Caterday General




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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with your cats

Are we being raided? Brap threads dog threads? Whatcha doing rabbi?

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Shut up newfag.

Piza cate

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Kitty kitty sniff oh no that’s a bad kitty meow meow

this ain't /b/ but i do support cats

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Is snow camel allowed

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>t. triggered mudshit

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A fine tradition. Also czeched.

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>tfw both cats infested with fleas
>tfw pills and spot gels havent done shit
i'm starting to get pissed off. I sprayed my carpet with flea killer as well but can't use a fogger since i have roommates. I'm out of ideas.

Hungry cater

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too early for caturday still friday night

Invent a time machine. Go back to 2008. Take that shit to /b/

Like I told you in your last thread.
Fuck off to /b/ with your faggotry.

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Hi CIA !

Nice digits, pard

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Not even based schlop schlop reeeeeeeeeeee

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kot gives himself the fishe

cats/pussy you say?

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ahhh kitties

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Now that's comfort

prepare for the ban, user.

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Pwetty cate

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who here wanna learn pole dancing

I love the chickens staring

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Based and redpilled

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pol/ in danger of imminent collapse

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Listen up meow, this is a serious political board for serious political discussion, meow take your cats and get out.

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Libertarian Republican's Eric Dondero is on the ground in Maine working to help elect conservative candidates in November.

Recently Eric came into contact with shocking information all-but-ignored by the Maine Democratic party and state press outlets.

Someone - an individual, group, or otherwise - vandalized a campaign sign of Republican state Senate candidate Roger Katz (pictured top, left) with anti-Semitic slurs.

I did a Google search Roger Katz + Nazi, to find more information on this incredible revelation and found a handful of bloggers covering it (just today) but literally no mainstream press coverage, national or locally. The only exception is this small blurb via the Portland, Maine, Press Herald:

Last week, somebody defaced some of Republican state Senate candidate Roger Katz’s campaign signs in Augusta with anti-Semitic slurs. The wording of the messages indicated the graffiti was probably not the work of kids, since it mirrored phrases favored by neo-Nazi hate groups (including the acronym “ZOG,” which stands for “Zionist Occupation Government”).
You’d think that such an incident might be news, particularly since Katz is the city’s mayor, and the vandalism was reported to police. But the Kennebec Journal didn’t seem to think the story merited coverage. Nor would it allow publication of at least two letters to the editor on the subject — one of them from a city councilor.

That embargo remained in place for nearly a week, ending on October 8, after the story showed up on WGME-TV out of Portland. Even then, the KJ gave it only a brief mention in the second section.

According to a person familiar with the editorial thinking at the KJ, the story was suppressed because the paper feared reporting on it would encourage more anti-Semitic incidents.

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What is the best way to dispose cats? My cat has given birth to 3 kittens and I live in a single room apartment. It's difficult to manage them.

You fucking pedo

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You sick fucking son of a bitch.


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Jazz kot is best kot


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Shut up fucking sandnigger. I don't even recognise your shitty flag

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Haven't seen a caturday thread since 2012 on /b/. I foster kittens so I have a gorillian pictures

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incredible talent

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>Watch this
>Feel bad for all the animals demented men have fucked up
>Realize this happens to humans too
I'm fucking scared bros.

Evil is real.
By this fact, then good must also exist.
If good truly exists, then god must also exist.

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Have another ome

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I feel you

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