Bernie Sanders unveils Stop Walmart Act

What can we do to stop this kike? As someone who has relied on this place as their bread and butter since 2004, I cannot have any sort of comprismises. Throw me a bone, Jow Forums.

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> The new legislation marks a change in Sanders' tactics for pressuring companies to raise their wages. In September, he unveiled the Stop BEZOS Act, which called for levying a tax on large companies equal to the value of the public benefits that their workers receive. A month later, Amazon announced it would raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour, starting November 1. However, it also eliminated bonuses and stock awards for hourly workers.

> amazon stock value keeps skyrocketing
> workers no longer receive stock compensation
> a $3/h increase, 10/h day, $7500 year
> stock is around $1500
> and that's without bonuses

gee, thanks mr sanders
you basically subsidized the lazy with the bonuses and stock comp of the decent worker

Is this a good or a bad thing?

>Jews support walmart
>Jews hate walmart

What exactly do you want

We should start a petition to change the name of Walmart to 'The Human Zoo'

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the people who work at Walmart, but most Walmart shoppers look like they fit that description perfectly.

Go ask Hillary Clinton for another beach house.

whatever you want, champ

this sounds like a great idea idk what you're bitching at

>this sounds like a great idea
because you're a brainless moron that can't do basic math

This is shit pol actually likes

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He should be pushing to end income tax, if anything, along with instant contributions to SS/medicare -- or similar programs. Let the workers have more of their money and decide what to do with it.

And, yes, the CEOs, too, should have more of the money so they can put it back into the companies.

not an argument
try and make one

Assuming it's true, this may be the most retarded thing Hitler has ever said.

introducing a bill with this inflammatory name is ethically questionable

wow another non argument
do you people know how?

I did in
thanks for bumping
now own your stupidity

South Park did this first

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>oy vey how will I be able to afford that new private jet if I pay my employees more?!

Capitalism and bolshevism are literally funded by the same people, rely on the same materialistic bullshit principles ("more stuff for everyone!"), literally counting their successes on the ammount of goods you have today and what do you think today that the ruler should be doing and all that bullshit. Capitalism and communism both end having to grow and expand by all means necessary, either outsourcing labour which results in misery or squeezing (((carefully managed labour))) of a crushed proletariat which results in misery.

That's because they both stem from an atomistic individualistic inorganic conception of life, society and civilization.

What else do you want?

>non argument

It's a statement. Anyone who equates Bolshevism to free market capitalism as the same Jewish thing lacks the mental capacity to waste time arguing with.

>Christian capitalism' is already as good as destroyed, the international Jewish Stock Exchange capital gains in proportion as the other loses ground. It is only the international Stock Exchange and loan-capital, the so-called 'supra-state capital,' which has profited from the collapse of our economic life, the capital which receives its character from the single supra-state nation which is itself national to the core, which fancies itself to be above all other nations, which places itself above other nations and which already rules over them...

>That legalization that took no money from amazon or made no new law made them move money around for the workers who got less
>thus we should still keep them unregulated
yeah you made a 10/10

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>As someone who has relied on this place as their bread and butter since 2004
>fuck locals
kys faggot

>user looks at a quarter in his pocket
>Eagle and Washington head same thing
>doesn't understand the meaning of the phrase
>calls me stupid

There are no local businesses here anymore. Walmart is really the only game in town for me

LOL fuck off you brainwashed boomer

let him, walmart helps disadvantaged black families, they don't deserve it

>Spend 6 or 7 hours a day for 12 years of your life being trained in Democrat ran public school
>Only way to make $15/hr is to vote Democrat


>Should of gone to college

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He has a point. If workers still have to receive welfare on that wage then taxpayers are basically subsidizing Wal-Mart by letting them pay employees garbage. Either no welfare or walmart should pay employees enough that they don't need it. Billionaire ceos can go with a few less yachts, why are we paying them via taxes. This is against the free market.

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Sorry. I don't have the stamina or $20k for community college

Regardless, it helps disadvantaged whites such as myself.

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You haven't made one argument. That being said I can see your true intent, feeding trolls is fun sometimes.

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What a cock sucker.
Does he think he's a dictator or some shit?
If people don't like the wage, get a new fucking job.

It's a loaded question. Very very common Jewish tactic. He presents the debate like this:
>walmart is responsible for their employee's welfare costs
>walmart isn't responsible
And guess what? Anyone who holds a side in this issue accepts (((Bernie's))) real position, which is:
>the welfare system should be maintained
In other words, he's shifting the blame away from communist policies and onto the companies that are merely benefiting from said policy. Even if Wal-Mart had to pay a bit extra, it wouldn't make a bit of difference. At the end of the day, those employees will be spending all their money at Wal-Mart anyway.

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He's not wrong though.

>At the end of the day, those employees will be spending all their money at Wal-Mart anyway.
Ain't this the fact? Other than my bills and whatever little purchases I make online via Amazon, all my money goes right back into the company

If you get rid of minimum wage and welfare, I feel that you have to go all the way libertarian style. Because now you take away rights from workers while the state uses force to break up unions and shoot strikers like the 1800s. Also no bailing out companies like Ford or big banks when they fail. It's all or nothing for me.

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Walmart killed this.

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Stockpile guns and food, because every leftist fantasy ends with government mass executions and famines.

>The socialist jew trying to help the working class bad, the capitalist jew that profits by exploitation my friend and ally

About 50% of employees nationwide saw a pay increase that benefits them. Only workers in states with higher pay, like CA, actually lose because they did away with the bonuses, the stock also isn't handed out freely, it is only a bonus during the holiday season and workers have to meet hourly quotas and not miss a single day during holiday season. That 1500 is shit by comparison, idiot.

>people in small-town communities chose to shop at Walmart because of low prices, quality, and convenience
Fucking Walmart!
>people with money move into small towns and reinvigorate/revitalize old city squares and downtowns with small businesses, farmer's markets
Fucking gentrification!

>so they can jew it off shore
Fixed, dumbass.

>Amazon gets shit for their wages
>They increase wages to look like the good guy
>Demand everyone else increase wages because they are the good guy now.
>Amazon has the capital to replace people with robots
>Other places don't

Amazon only wants to increase wages to destroy their competition.

Minimum wage is contrary to freedom of contract and is essentially price-fixing. Why isn't it unconstitutional again?

>people with money move into small towns and reinvigorate/revitalize old city squares
Well to do house wives with a hobby business is not different that some small shop on Melrose Blvd. I provides no real service, just a way to liquidate their husband's money.

Because feelings.

>unwashed masses of warehouse peons used to receive stock bonuses
tell me more mr capitalister

Fuck this kike.. I know walmart is greedy and the only thing that will happen feo. This is cut hours and layoffs.. Cool you make 15 bucks an hour but don't mean shit if you work like 15 a week... I may not make much but atleast I get 40 hours with pto I can use and a bonus every 3 months around 600 but this will just cause them to take those options away

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I just hope my hours and bonuses aren't affected.

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the larger the company the higher the minimum wage should be. Amazon minimum wage should be $50 an hour

Fuck Wal-mart and fuck Amazon. Fuck any corporation owned or ran by kikes.Bring back small town locally owned, US made.

I'd be dancing in the streets

Imposible. The genie is out of the bottle.

Fucking BASED

Love this guy.

My local Wal-Mart is fucking spics hangout, obese shopping center. The smell is unreal.

Nothing is impossible when you realize 6 million need to die.

All the walmarts in my area in SC raised wages to $15/hr but we all have kiosk check outs now. You have roughly 2-3 people guarding the machines and doors and stockers now.

that only happens in nigger infested areas and it is almost always hipsters with ridiculously absurd business ventures like bespoked ice cream

At mine, the workers are all convicts, soccer moms or depressed all of the above

it's all going to come to head

>why aren't people buying our $500k stick houses
can't afford them because average wages are shit
>why aren't people buying our overpriced goods
can't afford them because average wages are shit
>why are people turning to gardening and hunting
people can't afford overpriced GMO and steroid pumped food because wages are shit

These businesses will crash themselves and it is all do to the kike's greed. It will be fun to watch.

>community college costs 20k

While my GI bill paid my college Idk one person having to pay 20k for community college. It was more like 8-12k but thats virginia.

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if commies are all about workers owning the means of production why don't they campaign for stock buy in programs instead of higer wages?

>What can we do to stop this kike?
Democrats don't control the Senate.

On paper its $16k, but what is omitted is fees, taxes, books, other administrative bullshit.

Bernie is really tripling down on Socialism. What the fuck is this Jews's problem?

>My local Wal-Mart is fucking spics hangout
I was surprised to see so many Muslims at mine at night. I figure its because the women can't go out until the husband is back from work. I'm in Duarte California.


well maybe now eople will get a decent wage Also tax the fuck our of these globalists so they fold and local run business take back control

>Bernie is really tripling down on Socialism
It will catch on just you wait.

>levying a tax on large companies equal to the value of the public benefits that their workers receive.

I'm ok with that.

Brainlet boomer. We will shit on your grave and build homeless shelters on it for the niggers you brought in to sustain your infinite growth scheme

No jews.

There's plenty of white trash there too. Overweight women with tattoos and multiple piercings, it's disgusting.

I've never been to a Walmart in Canada, but most Walmart workers I've met in the US are decent enough, I don't recall ever having a problem with them. Just most of the people here who shop at Walmart could pass as exhibits in human zoos.

Seriously can not wait for it to catch on.

>It will catch on just you wait.

Socialism is just soft language for "slavery" when you get right down to it. The idea is that we will all move into class systems where those at the bottom will get low income cheques to barely stay alive while the people at the top continue to get richer. It's basically just a big pyramid scheme to ruin lives. People who push socialism are delusional leftist cunts who are full of shit.

This just goes back to anti-trust laws.

Wal-mart and Amazon have very specific business models. If they have a competitor in the community, in Wal-Mart's case, or online, in Amazon's place, they have the funds to put forth to essentially dismantle them.

Say they're not selling enough bedding, right? These extremely wealthy businesses can purchase insane amounts of bulk products and discount them to such an extent that their competitor can not compete and ends up going Bankrupt.

Then, Wal-Mart, or Amazon, is free to slowly raise prices back up, without competition. On top of them, taxpayers are paying for their Employee's extremely low wages in the form of SNAP and Medicaid.

Defending these institutions and their business practices is anti-American.

Ignore the horrible spelling. I'm hung over as shit.

>class system
Whatever, your talk radio jargon will have little effect of the population at large. I'm no socialist but you have to see the direction things are going and what is attractive to most people.

>a business is successful
>we must stop it!

holy shit, socialists really do need to kill themselves. do they have ANY idea just how difficult it is to make a successful business?

>because niggers


You seem to be suggesting that economics of scale lead to monopolies. I suggest you gain a few more IQ points and come back later.

>I'm hung over as shit.

Walmart is a great place to get alcohol. I love their wine selection.

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>What can we do to stop this kike?

Ask for forgiveness, first.

Pray to Hitler and tell him that he was right all along.

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Walmart is bad for everyone, everyone except selfish ignorant people who only care about saving money no matter the consequences. How do you even compete against a company that big and powerful? You don't. That's why so many smaller companies go out of business. To top it all off, they pay their employees like bums who collect change for a living. Even evil companies like Google treat their employees well and give them a good salary. In other words, fuck Shartmart.

and Internet sales are killing Walmart.

Those of us in rural areas have better easier access to purchasing almost anything imaginable at low prices. It's actually pretty nice.

>Walmart is bad for everyone
did walmart kill your mother or something? it's just a retail store. get a life.

>Those of us in rural areas have better easier access to purchasing almost anything imaginable at low prices
Like what?

>Whatever, your talk radio jargon will have little effect of the population at large. I'm no socialist but you have to see the direction things are going and what is attractive to most people.

Nice stealth double talk there.

> I'm no socialist

> But, when in Rome...

haha i misread it at first, i thought it said "Stop Weimar act".

made me think
>Woah bernie really making a right turn for 2020

>Jow Forums defending a multi-billion dollar corporate for relying on corporate welfare to avoid paying a decent wage

t_d was a mistake.

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You're right, we need to stop corporate welfare right now. No more government handouts!

Oh wait.

>Is this a good or a bad thing?
I think it is bad to use the government to FORCE non-government companies to pay a higher wage. If these people had any brains, they would have organized years ago. Say what you want about unions, but they do force employers to pay a higher wage. However, walmart nor its shareholders would be bothered. If necessary, they will just raise prices. Overhead costs will be passed to consumers before shareholders. Now may be a good time to buy walmart stock.

because you'll never become majority shareholder

Nah, they just fuck over small people to profit off of selling useless shit made by kids in other countries to selfish materialistic people. They also really prefer hiring people part-time and if those people can't find a second job then they rely on food stamps and medicaid. In other words, despite being a very successful and wealthy company, they screw over American workers and tax payers with this part-time bullshit.

No, you're an idiot. This is just a socialist trick to move the country towards communism.

Guess who decides the current welfare law? Guess who voted for it ? It isn't amazon. It isn't walmart. It's bernie fucking sanders.

Socialist retard bernie sanders creates a stupid socialist policy, then realizes it fucked up the economy, now he's creating another stupid socialist policy to patch the first one. Guess what? It's just going to fuck up the economy again, and he will petition for yet another socialist policy to patch that one.

You know what all these policies will have in common?
They increase the government revenue. Stupid fucking commies can't do anything right. Never let them touch anything.

if its successful, why do we need to subsidize it then?

>Nah, they just fuck over small people
by offering better, cheaper products? you seem to have a romanticized view of small retailers, when typically the reason they were noncompetitive is because they were shit. I hate people like you because they don't know what they're talking about.

>Gain a few IQ points
Talk to me when Canada stops putting restrictions on Wal-Mart that aren't in place in most places within the United States. Or spend some time here.

It's not just the economies of scale, it's t effectiveness of a heartless, aggressive, deliberate business model.

Hey, if you want to break up wallmart and amazon into smaller compaines, that's fine with me.

I support that kind of thing. But just creating another tax for these monopoly businesses is a shit idea.

Look into the concept of "predatory pricing," it's different than economies of scale.

bernie alone decided the current welfare law and not all of the other senators? What about the house?

Bernie has been outnumbered like 5 to 1 on everthing he ever wanted to do... remember the election where every liberal in cable news, deep state, in congress wanted hillary and not him

dont you people get tired of being wrong ever... you should stop having an opinion and just learn for a few years

I'm not a socialist but I do listen to them so get some idea of how they think as opposed to letting some moron like Sean Hannity spoon feed me soundbites of leftists.