>power suit
>new book selling well
>television appearances
>good relationships with family members to appear more personable
>sharing personal history to appear more personable
>full court media coverage

they are getting ready to run her in 2020.



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this is not going to be strong enough to defeat her. she isn't Hillary. Her book is actually selling. she isn't a disaster and doesn't have the problems Hillary has. She should not be underestimated. She will take the country the same way Hussein took it.

What about Barry?

Attached: 1541977802513.png (734x1150, 471K)

Alexandria has a beef with Barry

Attached: 1541831596276.png (691x983, 489K)

Has a Penis.

no thanks, wer're still recovering from the last black guy that was president

I'm sure, they wont be bringing another male though, he has no chance against the power of the vagina in liberal minds.

She's just doing the rounds on TV to shill her book. She isn't running for anything.

Get the fuck out of Australia shitskin! REEEEERREEeEE!

She's probably the best choice desu senpai.
She's well known.
They can make the argument that her expeience as a first wife is all she needs.
And most importantly, she hasn't fucking murdered people all over the world and make a joke out of treason laws then laughed about it on national tv.
She get's the woman vote, the black vote, the democrat vote and a fair amount of the centrist vote.
If they run her as a moderate she would probably beat Trump.

This shit is evidence that the right will get knocked the fuck out by Michelle and won't see it coming.

This guy gets it. I agree 100% with all of your points. They are gearing up to run her and no one has a defense against her or will even see it coming.

Have you ever heard her speak? She is borderline retarded. I am not even stating this because I hate the Left, if that Women got in it would be a disaster for the States.

This guy

>Thinks Latino men will vote for a sheboon

Attached: AAE99EFE-19D7-43F5-BE28-3EDA1ED67973.jpg (480x360, 32K)

Yeah because people shit posting on Pol represents the right? Why can’t the left understand humour? I really wish someone would do an unbiased study on this.

more evidence of the incoming fuck job the right will not see coming. a gay black man has already been president for 8 years you muppet

these comments are not funny and are a blow off. michelle obama is a real threat. very few on the right have called her out as a real threat. don't be so naive and write this off as shitposting.

The fact that she looks like a tranny isn’t funny? Really? I mean she does look kind of mannish.

michelle obama is the most disgusting person to ever step foot into the white house, al sharpton withstanding. but that doesn't mean she won't do another 8 years in there.

so much more likable than hillary. you don't think white women will vote for her? they already voted for her husband.

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read the comment section. she doesn't need policies. in fact, she will do better if she avoids the topic altogether.
