*ahem ahem*

*ahem ahem*
>Fuck Brexit

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Reptilian whore.

Except that Therasa is dead set on getting Brexit done. Even if it means selling out the entire country to the EU.

rip her chances of getting re-elected

>and fuck Niggers

I'm actually worried this will happen
>Theresa's deal is defeated in Commons
>She resigns, 'someone else should take over who has the mandate' etc.
>Tories elect even stronger Remainer
>'The democratic decision is to hold a People's Vote on a new deal'

Fuck white people too


God i hate this "people's vote" thing more than anything else. Just call it a second vote, an "informed" vote, real vote, whatever but it's achingly stupid calling it a people's vote. It's not that, it's directly in spite of the people and the first vote.

I hate this leftist/communist obsession with wordplay: change the word for black people, the third world, illegal aliens and whatever every few years to dispel negative associations. Call their nations The People's Democratic Republic of ....., rename all government bodies so that you'd never know what they do and so on and so forth.

>We're staying in goyim, and to punish you for trying to leave I'm going to force us even closer to the EU
>Nice, I wonder what cushy EU job I get after I step down as PM

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ey up lads get ready for comrade corbyn eez gont'a be a right laff innit

They should call it the referendum.

The first vote wasn't a referendum, you can only RE-fer AFTER the government made its decision.
The first vote was a people's council. - which, unlike a real referendum, is a fucking stupid idea to begin with.

You guys do realize the Brexit only happened because David Cameron made an election pledge for an EU membership referendum in 2015 to prevent the Tories haemorrhaging votes to UKIP and they were absolutely certain that framing leavers as dirt poor idiot racists and voting remain equaling everyone gets a gold house and rainbow equality cancer cured world peace would make it a dead cert. They literally killed their own MP a week before the vote to make triple sure remain won and you're a faggoted pandering normie and know nothing if you think MI5 doesn't engage in this shit.

They got totally fucked by the shy poll effect due to the bullying just like with Trump. Brexit was never meant to have a chance in hell of winning. Now they're just in "Oh fuck" mode and trying to find every way to con the public into thinking they got their Brexit when everything stays the same (as in gets worse).

What is it with Female PMs with the initials TM / MT and their desire to fuck up the country (especially the north)

look at that (((nose)))

It's also why there's been a smear campaign against Corbyn. They can't put people off by suggesting he's pro-EU so they accuse him of anti-semitism when he (or party members) attend anti-EU events.
They're also trying to discredit and get the public to bully the DUP into voting the May betrayal through because they're terrified that the DUP will break the coalition and force a general election. Tories make a song and dance about the deal only for show because they known their seats are at risk from either UKIP or Labour (currently a party with several anti EU members and Corbyn isn't going to back/help any New Labour candidates).

That’s a shit gun. Army tier Beretta or gtfo.

all for some qatari plumbers

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Gotta love those immigrants, amirite?

*coughs for 10 hours straight*

You're a fucking retard.

I ‘ m
I n

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For me, it's the CZ 75 SP-01

She is THICC tho.

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is that spiral necklace one of those pizzagate symbols?

t. 12 years old


>Therasa is dead set on getting Brexit done.

She's in charge of a collective punishment scheme worked out with the EU to ensure that no other country dares exit again. Notice how civil rights went out the window and immigration accelerated after the vote.

If you guys can't get Johnson in her seat soon, I'm afraid the UK is fucked until the EU itself collapses due to continental rebellion in Italy, Hungary, Poland, etc.

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Corbyns a wanka
Mays a wanka
Lezzave no deal and a sausij wroll
Dun n dusted

I own a 92fs and a G26. They're both great shooters.