Should Africa's population growth actually bother anyone?

Energy and agriculture breakthroughs will make it sustainable from a scientific point of view. Other than that, should anyone really care that their population is going through the roof?

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>should anyone really care that their population is going through the roof?
You're not the ones receiving them every day


tell me more about these energy and agriculture breakthroughs that these africans are making

You have waves of africans moving to america through the atlantic ocean?

And through latin America

The breakthroughs are taking place outside Africa, mostly, but everyone will benefit from them.

>Energy and agriculture breakthroughs will make it sustainable
God help us all in dealing with the evil such retards create.

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americans and europeans love to talk about population but the truth is it takes a thousand chinaman or africans to produce as much trash and consume as many resources as you do

No, they will kill this planet and any hope of reaching Mars and colonizing the solar system and stars. Kill them all

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Fun fact: the human ability to engage in spacial reasoning is not fully developed until one reaches their 30s. So there is still hope for you OP And when those additional circuits light up, you can think back and ask yourself, “what the fuck was I thinking?”

If the countries of the world actually let the niggers fend for themselves it will stop or grow moderately as they develop. The problem is the gibs encourage uncontrolled growth

Based bill gates.
ruining the world for everyone

Even if we somehow found a way to seal the entire continent, the negro population explosion remains a massive problem.
Billions of nigs burning coal and cutting down the rainforest causes drastic climate issues, not to mention the loss of biodiversity resulting from this.

And tell us how that will change if we bring them up to first world living standsrds.

Africa has more than enough resources to support their growth. All they need is strongman dictators for life to maintain order.

Europeans and Orientals both evolved under these systems. The black plague also helped Europe because it killed off the low IQ peasant class. 80%of Europe had to die out to become what it is today

As long we they stop getting foreign aid, then who cares.

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The fuck are you talking about Spain is bending over and taking all the boats Italian authorities turned away. It's bad, like Spain's gonna become like her colonies bad.

>Stop reproducing, goy! The world is overpopulated and there are not enough resources. Think of your freetime and career instead.
>Look at those poor starving children in Africa. It's not like they starve because their parents reproduce like Rats. Send our organisation your money so we can help them!

They will NEVER become able to sustain themselves.

1. Everyone is entitled to minimum standards of living (food, shelter, basic healthcare, some other shit i forgot about)
2. Paid breeding licenses are introduced. If a person procreates despite lacking a license, their unlawful child(ren) are aborted/euthanized and that person is considered guilty of killing them.


If they stay there, no.
But they won't stay there.

Inaccurate and simplistic, population reduction can be beneficial, but its benefits to Africa would be less pronounced with modern technology.

The same goes for forms of government, the only merit to your argument for dictators is that it has proven to work in some cases, but almost all of Africa's leaders have been dictators and it hasn't gone well for them.

When its me and my families money going to Cain niggers in Africa to breed uncontrollably then yes. And all anti White kikes should be slain. They aren't human they aren't Gods anything but a pile of less than dog shit! If niggers are so great kikes and nigger lovers can move to Africa and love their coons there. With their own money!

wow learn to punctuate properly FAGGOT

As the blacks pour across the borders science will stop making any breakthroughs and civilization will grind to a halt.

Fear the black planet as cannibalism is its only possible future.

inb4 Estonian oildriller starts spamming chocolate kweens

Thanks for summoning him nigger

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No. Their entire population boom is due to Western influx of food, medicine and other forms of care. What we actually need to do it quarantine the whole continent for a century so all the dumb niggers can starve off while only the smart ones remain.
Overpopulation is the cause of almost every current world problem we face. If there's anything we need it's less people. Can't have your renaissance without a plague first.

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yes it should be considered the most dire scourge the planet has ever seen

WE dont. They do. And by the time they get to the living standards we have now, we accelerate far passed it and set a new high standard. They will never have or be in the present what we have at the same time. This is the ultimate resentment-pill, the realization that a culture will always be dragging behind. That's why they hate us, they have every reason to be hateful racists, I dont blame them. That's why we dont hate them, theres no reason to. That's the cherry on top of the resentment pill that makes the culture murderous towards us. This is what their social zietgiest tells them. Their actions in the west reveal it.

>agriculture breakthroughs

The eternal bottomless begging bowl.

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It looks like her ass is just violently flapping in the wind.

>quarantine the whole continent for a century so all the dumb niggers can starve off while only the smart ones remain.

If the African continent rewarded intelligence and future planning over impulsiveness, violence and savagery they would be evolved enough to participate in civilization now. They're realistically tens of thousands of years away and that's assuming evolutionary pressure rewarding IQ and impulse control.

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>agriculture breakthroughs

You can't grow crops on dry scorched deserts tho.

a gay leaf? who knew

Sucks when the locust swarm comes and consumes all. Someone should enginer a "black plague" for africans.

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"Energy and agriculture breakthroughs will make it sustainable from a scientific point of view" which will lead to more population which will make it Unsustainable

Animals can be domesticated in 3 generations. It all depends on what you select them on. Worse case we end up with a bunch of pygmies which would at least make the problem a bit smaller. (dwarfism is the end stage of overpopulation/lack of nutrition, see also: Homo Florensis)

>Energy and agriculture breakthroughs will make it sustainable from a scientific point of view.
except the scientific point of view can't be sustained by niggers

The sad harsh truth is that some races populations and culture are going to have to be destroyed in order for the most gifted to survive and thrive. Easy, start with the groups with least accomplishment highest birthrates and most poverty

Wow, So rude...

it's way easier to not introduce the first for starters

That's essentially what happened for multiple centuries when the Sahara was not traversable. What makes you think one more century will change things this time?

You consider the subject in that clip even on the table when it comes to sexual orientation? I thought our country suffered from the claims of bestiality.

True, but it would still result in innocent souls being forced into existence as starving niglets. A mass sterilization action should be employed. The rights of innocents override the rights of careless "parents".

This is neither fact nor fun.

KYS turbonigger.

Honestly, I don't. Genes are a product of environment. Sending them back to their jungle won't make them lose their ways, probably it's the contrary.
I just want to deport them all so they can go and bash eachothers skulls in there, not here in the West.

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>let's ignore the facts and start believing that unsustainable overpopulation is a good thing
Nutrition and education will make them into productive people, bro!
This is bullshit and you know it. Europeans failed to plunder the continent so now the Chinese will. Short term gain for the Chinese, long term loss for everyone.

>If the African continent rewarded intelligence and future planning over impulsiveness
"If pigs could fly"

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>What we actually need to do it quarantine the whole continent for a century so all the dumb niggers can starve off while only the smart ones remain.
>Sending them back to their jungle won't make them lose their ways, probably it's the contrary.
Ah, so you were making a disingenuous argument to achieve your own political ends. Very clever.

Wouldn’t it be great if africa WAS just like a normal country?? They keep all the dashikis n sheeit and the culture, but they spoke the kings english and could be reasoned with and pursued scientific breakthroughs and so on. Even if it was some cucked out EU clone, you could still vacation there and blacks from the US probably would migrate back to a certain extent... i forgot where i was going with that but i think that would be cool. Non niggerified blacks.

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By 2100 the negroid species will be extinct and Africa will be renamed 新中国.

>Even if it was some cucked out EU clone

Bleach the female Africans and abort the male babies

Yes. Everyone that isn’t a subhuman should be concerned. It’s niggers we’re talking about

That's why we sterilise the animals. It's time we let go of silly notions like human rights. We can do what needs to be done for the greater good.

We the jews nao lol

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Damn I posted mine before I even saw yours.

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Its not even close to the same thing unfortunately. EU doesn’t work but at least they have the infrastructure and capital to pretend it does. The AU doesn’t have that. It’s crazy the difference in quality of life even today no matter how much money you throw at it. I’m just saying it would be cool if blacks were smart.

They're acting more like locusts and not humans.

The nigger has never had a successful civilization in history. Why would that change?

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doesnt bother be if op wants to financially support a buncha braindead niggers, just so long as op leaves the rest of us out of it. rope yourself commie faggot, im no nigger nanny.

This isn't a racemixing thread. IDK if they'll even want to leave Africa.

No need to fuck them in person. Just export the seed of high-functioning whites to Africa and let them use it for free artificial insemination. In a couple centuries Africa will be bleached and almost half as functional as us.