What is your opinion on this white nigger?

What is your opinion on this white nigger?

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his meat walls were pushed open.

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he's being laughed off the internet and its hysterical

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That's a real nice fitting suit

I don't give a shit about this britbong, but that's funny

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fuck that commie nigger

>Smugly chuckles
>Richard, your appetizers are ready

I don't know who that motherfucker is but that sampler platter sure looks good.

I like his commentaries and he's good at debating leftist npcs. He's not good at debating right-leaning people who don't have meltdowns over offensive topics, but that doesn't mean he's wrong in many of his beliefs.

He's saving the west through arguments for the status quo and multiple donation options.
SJWs are the root cause of all the problems and only 40 minutes videos reading 250 word articles will stop them

What are his beliefs? Does he even know?

The best part of Sargoy on Jow Forums is making fun of him. Ha. A fucking centrist literal cuckold racial denier.

He is irrelevant.

user I think you should go the gym and take the dick out of your mouth

jew psyop

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I don't get it, what's with all the memes about his suit? Was it really that bad? Now I fear wearing a suit, what id I do it worse than him?

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Whats with all the sargon threads today? Is it to do with the fucking jim vs sargoy faggotry? Seriously just buttfuck each other already and get it over with

No one would've cared, but amidst his handling of "pan european politics" he took a moment to comment "I'll be wearing a suit. I bet Jim doesn't even own a suit" revealing his childlike admiration of adult-like things like the manchild he is

Since the dude started his shit fuck youtube channel he has shilled here. I know it’s him because when he travels he posts about it and then the flag changes from OP. It has been consistently true for near four years. If I ever see him I will call him out on it and then fuck his wife

What a shame, the baby's head was too big. F

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And the suit he chose looked to be an off the rack bargain suit rather than something he took the time to care about - especially if he was meeting his political heros whom he gushed over like a teenaged girl.

Why do the same topics always keep getting posted day after day?

Yes it was. Just go with what's called the European cut of you want to be safe. Make sure the cuffs aren't too much or too little. If you want to have more typical American style don't buy a used suit just go look for a decent priced one.

I don't care about that fat britfag piece of shit

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He is not as bad as pol paints him to be. A bit cringy and manchildish, yeah, loses debates against Fistie Splinters, and refuses to take the wn pill, but still a better choice than some leftist npc

Keeps young white men bluepilled and gatekeeps. Yeah Pol should hate him unless he changes which he won't.

hes bringing a lot of good Points, yeah he has his bad moments, like everyone

but a far better Option than Jow Forumsmanchildren who produce thread after thread bitching about him like a dumped gf

He loves sucking cocks

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How much did he pay you to type that faggot?

>some leftist
But that's exactly what he is


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youtube.com/watch?v=S8YVWitunwY He seems to be anti-SJW even though he has classical liberal views. The video posted was one of the first ones I saw and it's still hilarious even today.

Don't talk with your mouth full of dick user, I don't understand what you're saying.

He's terrible. He loses every debate to both left and right and always comes off looking like a dickhead. No respect for anyone, dumb as hell, and probably involved in gay ops.

He a bitch nigga

>hes bringing a lot of good Points
Wow user, normally I'd have to go to Fox News for that kind of radical new assessment. But then I wouldn't have the opportunity to donate tp such a modern philosopher

It's Kraut, he has a good job moving rocks around to build a pond right now so Sargon doesn't have to pay him.

>Reedit spacing
>No punctuation
>Sargon ass slurping
I read this in Kraut's voice.

That's not really a belief system, that's just tone policing and playing optics games for his fellow shitlibs

doesn't have the typos associated with Joseph's writing.

I wanna sniff Bratass

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>yeah dude, hes really dumb, those guys who come with their kindergarten politics which couldnt be taken seriously outside of Internet bloodsports are so much better
>metokur making a 2 hour 40 Minute "Review" about Sargons comments is totaly normal, doesnt remind me of a burned girlfriend at all

kinda shitty compression of his years of Content, but not untrue

yeah, dude, im totaly kraut

Just a forced jim(metokur)meme. Just like how anyone who talks about sargon in a way that isnt detracting him is actually sargon.

I see. I don't agree with the premise of having one 'set in stone' belief system for everything; there are so many variables that it's impossible to have the same stance for any given situation. I agree with the assessments he presents most of the time, and a lot of the time his presentation is usually pretty funny.

Based Sniff Poster

I still like his "this week in stupid" episodes. He should have stuck to what he was good at. Nobody cared about who he was until he put on the suit.

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Zionist shill.

He was late with my appetizers. When I asked him why they were late and cold, he just chuckled smugly and said I had no idea what I was talking about. Then he left for his break cus he was feeling sleepy.

You are comparing a guy trying to get into British parliament to a guy that makes videos about furries and a coke head.

Except these shitty shill threads started when all of this drama with sargon and jim. He got a few threads after the spencer debate but nothing this consistant. This has to just be jims numerous zoomer supporters trying to force their memes, because that's what the thread always ends up being.

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he's a retard who takes himself way too seriously and is mad we're all laughing at him

Did nothing wrong. His poo in loo genes have been sufficiently bleached he just needs to back off of the civic nationalist bs.

Not just a meme. Have a look at pic related and make sure you have at least a dankula-tier fit

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He does look like a waiter

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Who wants to do anything about him? He is doing everything himself and we are just laughing.

He's just a freakin dude in the freakin world just raising his wife's daughter just getting by

he was a waiter/dishwasher
but couldn't hold his job for more than 2 months, that's why he became a youtube intellectual

Next to the 2016 election night returns, watching Carl come unhinged over Jim making fun of his suit is one of the funniest things I’ve seen on the internet in a long time.

Having said that, it’s time for Jim to let the skeptics to finish themselves off and go on to reporting the next wave of internet spergerry. His response to Hamture was too funny for words.

is laughing really enough though? perhaps we need to organize more laugh streams? something needs to be done he is trying to tweet-shoah /ourguys/ off the internet like he did to Andy RaceWarski. i heard he is working with antifa, he's got to go pol let's get on it.

I liked him before the mask slipped. When he started trying to land sick burns on Jim and smugly chuckling at his own unfunny shit that soured real quick.

I used to watch him too, mostly as background noise but I grew out of him. I wanted something that challenged me more. I grew out of Sargon around the same time as I did Computing Forever, Hunter Avallone, ShoeOnHead and anyone else you can think of because, okay, I get it. Feminists. SJWs. But why do we have these people? What is making them like this? Why do they have so much prominence and why do they get away with everything?
These are questions that the Anti-SJWs don't bother with. They don't care that whites are dying out, they don't understand that a culture will not persist in the absence of those who created it and they sure won't ask (((who))) is behind all this shit. They'll read all these articles from the "dinosaur legacy media" but seem to not notice how similar the names of all the authors of those articles are. None of that matters. But they sure as shit expect you to panic alongside them during the ADPOCALYPSE.
Yes user, YOU should be very concerned about their financial status. Because no ads, no money. And without being able to monetize your politics, they won't help the cause. That's what pushed me over with these losers. It seemed that the "evil alt right nazis" had tougher questions to ask and were willing to ask them without being paid. These guys just seem like charlatans by comparison and Sargon is among the worst of them because it becomes immediately clear that he has no principles or beliefs whenever he's in a situation where he can't pause his opponent.

tl;dr: ecelebs are fat faggots and they're only in it for the money

He tried to tell the EU or UN that GamerGate is real and it's going to destroy the world or something, what a loser haha, bringing up old shit from 2008

>shitty shill threads started when all of this drama with sargon and jim
Carl's been shilled here forever. You're just new. Jow Forums even liked him for a while until his vids started popping up too often. Then it was assumed it was the fat man himself

I never thought I'd get mad about someones clothing on Jow Forums but wew here we are what the fuck

Jim needs to lay off the live streams. They're straight up trash non-content. It's like 5 minutes of Skeptic rehash from a week or two ago and then 6 hours of superchats. His scripted stuff was spot on though.

Can anything actually be done? The man has lost every debate he has ever been in and looked like a complete cunt in at least half of those. He recently defended Kraut and has been exposed for gay ops. If his fans didn't abandon him yet, even with Metokur attacking him, I don't know what else can be done.

Don’t you have rocks to move split dick?

nakedape you lazy fuckold make another video already

Hated more than he deserves because powerfully manipulative voices are salty at him for being better than them, just like Donald Trump.

Jim is your Hillary.

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>just like how anyone who talks about sargon in a way that isnt detracting him is actually sargon.
are you fucking sure youre english?
what the fuck

we can threads about him on an hourly basis, at the very least.

>Mutt with mutilated genitals trying to banter on Jow Forums
wow, bringing up someone who was relevant years ago, am impressed, did your brain heat up when you came up with that ?

>laughs at people getting banned off of the internet
>brags and smuckles
yes truly the savior of the white race

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Where did the applebees shit come from? Out of the loop on that one.

I thought he was ya average civnat. His debates showed how he can only attack lowhanging sjw fruit. He resorts to shitty tactics against the right, he can dish out abuse to sjw's but it's not a joke anymore when it happens to him and he starts crying. Seems like he's a scheming back stabbing worm desu according to him he saw attempts to dox Jim going on.

Just dropping by to say that Applebee's has really good burgers, fajitas, and chicken fingers (tendies). I feel like everyone says Applebee's sucks because their ribs are meh.

Sargoy's a fag tho

Fuckin A

Oh no no no

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Sargon will continue to move on to new horizons while Jim sits there reading out cringey memes in his chats for 5 dollar hits. What a kike.

Total turncoat faggot, just like AIU.

Jim is a 40 year old who tries to be an edgy teen on the internet, and forms paranoid conspiracy theories about who's trying to doxx him.

Really gets the old noggin a joggin doesnt it

> he can dish out abuse to sjw's but it's not a joke anymore when it happens to him and he starts crying
allmost sounds like any of those Internet Clowns, hes still bringing up good points

So this is the famous suit.

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He got demolished by Kristie Winters a few years ago and again recently in a livestream. He's not as smart as he thinks he is.

He just didn't have time to find a suit for his oh-so important political event.

They're like JBP followers. It doesn't matter how hollow or retarded the message is, these brainlets are following someone smarter than they are and they give up the dosh to feel like they're "part of something".

Careful! He might cover himself in shit and try to burn your house down. There would be nothing you could do to stop him! what a cringey faggot hes become