Third Positionism

Hi Jow Forums, I belong to a group of Third Positionists that really want to get our name out there, if this thread gains traction I’ll go further into detail, but if it slips through, I understand.
We believe that the way the right around the world will win is through Economic populism, so we’d love it if you jumped on the ThirdPo train.

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Third Positionism is great! It protects workers and identity. I want to strengthen both of those.

Of course it rules. You might have to come up with a catchier nickname other than "thirdpo"

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>Economic populism
sounds like a pyramid scheme.
i'm out.


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Oh sorry, our specific group uses the name “The American Might Party”, but if you’re not American, we just substitute “American” for other countries. We have a discord server called “The World’s Might Party”, we use “Might” as in, the white/rural working class is the MIGHT of the world.

Who has inspired your views on third position?

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Huey Long, Sorel, Strasser, early Mussolini, and Charles Coughlin mostly.

For My Legionaries > Mein Kampf

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Germany Tomorrow > Mein Kampf

Woah, checked some Huey Long. Worth memeing.

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That flag sucks. Make a good one instead.

We have one of our members tinkering with a new one.

That name sounds gay af.

Call it the American Populist Party or the National Unionist Party or something interesting.


If any of you are interested, check out Discord 6xHJwhj

How big is this group and what are your goals for the future plus strategies?

Working with unions, networking across the US, spreading the ideal of Economic populism through right wing spaces, we are a small group with only 31 members right now but we only began recently.

Use even simpler symbols.

Attached: StrasserSocNat.png (2000x2000, 191K)

The sword and wheat were our idea as to not rip off the Strasserist symbol, which I love.

BTW what do you guys think about Ojeda. other populists and Democratic Socialism?

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I love how the NSU is represented

The DSA ignores and even side eyes the white working class, they call the opioid crisis a dog whistle, and make no effort to work with workers whom have different ideals than them, shunning “CHUDS, fuck the DSA. Ojeda has promise but I feel like he’s gonna go full lib.

Pure Regios.

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My only problem with that is, Natsocs explicitly offed their socialist members, without Strasser and Rohm, I feel like the care for worker’s was put on the far backburner for the NSDAP.

Indeed, after all the NSDAP was a prussian-funded party. Mere elitists in the end.

The world would be a much better place of Strasser had gained leadership of the party. The time of the reckless right wing needs to end, and a cold, calculating, economic populist right needs to rise in its place.

Well that sounds like comfy nationalist syndicalism. If well kept key sectors become the oligarchies pulling the strings of production and distribution. Free market and controlled protectionism shall always compensate for scarcity and hardships. While fair taxes are distributed in social programs to enhance the value of a job for the fatherland.

I agree with that outside the free market idea, I believe that the market should at least SOMEWHAT be controlled by the government, a free market out of control is a scary thing.

Agreed, consider how I would put aside "capitalism" from a pure free market, you know without (((private banks))) meddling and such.

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Bankers and CEO’s need to be monitored heavily. One reason that the right can’t gain a foothold in modern society is because these corporations and special interest groups continue to deplatform them.

Do you guys have an ideal candidate in mind for a foreseeable future?

Well right now we are focusing on grassroots and local politics, our main focus is to spread the idea of economic populism hoping that a larger entity will catch onto it.

How would you compare neocon policies against a populist rhetoric? I imagine your goal would be to have ethnostates.