the "system" for better or worse. I worked my way up, only to be forsaken. I only have a relative few more years for the physical fight, time is catching up. I know I am not the only one, but fear what I will need to do to make the system realize.

So, what do I do?

> I am still alive, and here
>and didn't like having to clean the puke up, of what they thought were going to be the new soldiers
>I am not going to end up like Terry
>since I do not believe in their martyrdom


It's on.

Attached: You have not made enemies of the state, the state may have made enemies of its own people.jpg (278x181, 14K)

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Bump to survive ww3

Is this a demoralization technique? If not, say a prayer and volunteer for a soup kitchen for thanksgiving, try to find a hobby, or join a church. It’s tough and you’re not a loser.

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Bump ( ._.)

I am a real live person, who isn't going to run away anymore, I'm too old for that, but I will remember what brought me to this point.

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47 years old but cant spell loser correctly , doubt.exe fuck off shill.

Well, that's me, after four or five beers, and a quart of vodka. So, if grammar is your gauge of society, good luck. Since a bunch of Yankee Doodle dandies made the difference between wining and losing the last war. And I believe Hessians made a difference last time. Really, get off the guilt trip, and working for the other side.

>hard life
>a bit looser

Yes it is.

>Well, that's me, after four or five beers, and a quart of vodka.
No it isn't, you're a foreigner with a American i.p. address.

And I thought the response would be about the apostrophe on the "its". Thanks for letting me know who I am fighting.

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I am not sure of how many "little" heart attacks I have suffered along the way, because of all this, but I know I will keep pushing, everyday. I will stay, unless I collapse, and I will continue to fight now. Not for me, but to do what needs to be done.

>not "American" on another IP
>doesn't even know to look at U.S. at freely available American data

Who's the shill? Should I now look at this place as controlled. Sometimes I think we are our own worst enemy.

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This is not an "OP", this is a real person who has had enough, and time travel is irrelevant. So, not for me, but what should have been better.

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at 47 you still got plenty time to learn new stuff you dumb fuck.

You ain’t gonna do shit. All bark no bite. Tired of all these edgy posts by newfags and boomers. Trust me boomer I been here long enough your “declaration” is a dime a dozen.

In 4 weeks op I am turning 50, barely scraping along with a part time retail job.
Seen lots of friends of my era die from cancer, overdose and suicides, yet here I still am waiting for something?

I dont have the energy or interest to strive after much anymore.
After being let down by every significant relationship in my life, I kinda quit.

this whole drunkard post is as bad as the BBC raid tonight....I'm 43...and even I understand your memes & banter is normfag tier, SAGE

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I'll only live till I die, we take our own chances and pay our own dues.

Remember, I don't live in your "high white" land. I live in le 56% land, I live in... and I only had one of them.

What the fuck do you think is going on? I still got to squirrel and chipmunk, then grind and blend seeds and nuts to maintain health. Since fresh? That's for the rich.

>I didn't exist to be unhealthy for you
>wonders why the CIA may facilitate a Muslim invasion

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Oh, don't think you are getting out of this that way, this is in part the result of some of my Canadian relationships.

you live in the best country. You have best economical opportunities. Change state if you live in cali or illinois. Switzerland is a commie hellhole btw.

You have no idea. Listen, I know the why, it's not like I didn't take anthropology, and psychology, then read about them on the side; even do a paper on the Abkazian's in school (well before current events, like an ethnology). Everything you think you know, the idea of roads paved with gold, are much different; I just can't believe that's still the meme. it's not about geography, probably there either.

I am not doing this because I want to, I am doing this because I have to. I want to remain anonymous, I don't want to be "known". I just wanted to slowly build a happy little life over time, settle down, have a couple sprogs along the way, and raise them well to take the next step.

I can go on and on about how that was interfered with, the difference between what people believe, and the realities (and sometimes it's some sick shit no one wants to face for real, just through bullshit abstractions), but I got to go work a real job later, so get some sleep.

I work a job many wouldn't believe, but I am a professional on the job, which is how you would meet me. Since I know how to keep work and personal life separate, something that has been difficult to escape more and more recently.

So, unless everyone is a bunch of bullshit commies, regardless of proclaimed ideology (even if through the free market), those should remain separate. If not, you would be commie assholes.

I never had an issue working, or working my way up, I just live on a planet of niggers.

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Shut up fag.
Nobody cares about you.
You bought into a system that only rewards those willing to do anything to get to the top, and you didn't get to the top, so you are now being discarded once it is profitable to do so.

Welcome to the american dream dipshit.

>I sold my soul for a part time retail job.
Maybe you should have enjoyed your life at all in the last 50 years dumbass.
Maybe then you would feel like you've had some control over your life.

I bet you are like the structure, that thinks biology was going to save them. Last time I was in bed with a woman, she was 23. So, why aren't you doing your job?

>testosterone levels might be overrated
>maybe it's just all in ones mind
>I imagine WWII was initiated by middle aged people
>same for Balkanization

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Fucking kill yourself already, boomer. We all know you’re considering it. None of us are remotely interested in your cringey drunken ramblings.

Are you legitimately retarded old man?
Is this post a result of dementia?
What the fuck is that shit about a woman being 23? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
And what the fuck is that greentext supposed to fucking mean?

I can see why the cut you loose mate, your fucking mind is all over the road, i'm surprised you can keep your train of thought long enough to make a thread.

failure cuck thread. end yourselves and remove from the gene pool and from our board.

Don't worry, I do. Between cancers and the wreck of the family that lead to the drug trade and overdoses... Some weren't even friends, almost adversaries.

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Look at this pussy gen-x retard. Your life's not over at 47 even if you were a complete dumbass and didn't work or plan earlier in life to position yourself into a comfy mid-life. If you're going to give up then give up completely, otherwise shut the fuck up and do something to make positive change in your life here, now, today even if that means just writing a list of financial goals down on a notepad. The worst thing you could do is be some angsty grey-haired dumbfuck that straddles the fence. Everybody's got problems nigger and the world still needs strong white men with resolve and vision. If you can't hack it then move aside and shut your yap already.

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47 - so you were just 35 in 2006 - kind of mad how that happens, just slip from one part of life to the next

i am starting to see why previous civilisations insisted on religion giving meaning to life had more value that sex or fun.

Go to one of those ultra orthodox Jewish neighborhoods on the east coast during a festival and blow yourself up.

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Nothing you do matters. History won't remember any of us. Our lives, achievements, memories, will all be lost in time upon our death. Nobody on 1000 years will care what job you had op. It's all pointless. Take the nihilism pill.

Make white children, no matter how.

Bump ( ._.)

Remember what happened in 2006.

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But why? For a few decades? It doesn't matter in the end.

Have you been reading anything here? It's a shame, I see. I ride the bus, I see who has been hired by whom on visa to drive it, and the third world service that results.

>one of the first things the Nazis did, was fix public transit, there's some base there

This post is obviously satire btw don't actually do this

WTF is this word salad

You can buy guns legally you fucking loser and since you are law abiding citizen you are outside the suspicion zone. Start killing niggers. There is no Gob no one will reward you for being a spineless bitch in your lifetime.

If it doesn't matter in the end then why not check out right now and save yourself the misery of a few decades? Because you're a pussy with no balls LARPing as a nihilist when you couldn't be further from it. You're a fake ass faggot looking for attention who also happens to be 47. You should feel ashamed, you should be embarrassed and, if you're a man, it should motivate you to shut the fuck up and succeed at all costs. No one gives a single fuck about your blog posts nigger. Wahhh life is difficult. No shit. Either figure it out or don't. The fact that a near 50 year old faggot is asking 20-somethings for advice on this shit just shows how fucking worthless most of your generation is.

Young people reading this thread, keep on studying and keep on working. Do not take the road of degeneracy

I don't think I have ever seen a "festival" like that. I imagine I may get shit for the link, but you really need to read history. Since even if some of the hypothesizes are correct, it might be adopted behavior.


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Modern fighters don’t use violence. Rev up that twitter and start information warfare if you want to contribute.

>When you're schizophrenic

Best thread I ever had, the fucked up thing, is most of its true.

Why? Since someone told you some shit here they won't tell you in real life.

Mate I'm only mid twenties and I stopped drinking because it was fucking obvious that every homeless dickhead I saw begging for change had a drug and alcohol problem.
If you can't get your shit together by forty then you're pretty much fucking toast bro.
Give religion a go man.
You need a miracle. Good luck.

Probably, but that doesn't mean any of its incorrect.

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I feel sorry for the americans, didn't know they were this stupid.

Anyway, night guys, since I got to go fetal. Have a good day, morning, night, wherever you are.

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1. Have 2-3 kids, and train them to be amazing humans.
2. Marvel in your creations
3. ???
4. Profit

I wouldn't be able to comment on that, being as I didn't read any of it.

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>fuck your optics i'm going in, the post

I just did.

Damn straight, poo.

I am the exact same as you only mail carrier.

Only difference is I married a ugly but good-hearted woman. So I gave up sex for stability and comfort (she makes 4 times as much as me and is a wholesome petson, cooks, observes holidays, et,) but you will all find that as you get older comfort and stability becomes more and more important.

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that your life was good was an illusion. don't kill yourself, because soon you can see the world and its faggots go to hell for their own greed and stupidity. not every generation can cope with midlife-crisis with the comfort of the whole world being ephemeral.


quibbler. "looser" is typical for all ages and all cultures. i've seen it in emails from editors and university professors for americanistics. it's a spelling boobie-trap.

Filename says it all.

What are your goals?

OP, you're a fag. Age 57 reporting.

first thing you should do is.... try to write a post that's coherent. What the fuck did I just read?

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