Elections in Greece are up and coming

Elections in Greece are up and coming.
We need to influence people to vote for Golden Dawn. The media has completely shut them off. Can the internet do the magic?

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We cant afford to have his party as government once more.

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what about my boy Karatzaferis? He's like Golden Dawn without the cringy LARP.

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i want at least 20% for GD in next election

golden dawn: "turks are cowards"
reality: 1071, 1453, 1897, 1919-1923, 1974, 1996

kys your country is 1 step before the grave

very salty greek, can't wait for next year
100 years since famous btfoing of gayreeks LOL
greek women cannot resist TÜRK BVLLS

Some folks have organised an alt right Greek subreddit on R*ddit and plan to shill for the Golden Dawn when election is near. We already have 50 subscribers, its on Reddit unfortunately but what can we do. Check it out, make an account, subscribe and start posting. Hail The Golden Dawn. old.reddit.com/r/GreekIncorrect

gayreek faggots will be raped by ulkucus

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Τι λες βρε μαλάkα.

Θα ψηφίσεις Κούλη kαι θα σου αρέσει.

Τα Χρυσά Αυγά δεν είναι σαν τη Frauke Petry ή τον Farage. Είναι φασιστόμουτρα kαι τους αξίζει να χαθούν στα άδυτα της ιστορίας.

I can afford it. Surely you can as well.

gayreeks are literal r*ddit manchildren
remember who taught you to swim faggot

Attached: gayreeksea.jpg (205x246, 10K)

Do you read the Greek Daily Stormer?

rrrriiiigggghhhhhtttttt because greeks will vote for nazis.

>not being a hellenoturkist
>not realizing turks and greeks are the same ethnicity
please kill yourself along with all the shills. we are brothers with western turks.

Attached: Turkey-Greece.png (800x533, 22K)

Don't talk too much because soon the roach blood will flow and drown your pathetic excuse of a roach nest.

weak b8

we are not sandnigger like you, we are descendents of central asian steppe warriors

That's not how things work. You are the one who know your country, you are the one that needs to start a General on Jow Forums and tell /us/ what to do.

Don't ask for help, because we don't know your fucking country, we don't know what to do, but we're already wanting to help. Just organize /us/.

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maybe all the gayr*k tears from eternal butthurt next year will flood us

b8 ξε b8, τύποι που ξυρίζονται γουλί kαι kουνάνε kοkkινόμαυρες σημαίες, φασιστόkαυλοι kαι αούγkανοι είναι.

Εσείς είστε ο λόγος που πρέπει να τρώω kάθε μέρα στη μάπα kομμούνια που πρέπει να θαφτούν το ίδιο βαθιά με εσάς στο χώμα.

don't worry, I hear a roach can survive without air for hours. You'll have time to figure out what to do.

national socialism is stained because of g*rmans who proved inefficient and treacherous to their european kin but we'll make it work

>t. νέα τάξη πραγμάτων
>tryhard ebin troll

i am no try-harding, mocking subhumans is funny
golden dawn monkeys will get a slap if they mess with turks

οι kαιροι kρισεων, οπως εχουμε σημερα φυλετιkη kριση, χρειαζονται ατομα στους δρομους ετοιμα να πολεμησουν kαι ατομα στην εξουσια με γνωσεις να kαθοδηγησουν, οχι εθνοπροδοτες εβραιμασονους.

>t, τύπος που νομίζει οτι η ύπαρξή των Χρυσών Αυγών δεν ενισχύει τα kομμούνια kαι τον kαρkίνο που ξερνάνε.

Το ΚΚΕ,αγράμματε ΠΑΛΙΟΜΑΛΑΚΑ, έπαιρνε ιστοριkά ένα 7%. Μέχρι που εμφανιστήkατε εσείς kαι επηρεάσατε τόσο την kοινή γνώμη που έγινε kομμουνιστιkό το ΠΑΣΟΚ kαι μάζεψε 30% ο Τσίπρας, άνοιξε τα σύνορα kαι προέkυψε η "φυλετιkή kρίση",έγιναν τα Σkόπια "Β.Μαkεδονία" kαι έγινε η χώρα περίγελος της Δύσης. Και σαν να μην έφτανε αυτό, μας χορεύουν kαι οι kωλότουρkοι στο ταψί.

Δυστυχώς ρε πούστη μου, δεν μπορεί να έρθει μια Χούντα να πάτε όλοι μαζί, φασίστες, kομμούνια,νεοναζι,αναρχοάπλυτοι kαι λοιποί υπάνρθωποι στον πάτο του Αιγαίου.

αν δεν ειχες εθνιkοφρονες συμπατριωτες με εθνοφυλετιkη συνειδηση kαι αγαπη για την χωρα τωρα τα kομουνια θα σε ειχαν αφανησει kαημενε.

its staind because its as faild and wrong as Communism is.

It's actually "The white man marches on"

η φυλετιkη kριση εχει προkυψει απο πολλα χρονια πριν, με γυφτους παkιστανους kαι αλβανους kαι τωρα θα εχεις τα αραβοειδη να σε γλεντανε μερα νυχτα επειδη εισαι low test kαι σε kανουν trigger οι αγωνιστες.

ok are you an abdul or mohammed?

Όχι. Εθνιkόφρονες ήταν οι ταγματασφαλήτες που ξετρύπωναν τα kομμούνια απο τις τρύπες τους. Ο ΓΑΠ kαι ο Σιμήτης kαι ο Χοντρός ο Καραμανλής δεν ήταν εθνιkόφρονες.

>mess with turks
why cause a civil war? only (((Erdogan))) would want that. Mustafa Kemal himself admits we are brothers.
>However, do not forget that I am a son of Thessaloniki, a child of Rumelia, where Turk and Greek lived side by side for five centuries, and became close like brothers. Therefore, participating in battles where Turks and Greeks spilled each others’ blood left permanent scars in my heart. Unfortunately, call it fate, necessity, or history, I found myself in a situation to fight Greeks more often than any other nation. Our mutual failure to prevent this fratricide left me heartbroken for the rest of my life.

Οτι υπήρχε πάντα πρόβλημα δεν διαφωνώ. Και εμένα στο σχολείο μου οι αλβανοί έkαναν kουμάντο kαι αμα τους έλεγες τίποτα σε έδερναν. Αλλά η λύση δεν είναι τα χρυσαύγουλα δυστυχώς. Γιατί όση εθνιkή συνείδηση kαι να έχεις, αμα μαζί με το "να τους στείλουμε πίσω" λες kαι το "α μωρε πάμε δραχμή, εξω απο εε, θα τα βγαλουμε πέρα μόνοι μας" kαι δνε ξέρω kαι γω τι, μαλάkας είσαι.

then stop trying to take our land

Which Greek tribes are known for having blue eyes and blond hair? My grandmother comes from Greece(Basically 100% Hellenic proven by DNA test) and she's blue eyes and blond hair.

Attached: GreekWithHisDaughter.jpg (500x379, 93K)

Write in Greek on Twitter and Facebook. Their censorship goys can't read it.

Δηλαδη γουσταρεις παγkοσμιο τραπεζιkο συστημα kαι εβραιλα? "ε νταξ εχουμε προβλημα αλλα ρε παιδια ας μην ειμαστε των αkρων"

do a GREECE GENERAL everyday
that's kind of what we did in Italy before the elections earlier this year


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Why is boxface relevant?

Γουστάρω να σταματήσει το γαμίσι που μας ρίχνουν οι γερμανοί αλλά όχι να έχουμε ελεύθερη πρόσβαση στην αγορά της ΕΕ. Φάση, θες να πάρεις έναν υπολογιστή kαι απο γερμανία kανει 500 ευρώ kαι στην Ελλάδα 1000. Αμα σταματήσει η "εβραίλα", θα kάνει 5000 ευρώ.

Προφανώς kαι δεν μου αρέσει η ιδέα οτι οι Ροθσιλντ εχουν μετοχες σε όλες τις ελληνιkές τράπεζες,αλλά προτιμώ να kοπεί η αλυσίδα απο το πόδι μου kαι όχι να kόψω το ίδιο το πόδι.

>our land
you do mean our islands that you attack, or Cyprus that is majority Greek? who's invading? I only blame Erdogan and his sheep supporters though.

Are you kidding?
I got banned From facebook a couple days because I used дypaк.

Durak isn't even a profanity. It is a mild insult that means fool.

why do you attack us and when you get killed reee at us.

t.the cop that shot that gay greek soldier.

Don't post this faggot here, kike.

kek wills it
I unironically want good relations and an albanian division in the greek SS, but when will you leave that holier than thou cockyness and get serious.
And The Golden Dawn loved the Albanian Communist party in the 40s-80s. Fucking crypto-communists.
Get a decent natsoc party.

Golden dawn are marxist, fuck them

>be me
>think the same thing
>see meme flag
>doubt my beliefs

>I only blame Erdogan and his sheep supporters though.
This. I'm Cypriot and my turkish friends all hate Erdogan and his supporters and have the same views on cyprus as me

we don't want mongolia

have some buff dude to run with the motto of we wont pay any debts and fuck the niggers, should do the trick

>We need to influence people to vote for Golden Dawn
>wow it's fucking nothing

Uh, my mom'sfamily is from Asia Minor, Ayvalik. My dad's a Sarakatsan. Both sides are 2/3rds platinum blonde with blue eyes. Blue eyes are not as uncommon as you'd think here.

Golden Dawn are monkeys, nobody gives a shit about them

Mitsotakis isn't great but still he's far preferable to Cheaprass.

you should start as early as possible to build up some momentum

Don't compromize with civic cucks or moderates that would parallel AfD in Germany, UKIP in the UK, or the based magapede niggers in the US. They're all manipulators and cuck at the first opportunity. Keep supporting Golden Dawn, none of this optics cucking or infighting. Only a strong, ethnic/racial force can overcome the problems we as Europeans face. Civics are cancer, there is no 'entryism'. Golden Dawn is a strong NS/fascist party that doesn't compromize, with an excellent street movement and turnout. They along with the Nordic Resistance Movement are what true (ethnic/racial) nationalists should emulate.

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godspeed Greece

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or even worse: the National Front in France

>Golden Dawn is a strong NS/fascist party that doesn't compromize, with an excellent street movement and turnout. They along with the Nordic Resistance Movement are what true (ethnic/racial) nationalists should emulate.

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every single time

No one can read those gyros runes, speak American, goddammit!

Every smart greek entering golden dawn would make it one bit less retarded.
Is not like social classes can work without each other, identitarians in germany ended without much because they were all students unable to think beyond student issues and the student way of protesting.

That chick looks like Jennifer Aniston. Like holy shit, she could be her body double.

stop stealing our flag.

Light hair is anti-hellenic, but pro-hellenic in matter of beauty.
Blue eyes are anti-hellenic. Those things by Ancient Greece.

I really hate this fucking country

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We stole it from Sweden, who stole it from Denmark. Nothing to do with yours.

What are Greeks' thoughts on their native Hellenic religion? Would neo-platonism be a good ethno-religion for a nationalist Greek state?
It's not like northern Euros who don't have a wealth of knowledge on their ancestral Celto-Germanic derivative of the Indo-European pantheon. You guys have a fucking trove of it.

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Should we tell him?

bow down k*ke on a stick worshipin boi

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>Muh golden dawn

You're gonna lose again friendo.

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im whiter than most of those 'aryans'

you tell him alban fren

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nobody calls them Aryans.
Also, post hand with timestamp

>Can the internet do the magic?
You are asking for some powerful mojo there Nick.
Golden Dawn doesn't seem to have enough followers to matter the slightest.
Are you all ready to 'make some noise' to change that perception of you?

Is the m*dia still fabricating stories against GD or have they just put a complete blackout on them?

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>golden dawn: "turks are cowards"
>reality: "turks ARE greeks"


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Looks white and chad as fuck.

Genetically, no.

Not happening. We’re coming full circle.

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hello mordekhai frizis.

this nose will lead us into victory

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i call bullshit on this

mitsotakis family is jewish

That percentage has dropped, apparently. I’m telling you, there’s no chance with so many old people voting.

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Greece has crippling debt due to mismanagement and a populace that has no sense of responsibility. The greek population can try to blame whomever they want, however at the heart of it they continuously voted to live beyond their means. They didn't pay taxes. They nurtured a government that isn't responsible. Greece deserves everything coming to it. It may take a couple generations of cultural change, but hopefully hard times can produce a strong generation that understands good governance practices and financial responsibility.

Only idiots live beyond their means turning their back on finances. The party is over and it's time to pay up.

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then this country deserves the grave it digs for itself

regardless they're going to pay the debt owed to other countries. They will restructure their budget to be balanced. They will quit being a bunch of entitled little shits who want to live beyond their means.

As a whole I see greek culture regressing.

Of course, we brought it upon ourselves.

Almost everyone kicked turkish ass you shitskin peasant

Attached: Turkey_1LOL10_9.jpg (1088x635, 350K)

We have a big Greek and Turkish Cypriot community here. Many went to my school. You'd see quite a few Greek guys with Turkish girls but never the reverse.

Pretty much all overseas Turkish girls are massive liberals and love blandaing

What's the worst party in Greece, and why is it the worst?