What happened to him, Jow Forums?

What happened to him, Jow Forums?

Attached: 528DDEBD-401C-43C8-A750-C3B7BD760652.jpg (926x1024, 90K)

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That isn't a cartoon?

Attached: 1542258762678.png (657x527, 24K)

closet faggot who makes low effort cuckservative content, who cares

This is how humans used to look.

Eyes too close together. He's fat now.

His mannerisms and lispy voice annoy the shit outta me. Could never listen to him for more than a few seconds.

is it cernovich or enoch? can’t tell from that pic.



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He forgot to breathe

He lives in a bubble now. Twitter used special targeting techniques to completely contain him. All his followers are just AI. We should do something, it's like the Truman Show.

shiiit you are probably right

He turned into an NPC, but he was never cool to begin with.

He is so obviously trying to slowly rebrand himself but it just comes off as insincere.


you can tell this was photoshopped.

It's thernovich

That really activates my almonds

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wasn't he in the news a few months ago for something? I can't remember what but everyone was calling him a retard even on MSM

He was born mentally retarded

Fake news

she fought for gun control

He thought Trump was going down and decided to distance himself.

Mike Cernovich - "fuck pol only losers post there"