How much has Jow Forums improved your mental wellbeing and overall happiness in life?

Everyone I've met IRL who's browsed Jow Forums (3 people) have said it made their lives worse and one recently committed suicide.

I go on /tv/ so I'm pretty happy in life but I'm apolitical and don't vote.

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Jow Forums is bad for you but it's not as bad for you as other media sources

that said, everyone will probably say it made their lives worse which is true

only reading books and exercising can really make you feel better and even that should be done in moderation so it is not in vain

>how much has Jow Forums improved your mental wellbeing and overall happiness in life

Immensely. For most of my life I thought I was alone, and then I realised that there were others like me. You only come to Jow Forums because there is nowhere else for us.

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Pol is life. Pol is a response to the nigger/Jew cuck propaganda machine and we've gained quite a bit of ground on them.

Your suicide friend was probably also r3ddit. Good riddens nigger.

I was an early Jow Forums regular, and we had some extremely good discussions until about 2014 or so. It actually was great. I don't vote either, and never take this shit off the site.

Now I know what is important in life. God, your family and preparing for the future. When we get our homesteads up and running we will host for any decent family in Europe. Even Romanians but you have to prove your family history isn’t just as bad as zionists

>how much has Jow Forums improved your mental wellbeing and overall happiness in life?

literally went in the negative tbqh

You sure you should be going back to Europe and not your homeland in Mongolia instead?

this, I would unironically be dead right now otherwise

This. I love this place. I wish it could be zero shills

could you guys expand? most of the posts i see here seem to be unironic outrage and hate threads and people just seem to be generally unhappy. I followed news and politics for about 1 month during the lead up to the referendum and that was probably the worst month of my life.

I’m fully blackpilled now and just want a happening to I can go fight and die in that

Jow Forums helped open my eyes but at first I had to pass through the dark night of the soul

I didn’t have either of those things to begin with, but now I have discernment and a ton of information. Nothing has been lost.

Better to have my views be shit on by strangers with other opinions than believe my ideas to be true and be wrong.

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I’m talking about homesteads in the US, not in EU you minty fresh degenerate

Came here to post this, but some dandy chap did it first.

Got so much in mind currently working on different projects

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Nowhere else can I have this massive amount of unfiltered content. Albeit janitors seems to suck dick and prune some threads and not shill/slide threads are abundant and kept for way too long. Any other platform is utter garbage and censored into shit. It's a really good outlet. My world view has been increasingly been more dystopian but Jow Forums is not to blame. The shitty world is. It's good to know there are more people sharing your views and values. I'd survive fine without Jow Forums. I would just have nowhere to write any of my thoughts on politics and be a lot less aware of geo-politics.

I guess i'm just the opposite, I'd honestly rather just stay ignorant and happy as my life is pretty good. I'm okay with living a blue pilled lie as long as i come back home happy.

I see your point of finding a community with shared interests though and that makes sense.

have fun with that while it lasts. just dont be upset when you are blindsided by reality in the form of tossed brick into the side of your face

happiness is a warm gun

>improved your mental wellbeing

>it’s not

Blackpilled. Life didn't really worsen, I just became more realistic and my goals different from those of what I had before, which don't really match today's contemporary lifestyles/definition of success.
Been in Jow Forums in general for 12 years.

define happiness, Pro Tip:
you cant

It was the worst decision I ever made. I disagree with half of the stupid shit said here and yet I can't stop coming back. This website is a curse. I used to be so normal before I came here, now I see how much the world hates me for being a white male. I can't find comfort enjoying any kind of entertainment because I always find the white christian male hatred in fucking everything. I can't listen to genuinely good music anymore because I found out the artist is an SJW cuck or something. I want my life back. I want to stop feeling like the majority of the world is neckbeard atheists. I want to stop worrying that every white girl I ever meet spends her nights dreaming of black cock. I want people to stop hating me for my fucking skin color. I want my fucking life back.

>chicken and the egg
ppl who are already edgy and shitty come here.
pol doesnt turn people edgy and shitty

also most ppl here arent edgy and shitty

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And that's another thing. I get it, call me insecure, I don't give a shit. Blacked makes me so fucking infuriated. It's literally white guilt propaganda and I can't fucking stand it. It makes me want to physically harm people. What the fuck?

I think it makes people's lives worse because now others can't truly hide from you. This place is such a massive cesspool of knowledge that it hit me like a fucking train and then blew my mind. I just live in the world with moderate happiness in life at best now.

The world as we know it is being hijacked considerably through economic, philosophical, cultural, and militarily subversion. This country is like a playing ground for the CIA, Mossad, KGB, MI6, as well as a multitude of other world agencies. People could be a lot better toward each other, people could reach for perfection like they once DID but it seems like that is being frowned upon now. I just wonder when the breaking point is going to occur?

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is it the fact that they are black or just the fact that shes cheating on you? the later is more comment but both are natural responses


I feel more grateful with the things I have in my life but at the same time more awaken about the society's problems (that could be my future's problems).

Also, I've gotten a lot of my desire to improve from here.

It's the idea that someone would do that to me. I mean, after browsing pol so long and seeing how much black people hate white people, that doesn't help. It's mostly the reminder that there exist people the would actually do something like that to another human being. It's sickening.

You're supposed to feel that way user - totally healthy and natural, embrace it.

realizing how shitty humanity is, is a stepping stone to seeing how perfect nature is. No wonder God hates us.

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Jow Forums pointed me towards a lot of great books, so it's been net positive.

Jow Forums in general has bee massively a positive force in my life. I got exposed to a lot of great video games and got warned about addictive and exploitative practices that have engulfed my family (gacha, microtransactions, dlc). I learned Japanese to better watch anime and discovered new horizons of 2D porn, and then made thousands of dollars translating it when I was unemployed. Jow Forums taught me how to build my own computer and keep it secure. I know a bit about everything from exposure via Jow Forums, and more importantly I learned how to quickly do my own research and find the truth and make good arguments because I had to to keep up with other people in short lived threads. It's fantastic.

It has made my life 10 TIMES BETTER.

Growing up, I had the following traits:,
- I never understood why I didn't want to associate with other school children
- why I had no interest in going out to bars in college meeting random trashy girls
- why I looked down upon girls with tattoos all over their bodies
- why I didn't find guys like Letterman and Colbert to be funny
- why I had no interest in buying an iPhone
- why I had no interest in signing up for Faceberg
- why I hated driving through cities
- why I refused to use public transportation
- why I boycotted Amazon, Apple, Target...

Then I found Jow Forums, I realized I wasn't on the fringes, I was part of a community, I was born red-pilled, I know what the (((jews))) are doing to our country and all I have done throughout life is resisted them, it was not abnormal behavior I was displaying, I was displaying Honorable American behavior, I am a true patriot.

>You only come to Jow Forums because there is nowhere else for us.
This, I unironically come here for my daily dosis of sanity. I've achieve a streak of 6 months or more of not coming here some time ago, but the fact that I had to deal with reality without having any way to vent my real thoughts and anger at the modern world was driving my crazy. So I figured that I need this place, so I allow myself to come. I'm trying to spend less of my time here, though, and trying to do some other things.

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>commited suicide
>a fucking Jow Forumstard
Breh, those people's lives are shot because of the shit nation you people live in.
The one fag kilt himself because the UK is a fucking nightmare. I know for a fact because I recently go a brit immigrant to tell me what he thinks about whats going on in the UK.

This is one point on a long thread, what is there to be afraid of?
And sight is better than illusion.
Look longitudinally, as the present leans latitudinal. A vessel is limited in space; what has been forgotten?

It's a mixed bag. I've come to learn that things are much worse than I thought, but knowing that has motivated me to be the best I can be.

This. Living a lie isn't living at all. Everyone you see who are ignorant may seem blissed. But in reality, how happy are they deep down really? Not being their own true self just following the stream?

Die on our feet rather than live on our knees

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>shit nation you people live in

Jamal 'le 52%' Pedro III, stop.

It was great until the cripplechan autists came back and started spamming their white women wheat field shit. All of them are newfag degenerates and closet homosexuals.

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If this place didn't exist I would be killed myself years ago. Even just last night I was pretty close to ending it. Had my gun on the table and everything. Decided to browse pol one last time and got caught up in it. I have no friends or connections, but coming here makes me feel like maybe I'm not alone.

I hope life gets better for you user.

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There is a time for everything
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.

>dr.pavel I'm Calsium

Haha old school besta core were is the eye sockets

Dont do it bro not worth it

Thanks, anons. Life is pretty deep in the shitter right now. It's tough to keep your chin up, you know? Yesterday was the closest I've ever gotten to actually doing, and it was honestly bretty scary desu. Like I said, laughing at the shitpost on here are literally saving my life. I don't know any of you, but I kinda wish I did.

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Jow Forums and all the e-celebs did nothing but destroy my wellbeing. It's just a concentrated cesspool of all the pointless and negative things in the world. All it does is make you hateful, when in reality the world is better than it's ever been. Unsubscribing from all the e-celebs on all social medial platforms, reducing social media intake and limit Jow Forums to once in a blue moon has made my life exponentially better.

This. Though I'm much more cynical than I was. I've always held that the truth is the most important thing we have because, due to truth being an objective reality, it's what we use to build on. It's the instruction manual in a sense, you can't be putting a wardrobe together and try to replace the screws with string, then get mad at the instructions for not mentioning string and instead only mentioning screws. If it's something important that you need in order to move forward then it's taken into account, if it isn't then it's not.
Having a subjective mindset you wish was reality is what Jews do, and that's why everything they try to build, while using this subjective reasoning as a foundation, collapses into a pile of fucking misery. They're the ones cursing at the instruction manual for daring not to take the feelings of string users into account. You know when a child throws a tantrum because they want to do something moronic, and then you ask them why they want to do it, the reply you generally always get is "because", and that's more or less how Jews think. They don't like being trapped under laws they can't control which exposes the danger they are to nature and their not being God's chosen people. That's why they go out of their way to create their own laws of (((nature))), ones that can't work obviously, but they may last a few decades before they fall down. Just like that wardrobe you have tied together with string that might last a week or two. Long run? Your clothes are going to end up in a creased heap because you DID NOT take notice of the instructions and tried to make them up yourself.
Sadly the Jewish feeling of self importance rejects anything like this and remains steadfast that they're right while looking at the pile of clothes - string is better than screws, they just didn't use the string right. But next time? Next time will be different, just give it another try.

/Pol has done to my social life what porn has done to my social life. It's a substitute that enables degenerate antisocial behaviours in order to continue.
Once i stopp going to /pol i might have time to join some far right social group or join a private forum. Im just so old, wasted like a decade or more on this place.

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Honestly it's put in perspective what's important. If you know your reality is being fed to you by Jews and materialists you stop consuming bullshit. I'm going through a phase of weaning off of all things that don't add to my life and really focus on what I want to do.

Step by step. Pol unironically is making me want to make myself better.

England got lucky with that shit. We have Puerto Rico and Cuba , but they have India and China.

it gave me jew aids, but other than that its pretty comfy to stormfront

>Jow Forums is bad for you but it's not as bad for you as other media sources
this is how I feel. I often miss my old self, and I'm worried i'm going down a blackpill hole I wont get out of, but if the alternative is to become some kind of automaton that believes whatever is coming across the social network I don't think I'd make a different choice.

theres an interesting kind of brotherhood that forms here, I'm worried about what happens if they are able to clamp down even harder on internet communication though. will we be scanning the crowds trying to figure out if anyone is a player character

>could you guys expand? most of the posts i see here seem to be unironic outrage and hate threads and people just seem to be generally unhappy. I followed news and politics for about 1 month during the lead up to the referendum and that was probably the worst month of my life.

For many years I believed I was some absurd outlier in a society that detested my values, my views and my very being. Instead it turns out that, even though we are divided by geography, national identity and perhaps even political views, there are people out there that to some extent are at least capable of sympathising with me and why I believe the things that I do. I believe in the strength of the nation, its history and its culture, and there are surprisingly few in my immediate vicinity that seem to believe in the same things.

The internet however, demolishes any concept of space or distance and allows me to bond with people from all over the globe. Someone could be shitposting from Svalbard or Papua New Guinea and it wouldn't make the blind bit of difference. Even if they disliked my opinion, they would be able to be straight forward and shit all over it, using argument and reason (even if convoluted and aggressive) to tell me to fuck off. This is the purest form of debate there is. This is the Athenian agora, the Roman forum and Speaker's Corner all rolled into one degenerate Tongan Silk Weaving Bulletin Board where nobody has any value other than what their opinions demonstrate. Jow Forums is more egalitarian than any other institution that currently exists. Do you know how fucking crazy that is? More importantly - do you know how fucking amazing that is?

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i think since i've been a Jow Forumsack, my eyes have been opened on issues that i guess i chose to ignore.
do i believe everything posted? fuck no
do i still have my own opinions? fuck yes
will i browse Jow Forums till i die or (((they))) shut it down? probably

Jow Forums is the greatest thing to happen to me because I thought the world of politics and where humanity is heading was fucked up but Jow Forums did 2 things for me .
1 it confirmed my thoughts.
2 it taught me how to laugh at the process.
For this I must thank all anons and I salute you .

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I’ve contemplated suicide because of this website. I feel angry anxious and constantly afraid. I see all non white people as threats and see white women as traitors. I unironically hate white men now for their blindness and stupidity. I never should’ve came here.

Shill. Read the rules.
>pol makes you sad
As opposed to NPR and Hollywood telling me that white women deserve to get raped by black men?
>I talked to people
No you didn't.
>I'm apolitical and dislike pol
By Jove, Holmes, I've had a brainwave!

I too am suchlike yourself American teenager the typical. Much suicide because evil discussion. What would ancestors say? Instead of criticizing the government I should be practicing math, cramming for tests, and learning more about Xi Jinping thought. That makes me happy.

Jow Forums has kept me clean from drugs for over 2 years straight. Former co-worker introduced me to the chans. But god damnit, you are here forever.
t. former degenerate

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>>Turbo blackpill incoming
I’m miserable Jow Forums, it’s getting unbearable
I can’t take it anymore Jow Forums. I’m so blackpilled and empty. I look at the world today and I feel nothing but despair. The only thing I ever wanted was to feel like I belonged, to have a family and to live nobly. But that just doesn’t seem possible anymore. The west is spiritually dead. There’s no God no devil. No heaven no hell. No right or wrong. The white race doesn’t matter, white people don’t give a shit about themselves and frankly I’m done fighting for people who won’t fight for themselves. The ethnostate will never come, everything you hate in this world will only grow stronger. You will live to see nightmares the likes of which you can never comprehend. The degeneracy, the weakness and the constant complaining. I know it’s a weird thing for a Jow Forumsack to complain about but people are so mean to each other now, everyone’s aggressive and neurotic. In the 60s people used to take drugs to feel high and now people take drugs to just to feel normal. Life is nothing but eating fucking shitting and dying, we’re nothing more than self aware machines killing the planet that sustains us. Living at the end of history. I just want to be a good man but I don’t know what that means. I wish there was purity and goodness in the world but everything is corrupt. I can no longer see beauty in the world. I want to blow my brains out. Anyone else know this feel? I want a God to love me and forgive me, show me the way but he’s gone. I can’t feel him.

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>Everyone I've met IRL who's browsed Jow Forums (3 people) have said it made their lives worse and one recently committed suicide.
now when you hero that'll be half. Jow Forums is a coin toss.

when the student is ready the teacher appears.

>I want to canvas and data mine
Read the rules, shill.
>but most of the posts I see here
Are shilling from CTR and similar informational damage-control outfits.
Your data mining is worthless if you don't know board culture. It's how we recognize a legitimate post. Protip: directly addressing a separate "pol" guarantees that the speaker is a shill. Using fake advert language, and lots of "we" or "us" or "lads," and especially "guys," in an OP post is shilling. Every post that is clearly from someone who hates tbe board and just wishes us ill is obvious and self-defeating shilling (except the chad pasta). And the twenty (20) OPs last night that were just fart noises? You getthe idea.
If you can't tell obvious shill campaigns apart from a real post, your opinion of pol is as good as the physics theories of a flat earther.

You're a faggot. Jow Forums is your God and your devil. We are your right and your wrong. Things will get a hell of a lot worse before they get better, but you will be one tiny part of that which makes the world better. Everyone thinks they are living in the end times, but they are not. Things are shit right now, but you will live through a linchpin moment, and help restore hope in western civilisation that is on the cusp of decay and failure.

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The secret to happiness is to snap at the right moment i.e. when it's time to gas the Jews.

Stay strong user, just a little bit longer.

Don't answer Schlomo Schekelberg man, CEO of Blacked Inc.
Now he'll make sure the newer vids will be tailored to enrage you further.

>rule 1 and rule 2
What losers do you hang with that bring up this shithole irl. You're all faggots

I love this place. It pulls no punches.

I’ve been redpilled so hard by Jow Forums and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve actually become more religious and therefore more at peace. I can see clearly now all the degeneracy and filth and garbage happening today but it doesn’t disturb my core being. Also, the particular sense of humor that flourishes here really activates my almonds. I don’t know you Anons, but I love you.

>I don’t know you Anons, but I love you.

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Genuinley made my night better.

>he hasnt taken the clownpill

the clown pill is a combination of all the different colored pills and is the final one, its the one you take after the blackpill. once you take the clownpill you reach a state of nirvana where wordly affairs only serve to amuse you as the only feeling youre capable of having is glee. the clownpill is the ultimate and final pill to take in this clownworld