Why do most jobs only pay at max $12 and require 10-12 hour days 6 days a week with mandatory overtime...

Why do most jobs only pay at max $12 and require 10-12 hour days 6 days a week with mandatory overtime? And even then they always require 1-3 years of experience. Its shitty work too, manual back breaking labor and offers shit "benefits". They want my entire life to revolve around working at the job and for me to have zero free time/ social life for myself.

I'm a NEET currently living with parents trying to get a job before they kick me out. I just don't see purpose anymore to be honest. I see no reason to live if this is all my life will ever be. I feel like a slave, a piece of property. I feel Paralyzed.

>nb4 get a trade/ go to college

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Look ill spare you the shitposts. What you need is an ambition. Find out what you want to be. Move towards that goal.

That means starting in a shitty position and moving upwards.

Also find someone to confine in.

The appeal of those kind of jobs is stability, not payment. You take one of those types of jobs and it props up your life for years. Those people who don't have highly-valuable skills but still make lots of money... there's no stability to their lives. It's gig economy, contract based stuff and you can slip out of stable employment easy.

>props up your life for years
lmao what life

What the fuck where I live people beg for overtime, I'm happy getting 60 hours if possible, however I do understand that it can suck and make life shitty, but thats life, deal with it.

heard that a thousand times. next

Survival. Not"life" as in a good life, but you have that shit job that's ALWAYS there for you.

Yep, at that point my life is the job. And just so everyone knows who sees this thread = Free time is the most important thing in the world to me. My life. I don't want to spend it making money for some kike.

>inb4 start a businesses.
heard that 1 a thousand times too. Give a real answer to my post.

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If you're actually working 60 hours a week that's not just "life" that's you being shit.

Get over your faggot 2D waifus and worthless electronics and learn to value something else. If all you want is more pictures of big tits to nut to you're never going to feel fulfilled.
I'll bet the "backbreaking" work you're complaining about is minimal manual labor and you're just an unfit fuck, or maybe you have a physical disability. Get a physical job and you'll whip into shape quick. Remember to drink plenty of water; more than you'd probably think.
Find a shit place, maybe fix it up however you can. Also develop a love for the outdoors.

If you want something, then by extension you must want everything required to achieve your main priority
>I want to be OP
>therefore i must guzzle infinite loads of cum

Your attitude about work isn't going to help you any. YOU, the labour, aren't the only singular function in an organization that creates value. You're human capital in a much bigger machine. If you make a minimum, or close-to minimum wage, it mean's you're very replaceable.

That probably sounded much funnier in your head huh

If you're an antisocial white male who can't into software engineering your life was over from day 1. Try to get a job at Costco or Kwik Trip they treat employees well.

More stereo tipical trash that plenty of others have said before.

>Muh nature! Man up! ffs

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Am I supposed to be happy with that? I should dedicate myself to labor and be a better working unit for my kike overlord? Fuck you!

I've applied to Costco un ironically like 13 times and have never once gotten a call or email back.

I'm not telling you to do anything. I'm just stating the fact that in low-wage work, you don't have bargaining power. It's not a conspiracy, or a skewed system. The fact that there are MILLIONS of people who could and would fill that placement drives down your cut.

You should dedicate yourself to getting ahead of that curve. You can't beat the curve, unless it's corruption or the lottery.

Experience required is a meme.
You need to just learn what that word means.
12 is a minimum, yet livable wage.
You can easily work at lowes, home depot etc and live forever off that job, though you shouldnt.

I want to add.

I'm sorry but I don't buy it. jobs are not like the 60's anymore. No matter how much I work at a company I will never move up. And I will eventually even at a different company meet some sort of educational or BS degree/ experience wall. Or something along those lines. I truly do feel like I'm stuck here forever.

Loving nature and being physically fit isn't just some fucking meme. Being a skinnyfat shutin will not work out for anybody planning to have a long, full life.

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what are you a retard just spend a couple months learning to draw and draw porn visual novels for patreonbux

Wasted get
Not trying to be funny xd its just the way it is
>you want to jerk your dick to traps on your pc
>you therefore want to pay for internet access to look at traps

I don't think its that easy...

Just start a lawn service business hire Paco and Juan from Home Depot 12/hr and profit never having to work other than driving and ordering people around

What are you talking about? I don't look at traps and I don't masturbate. Were did you even get that stuff from as I never mentioned anything close to it. Also this is an anime website. Please learn Jow Forums before you ignorantly post here.

I'm you from the immediate future. GET. OUT. NOW!

Of life or what specifically?

It's not. That market's over-saturated.

Okay, consider re-framing what it mean's to earn a living. You're stuck in a mentality that you must serve in a larger organization, from the bottom, and move your way up the ladder. There is a whole other world beyond white collar work, my guy. You don't necessarily have to work for anyone. You just need to find gaps between supply and demand and then milk it. This can be literally anything, and it's where the post-industrial western economies are going. Gig economy, contract work, specialists, etc.

I’m in the same position as you user
I’m planning on taking a bunch of xans and jumoing off a bridge or something soon.
Maybe a cliff during a sunset

that gif is spooky as fuck


We live in Hellworld. I sure as fuck wouldn't stop you from calling it quits. Just do it right.TELL NO ONE!

I would hire you if you weren’t a unionist fuckhead, could actually do the job, had some mechanical aptitude, did what you were told when you were told to,do it, did t take shortcuts amd didn’t cry like a bitch when you got chewed out.

If you can’t handle three years of getting the piss taken out of you, you’re a faggot, and I don’t wa t you backing me up.

Good. I'm glad he doesn't have to endure working for a prick like you.

My mind has been lingering for quite some time now of a 12 gauge slug to the roof of my mouth. I'm not even joking. It seems like my only option at this point. I am just delaying the inevitable.

The story is its in japan and that sick fucks use those gutters a lot to stare under girls skirts. Who knows though, could be fake

You’re a faggot too then. You don’t temper steel in cotton wool. Fuck you. This is why you faggots fail.

tell know one what?

>Why do most jobs only pay at max $12 and require 10-12 hour days 6 days a week with mandatory overtime? And even then they always require 1-3 years of experience. Its shitty work too, manual back breaking labor and offers shit "benefits"
Because they need to compensate for the low IQ niggers. While me a white man does 600+ car parts a day the nigger beside me is barely pushing 200. Our manual labor work subsidizes the inefficiencies of niggers, and sometimes women.


Have you considered the fact that you are retarded, low-T, or latently homosexual?

Hopefully you do get kicked out, it'd probably be the best thing for you. Unfortunately, your parents raised a NEET, so they are probably too weak to pull the trigger. Sucks for you, little guy.

Oh, and you're a faggot.

I get that and understand. I just wish it was not so.

This cunt knows what he's talking about. OP sounds like hes already been kiked a thousand times over.
The entire (((plan))) is to crush and feminize your soul to the point that your only hope is making pleas for help on a cambodian voyeurism board.

There's no need for the salt. You guys couldn't possibly come to an understanding because you have entirely different interpretations of what work is.

No, you’re a pussy. All of my staff get chewed out if they fuck up. They also get reminded who has not only the authority but the experience of the person teaching them. If they ignore what I try to teach them they aren’t interested in the job and have no place wasting my time.
The few who listened are now better then me, because they understand that life sucks, assholes exist and skills are important.

If you seriously plan to kill yourself, don't tell anyone about your plan. You'll just end up escorted by police to a hospital where they transfer you to a shithole psych ward. After convincing them you're fine you'll be out on your ass with a huge debt.

If you want help. seek help. if you want to end it. END IT!

Get a job for an airline on the ramp. It is somewhat physical labor but not too bad. United maxes out close to $30/hour, 45/hour for overtime. More seniority you get the less you have to do, and you can trade shifts. I only work 10 days or so a months and get to fly wherever for free. Internationally I can fly first class and only have to pay a hundred or so for fees. It's a good job for lazy people who like to travel.

I have no were to go. Zero friends (and I mean that). about 750ish dollars in my bank account. I have a pet cat. Its the middle of winter. and I'm 19 years old white male. I literally have no options. I don't blame people for shooting up schools and killing innocents just as a way, a final way and last ditch effort to raise a middle finger in the face of this cruel world and people like you who do not get what we are going through and see what we see.

>nb4 your soo young you have your whole life ahead of you. GIVE ME A REAL AWNSER NOT WHAT HAS BEEN SAID BEFORE AND IS ALWAYS SAID!

Take a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up, princess.

You sound like a typical entitled millennial cunt who wants to start out being CEO without having to bust your arse for 20-30 years to get there.

You're not going to make the big dollars without putting in the effort.

Well said, cocksuckers like OP really get under my skin. They'll blame everyone but themselves for their problems. Look at his OP, he was bitching that its "hard to get a $12/hr job," as though he's not even willing to apply for minimum wage! When he has nothing! This is the brain of a Bernie Sanders voter, for Christ's sake. It really does make me sick to my stomach.

Wtf every single part of your post is literally me That’s creepy wtf

I bet your the boomer ass supervisor at your job that everybody hates and wishes you would retire already. people like you should be shot.

Thanks for clarifying! Appreciate it.

Here's your answer: Day labor. Hit up the Labor Finders and get yourself at least a day under your belt. Otherwise, apply for the shittiest job you can, or kill yourself. Just don't try some an hero bullshit. The FBI already has your IP because of that post.

No, moron, work is precisely what you are paid to do. If you can’t meet minimum kpi, or are unsafe in how you do your job, you can fuck off.
If your approach to a job is ‘lol I’ll just do the bare minimum and coast thru’ I’ll sack you at the first opportunity. I dont want fags like you around me. If your laziness puts me or anything else at risk, I i’m not putting up,with that.

Ignore these pieces of shit OP. They just have survivorship bias.

Why does it matter if everybody around me is a brown person? Do you understand how dire the situation is? There is no future.
Our future is South Africa

because of capitalism

I don't like to travel. Also I could see myself pulling another Sky King type thing and if he did that I can't imagine I wouldn't feel the same.

Ancaps are some real stupid fuckers

>survivorship bias
>impying you've ever tried anything significant in your life

No problem. In the meantime if you want to learn why this shot world sucks, and how to fix it. check out communist literature. Start with the conquest for bread. great read.

Everybody who’s ever even clicked on pol is already on a list you fuckwit

Not an argument.

OP is a faggot but it's a different time grandpa, no one plans for the future anymore. You think putting in work for 20-30 years is worth it these days? Boomers...

This. OP


ancaps live in a pure delusion fantasy land

I'm a hard worker. My employers value and respect me. Doesn't man they aren't riding me like a bitch while their owners steal from all of us.

no, I just want to work as little and make as much to just live comfortably and mind my own business till I die. Nut people like you would not get that or comprehend how people like me isolated in rural places don't have that opportunity. Its either be a wage slave or be homeless and loose everything you have and die.

I don't think he said that, he said that it's necessary if you want to be a highly paid CEO. Most people don't realize the skill and labor needed to get to that point, and that's what the dude was pointing out. He wasn't saying you should try to become a CEO.

I agree with you. I'm not stating my own opinion, just trying to mediate here. The other people you're replying to think differently on a fundamental level.

How do you show your face at work, being such a cringemeister?

I can't even live off minimum wage you kike ass hat!

Seriously comrade. read communist literature. All of your problems are caused by CAPITAL!

Aren't you living on $0/hr right now?

you actually think CEOs got where they were with "hard work and skills"?


>or are unsafe in how you do your job, you can fuck off
I make like 8.50 USD and breath toxic chemicals and still put in the work to rise to the top, but i cant. people like me, i do some of the hardest work, but no promotions. then theres boomers like you who wont even let you sit down when the machine is being fixed. then you just stand there all day acting important.

Boomer genocide when?

With a shit eating grin and a heartwarming glance

Nice to know I'm not the only one here but sadly in the physical sense I take no solace in that because I'm still alone and isolated.

Read some Debord or Marx
take your life back


No, you little cunt, I’m the early 30s fuck who absolutely knows the job, understands the legal, safety and workflow implications of entitled little cunts who put me, my staff and the owners investment st risk. I’m also the cunt who constantly drills my staff in the Socratic method to make sure than when, not if, shtf they can react properly. You fags obviously don’t understand How comfy it is to know that the 16 yo apprentice you slammed for three years straight, amd everyone else you trained, 100% has your back and can be counted on when everything goes to shit. And the only reason they can do this is because you trained them. I pity you fucking normalfags. It’s the next best thing to being combat troops.


Helium exit bag

Why the fuck do you DESERVE any better? Nobody owes you the means to be comfortable. You're making this stupid assumption that there are major lapses in the efficiency of the economy where you can plant your ass and just get more than you're worth. That's not how this works.

I don't have that here. Stuff like that does not exist in this area and is not sufficient to live off of without at least getting out of it less than what I put in both financially and physically/ time wise.

I will fly to Australia next week if you will hire me. I can even sleep on the couch for 3 years while I learn I don't mind

And here you are arguing with unemployed NEETS on Jow Forums. You cuck

why do you make the assumption that licking boots is a good thing and natural?

Thanks for understanding :)

Get the fuck out of here red cunts.
You are owed NOTHING

You can always run away and join the circus.

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It splits wages

I agree

Do you have craigslist? Maybe a newspaper with a classified section? The last part of your post made no sense so you'll have to try again.

It's 4:30 and I can't sleep, what the hell else should I be doing?

Listen to yourself you pathetic fuck.you let some faggot fix your machine for you, then wonder why you’re treated like the fsg you are. Man the fuck up

How can you not live off 12 an hour?? I live in Los angeles, on my own and my bills max out at $800 a month and I still have $400 left over for whatever I want