Name any trait x that makes white people superior to niggers

name any trait x that makes white people superior to niggers.
what do we do about white people who are as not-x as the average nigger.

example: whites are smarter than niggers.
what do we do about whites who are as dumb as the average nigger?
example 2: whites are more peaceful than niggers.
what do we do about whites who are as aggressive as the average nigger?
example 3: whites are more hard working than niggers.
what do we do about whites who are as lazy as the average nigger?

without answering questions like these i feel that racism remains an arbitrary philosophy. there is also the question of the rare, albeit real presence of niggers who have more of trait x than the average white person.

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upon naming a necessary condition for the superiority of the white man to the black man i am left with the realization that the said condition does not apply to all white men equally. this relationship also fails to take into account a small percentage of underachieving blacks. how does one go about resolving this riddle in a non arbitrary manner?


Side with niggers then you cuck, and don’t forget to share your wife with them too. Nobody cares if you aren’t convinced by race realism, you probably live in a nice community where people have clean hands and there aren’t many niggers. Try moving to the city and you will see.

you've already thought much more about this than any nigga would

i did say to not be arbitrary. in a single post you managed to misunderstand my question, assign false intent, offer irrelevant advice, and get offended.

Whites can actually farm and feed the population. See Rhodesia for an example.

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i am quite certain that not every white person is capable of operating complex agricultural machinery. although i entirely agree that whites as a whole are more industrious, your example ought to be examined in my framework.

whites are more industrious than niggers.
what do we do about the whites who are less industrious than the average nigger?

i will continue to post this thread until i get a satisfactory answer. any "shill" or "cuck" posts will be ignored henceforth.


the problem is that you are asking the wrong questions
there are two vectors

.eg on a case by case basis would it really be any use to be more intelligent passive and hard working
people will go for what ever works best in their situation and lean hard on what they are good at

independent of day to day concerns
what behaviour and attributes are rewarded
do you make a cult out of being an effete pacifist ?
or make being an ape centre stage
your answer will depend on survivorship bias

quit hiding behind pomp
all you want is the ends. not the cause of the means

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>without answering questions like these i feel that racism remains an arbitrary philosophy

So if I answer those questions, you will accept that "racism" is good?

Of course it’s arbitrary and riddled with exceptions. Any social policy is. Racism is a heuristic mechanism for making hard choices with limited resources (time, money, physical security), not a universal law.

We do nothing. Let nature take its course and the results will speak for themselves. Different groups of people have different distributions of ability causing an unequal distribution that affects various populations disproportionately. We don't need to do anything to correct the disparate impact. If you need an IQ of 130 to be a lawyer or a doctor, you don't want a 110 IQ nigger or white being there due to affirmative action. If we let the free market do its thing both low IQ niggers and whites will be punished equally. It's just that there will be more poor niggers per capita than whites. We shouldn't be helping either of them due to their skin color.

yes. unironically.

why not just discriminate on the said qualities that will probably be quantifiable in a decade or so using genomic technology?

give me a minute. i have to internalize your response. ill get back to you shortly.

The answer is to do nothing and let society take care of it. The issue is those who are not useful to society are given welfare. Stop giving people welfare and those who are useless or harmful to society, such as the ones about whom you are asking questions, will die out rather quickly.

You make an excellent point, even if a race can be proven to be inferior to another on average, it hardly matters much unless that difference is shown to be significant. An idea which can only be believed without contact with other races and which multi-cultural society, for all its woes, has disproven to anyone with eyes.

firstly, your pomp comment is unwarranted. this is how i actually think. i hope my writing style doesn't deter from my argument.

i am unsure what your two vector analysis has to do with my question. i would happily answer you if you were to reiterate your culture point, as i think we agree on the "pragmatic" side of things.

>qualities that will probably be quantifiable in a decade or so using genomic technology
That’s gonna be a “citation needed” from me, dawg. As to why not: there’s evidence to suggest that diversity in and off itself reduces social cohesion and trust both across and within ethnic groups. Try
>but Putnam says diversity is a long-term good thing!
But he doesn’t substantiate that claim with data. It’s an ideological cope-post to muddy the conclusions of his own paper, which he didn’t want to publish at first.

that seems like a reasonable policy. the issue is that among the "bad apples" who will die out there will be both black and white people? are you ok with this?

a very reasonable statement. it seems that you agree with me. my post, however, is directed at those who make absolute racial claims about white superiority on an individual level. the group level superiority is obvious.

How do you stop giving welfare when you’ve already lost control of your universal-franchise democracy? The invaders already here will vote for the spoils of their invasion. We’re already being stepped on, snekfriend.

I'm more than OK with that; I demand it.

I pray every day that people will start killing the invaders and the traitors who enable them.

i don't think that diversity is a good thing. no such thing was stated in either my original post or any of my responses. as to a citation there are many i can offer you. if i may i will begin by offering an article from the (((nyt))), who seems to be quite concerned about the prospects of biological determinism. i can offer more science based research papers if you would like (it would take me some time, however).

As long as you are arguing against strict superiority and recognize that there are generic differences between populations, I would agree with your agreement.


well said and well taken.

I’m not saying you said anything about diversity. You asked why race might matter in a way that can’t be accounted for by measuring merit alone, and I gave you an answer: loss of community trust and cohesion.

You sort of answered your own question. The average nigger is inferior to the average white person. That in it of itself doesn’t mean we should exterminate them. However if you do belong to the white race which you probably do; you should prefer your own race above all others and prevent its destruction. This could be done by removing them from our country or removing them from the planet.

having more than 2 braincells

less cancer
see those fuckers in Italy

This post is effectively putting the cart before the horse. Once the nigger problem has been corrected, then we can pontificate on how best to deal will the whites who are nonproductive.

oh i see. i am not here to argue about specific policy, but i will offer you a hypothetical:
black people with good traits are kept around in their own separate neighborhoods. they are still a part of the same legal, economic, and political world as the white people. would you support this?

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but why should i prefer a dumb and lazy white person over a hardworking, smart person of any other race?

what is the "nigger problem"?
does your solution also include getting rid of white people who are as useless as the niggers and keeping around the niggers who are more useful than the average white person? if not, why?

What riddle? Discriminate based on intelligence and compassion and you are racist.

saved. god bless. let us do it by genes and apply those criteria to all people equally.

not according to me. i actually think that that is the most reasonable solution.


the word of the future.

Actually, I would be willing to deal with that, only because they would lack the leverage to effect any federal changes that run contrary to our cultural priorities and preferences. I wonder how long they’d be happy sharing such a government with us; I suspect “not very long”.
Important caveat: (((everyone))) who works to mandate integration through media and government power has to be physically removed (so to speak). Also: illegals have to fuck off.

No Nigger will ever be adapted to the cold like us.

i think they would rather share a government with us than with their fellow members of the african diaspora. you (((everyone))) and illegal qualifications are sound and agreeable.

You’ll get some very smart and talented Chinese oligarchs to destory your housing market by buying all the starter homes and Jewish cultural engineers to destroy your postracial meritocracy by flooding it with shitholers and calling you a bigot.

Hadn’t seen this response yet. I’ll leave you with a Kipling poem I quite enjoy:

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control--
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf--
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

not sure what this has to do with the modern world, but even if you chose to discriminate based on genes that make you less susceptible to the cold you still face the issue i outlined.

white people are more adapted to the cold than niggers.
what do we do about the white people who are less adapted to the cold than the average nigger?

now you can name your traits to be things like white skin or lactose tolerance, but the more arbitrary and unrelated to modern success the traits become the more of a laughing stock your ideology becomes as well.

beautiful poem. one again, i think you make a fair point about social cohesion and trust. this is why i agree with your proposal to segregate and closely monitor members of the other races. this is kind of the japanese do today. we would do it to a larger extent. go with god.

once again* and kind of thing*

regardless of the quality of the race, a multiracial society develops less due to absence of trust built on familiarity (in look and culture too) and due to the political competition between races

racism must be upheld for the sake of the community
>what about the unfamiliar man of the same race
>what about the familiar man of a different race
they're the results of racism being opposed, unwanted results that can be further isolated into their own monoracial community when numerous enough or dissolved with time when few enough
>how much is enough?
each community decides for itself
yes, but also fair, that's what an arbiter is about

already had this discussion with another user and we agreed. i think i'd agree with you too.

read any book English book published before the 19th century
for every one word you can think of in modern English their are eight or so that are almost the same thing but have fallen out of use
each had nuance and context allowing high precision in disciplining situations and further abstraction
but complex language is only needed if you are to describe something extremely specific
otherwise its just a costume

>"pragmatic" side of things
yes just cultivate a situation where not acting like a nigger is worth while
its all about opportunity cost, so people take the path of least resistance
or alternately what will give the best rewards .eg Delayed gratification

>reiterate your culture point
not only in the present but also the past people look for examples to follow and a security of following a path that has been known to work
western culture has overtime put a bit of gloss on its heroes
yea they still slay the dragon but now are given noble reasons for doing so
beyond just protecting their home they have a higher cause
even if he really needs no more reason other than protecting his people

but what of the negro hero ?
I don't really know much about them
with only gangsta rap to go by id say coolio does not fit in now lol
if you see something that works you go with that

>Racism is a heuristic mechanism for making hard choices with limited resources
I agree people are really lazy and take short cuts all the time
it would only take a little more time to assess a person individually
but you have to weight them against Negativity bias generated by every other person who at face value seems like them
for me its like seeing a roach
for a moment its just revulsion and wanting to insta kill gib that fucker
then a moment later you just have to use due caution and eliminate the problem
I can capture it and put it outdoors
or just deliver it to a pond of water where it drowns
depends on my mood and its nothing personal

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i hate these threads.
everyone is different.
no two people are the same.
groups of people from different genetic backgrounds are going to have more similar traits than people from dissimilar genetic backgrounds.
i will never be as fast as usain bolt, my kids will never be as fast as his. but, i'd bet dollars to donuts that my kids are better at solving complex problems about theoretical constructs than his kids.
fucking jews always have to frame this as a "superiority" thing because that's how they squash the discussion. it's not. it's a differences thing. people are different and that has logical implications the consequences of which can be seen throughout society.

you make very little sense to me. you may just be above my level in intellect. i am failing to connect how what you just said has anything to do with what i am saying.

fair enough. people are different and ought to be treated as such. and this does have logical implications for society. what those are i don't know, but i agree with you that this whole superiority narrative does more bad than good.

holy shit!
an infographic with reputable sources!

>you make very little sense to me
I draw from many wells and make many connections
just imagine how it feels to be aware of so much more than you can ever understand or even describe
if I say anything that's true is just by chance

>above my level in intellect
thanku but its more a matter of motive
I consider that people can peruse only what holds interest to them
if you had my interests you might think more like me, but your attention is elsewhere
we may not have the same destination but I wish you well

at the moment you are like a puddle only seeing the surface of things and wondering at that
just underneath the surface is everything that led to that moment
all the factors and constraints and the work that goes into moving around them
things are not so beautiful once you understand them

just for my previous post I had to back off from the 200 char limit
and resize the picture from 9.7 to 3.0 meg before uploading
was my that really worth the effort ?

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