Is Japan the model western country?

Is Japan the model western country?

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Other urls found in this thread:ōshi

Japan is the overpopulated mice experiment extended to humans. They exhibit all the same behavior.

They study, innovate, work hard, eat healthy and don't commit any crime?

>western country
this is an insult to japan

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we could certainly learn a thing or two from the japs, especially their urban organization. it's marvelous.

Obviously I mean a model for how western countries should be.

Now if we could get them to start weaning themselves off of so much s-o-y

Well, it's not a western country, but it is an ideal model -- along with Singapore.

You could've just said model country worldwide. Japan is an example what we could've been without jewish meddling

no the soviet union was

It's coming, guys.

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>The few secluded spaces housed a population Calhoun called, "the beautiful ones." Generally guarded by one male, the females—and few males—inside the space didn't breed or fight or do anything but eat and groom and sleep. When the population started declining the beautiful ones were spared from violence and death, but had completely lost touch with social behaviors, including having sex or caring for their young.

>Says the increasingly nervous kike for the 58th time this week

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Macau and HK are full of Indonesians, mostly doing shit work.

so what

>Is Japan the model western country?
>Is the country in the farthest East a model for the West?
>Christianity, which comes from the Middle-East is the best religion.
>Greek philosophy, which is the farthest East of the West, is the foundation of Western tradition.

Hey, here's a fucking question: Why the fuck is the West really the East?

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Japan isn’t western

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Because western europe is a hellhole.

>welcoming and polite to visitors, but will never let them forget that they are just that - visitors
>high emphasis on strong family and community bonds
>immigration is extremely difficult and to get permanent residency you must display an outstanding skill set which is of benefit to the people of Japan and cannot be easily filled by a Japanese person
>permanent residency for Muslim immigrants is impossible
>extremely strict criteria for refugee status, promptly deports failed applicants
>crime rate so low that the police are left looking for things to do. I used to leave my bike outside the lab at UoT completely unlocked and unguarded and in 4 years it was never stolen

It’s pretty comfy desu and I go there several times a year to visit my friends, but if you’re thinking of fleeing there you’re an idiot because if everyone goes there it will destroy the very thing which makes Japan so great.

It’s just west the long way round.

model for economic stagflation and shrinking productive population

japan is a 2nd world country masquerading as a 1st world

Kys Ahmed, you don't belong here.

asian women can be cute but I find it hard
to really attract to them, something in their
face always repel me.

anyone else feel the same?

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The opposite is true too: they have problems with innovating and changing things.

Japan is overpopulated anyway.
Oh no, how terrible, the price of housing and living might go down once the population shrinks to a sensible size!

Yes, due to our ponzi fiat currency it will cause a deflation in the economy, Japan is not unaware of this, but have in fact addressed it and stated in no uncertain terms that Japan will remain Japanese. They will not import migrants to keep the bubble inflating and there is no economic price which is not worth paying in order to preserve the Japanese identity.

The mustaches are photoshopped in, right?

Japan won't be like this in 30 years. Their policy is shifting bit by bit. Their population is still decaying since their new born baby has reduced to 0.9 millions in 2018.

Japan will be a peaceful great country for a long time in future but the night will come eventually.

If you graduated from Tokyo University you must notice that how many foreigners (not include east Asian ones) increased in the past 5 years. I notice this as a regular visitor.

There are way more Indians and SEA people in Japan than decades ago.

I am not even larping. I am a big Japanese culture fan and this make me feel pain to the bones


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> innovating and changing things.
If "innovating and changing" takes on the meaning it does in the west then that's a good thing.

japan has no culture, unless you mean anime and jav

This picture is clearly photoshoped,especially the skin. If you actually visit EA you won't find many women look like this.

>no guns
Hard pass

>A highway running through a skyscraper
If that isn't the future, I don't know what is.

doesn't matter, I mean asian women in general

I'm just a simple goy who went to Japan in May. Large observations:
>streets were fucking clean. people smoked, but would carry their cigarette butts on them until they got to a proper receptacle
>the women were cute, but as a white person, the girls were more curious than anything. I had some good flirting exchanges with their limited English and my limited Japanese
>degeneracy is controlled and normalized. if you're a salaryman, you best et your ass to happy hour after work and drink until you stumble home. I heard a story about a man who went right home after work and his wife legit thought he got fired bc he wasn't out drinking and eating with colleagues
>potato noodles were better than expected

They don't have too many their own culture. But they are experts in absorbing foreign ones and change them to the new Japanese style form. Even part of their language comes from us.

You cannot shit on Japanese people in this aspect generally speaking.

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That's like saying the US no culture beyond Hollywood and porn.

This is how our brain is developed maybe. You just evolve this way to find your own type more attractive or your ancient won't breed and died out.

In some ways yes. In others ways hell no

no the japs are on a level of politeness and restraint no longer possible for Europeans
that depends on what you encounter
and how limited your expectations are

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Elaborate, senpai.

they have the best music scene from any asian country. and some of their movie directors had a huge impact on hollywood(before hollywood turned to complete shit).

ja is interchangable with ya or yah which
is a way to describe god. pan is another
name for satan, japanese are saying their
father or god is satan.

japan, nuke yourself.

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basically I can be attracted to different varieties
of women but there is something in asian
women face\eyes that look soulles

You should talk this seriously with those yellow favor guys on Jow Forums. I have no idea why this happen. Personally I am attracted to EA girls exclusively and some white girls with soft features (mostly slav girls). Thank god we have both two types in home.

Singapore is a testament to the benefits of a White/Asian alliance.

>japan has no culture, unless you mean anime and jav


Are you the same type of idiot that says America has no culture?

Japan has its own unique:

- Sports - Keiran, Sumo

- Religion - Shinto

- Food - Various types

- Entertainment - Jpop, anime, pachinko, kabuki, the one where one single person is a one man play, idol stuff

- Language

- History

Sure looks like it has its own culture to me

Most people there are Indians, SEA people, and Chinese who hate CCP as fuck. Westerns just move there to avoid tax.

>Chinese who hate CCP as fuck

I thought all the human chinks were on Taiwan.

Singapore and Hong Kong chinks are alright, but the latter are slowly being assimilated by the mainland

Taiwanese will go extinct before 2100. Their fertility rate drops below 1.0 while the mainland drop to 1.05. Basically you needn't mind things here. All will be gone, no matter human or not in your standard.

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It is the epitome of the Far East.

OP is a dumb fuck.

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the birthsrates of asian countries are pretty depresing. people often like to focus on japan but korea and singapore are even more fucked

What's wrong with a declining population in an overpopulated country? Does it NEED this many humans?

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Already clarified that I mean culturally rather than geographically. Australia is in the far east but it's still western in it's outlook.

Hongkong is a dying city anyway. If you want to leave some memory you'd better visit it within 20 years from now. This city have some special features that don't appear in other places.

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It's not wrong. I am glad the fertility rate is this low. From 2030-2100 we will lose 1 billion people and reach 0.45 billions in 2100, which has almost old people left.

At that time the world will be filled with Indians and Africans

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Tokyo is the now the richest city in the world and will grow to be even more so in the coming years. I think part of their birth rate problem was just their rapid urbanization but that is a self correcting problem as the population adapts to city life.

Anime, ramen and sushi have taken the world by storm. Japan definitely has had a strong cultural impact on the world, there are weebs in every country on the planet.

Ironically japan has the highest fertility rate among us. (1.40). This won't stop them from disappearing though.

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rich coming from a Brazilian

Their urbanization cease decades ago. Your other statement are correct though.

I visit many places in Japan. You can hardly see people in some small cities. This also happens in the suburb area of Tokyo. Plenty empty houses with no people live in it.

I had this misfortune of associating with these "people" in a handful of MMORPGs that I was into during the early/mid-00s and I swear to God, people talk about Chinks on here but Japs are the worst kind of cunts you can imagine. They talk to anyone who isn't Japanese like you are a child, or their slave. Any gajin is an outsider. The only thing I could possibly compare it to is like being a nigger in 60s USA.

Now that's fair enough you might say. Outsiders deserve to be treated with disdain. But these people profit greatly from our trade and our technology, unlike the parasitic relationship between browns and whites. They should treat us with respect. Try explaining that to them though! Good luck getting any from them.

Jews wants the western world to look like south america

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

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soon I will enjoy what life on europe should've been, sorry about my lineage but that's the only smart move left

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Japan have plenty dark side wait for you to explore behind the beautiful tourist's japan. First focus on you job and make sure you won't get fucked from your workplace.

What job are you going to do lad.

>I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

Literally the only good thing about based Ken

embedded development

which japanese are the true japanese and which should be exterminated to recreate a pure country?

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>not understanding how science works
they discovered the blue LED, huehue

Listen x2 speed

The embedded system engineer is highly demanded in Electronic industry. Good for you.
What company are you going to work for lad.
The culture differs a lot between foreign company and local company in Japan.

I would rather be dead than Japanese

Broad generalizations. There's plenty of creative power in Japan.

Only the Amerimutt can be impressed by Japan which is a dying country, their reasoning is "Ohh the Japanese cities are so clean and they are polite". It is because the Amerimutt lives in ghettos and is constantly surrounded by feral niggers. Underneath that facade Japanese have a ton of societal problems, suicide, depression, pedophilia, sexual repression, all of this in a dying nation that is well on it's way to reducing 50% of it's population in the next 20-30 years. Japan is what happens when a country goes dowm the satanic route of ultra materialism combined with capitalism.

Weebs are disgusting

You will be back in less than a year, mark my words. The Japanese have to work inhumane overlong hours in order to sustain their standard of living because there is a lack of workers available. This has given rise to a phenomenon called Karoshi, or overwork death. I hope you realise the death spiral of Japanese work culture before this happens to youōshi

Their metropolitan structure is extremely successful, like some of their other Asian neighbors.

As you can see here Asian countries hold a significant amount of massive cities. A model for sure

Nope, been studying in SEA for a while and most locals have it.