It's exactly like Tinder except badly programmed and you CAN NOT message a woman first if you are a man. The match expires unless you pay for extensions.
>The state of SJW tech: Using pictures and a chance the chance a woman might talk to you for a fee. It's equality to block only men and make money off the emotionally disturbed ones.
Forcing women to make contact first. Does these fuckwads know anything about human biology?
It got me laid, stop crying OP. Just use tinder in addition to this if you're not having any luck
Carter Rogers
Sounds like a problem for Chad
Blake Perez
>use tinder in addition to this if you're not having any luck
It's more the sexism, which they're supposed to be against, and bilking losers for money. They're on this morality crusade against something that doesn't exist - doing much worse than they imagine exists.
They ban any picture with a gun in it too.
Joshua Perez
>The match expires unless you pay for extensions. You get 3 free extensions. Some women will start the convo, some won't. Just get her number quickly and move off the app.
Nathan Clark
>Just get her number quickly and move off the app.
You can women you do or do not match with on Facebook or some other app.
It's the principal. What these cunts are able to get away with. They are selling all your data too btw. The worst thing is my post is giving their app publicity rather than causing any bad fortune.
Alexander Nelson
*you can find
Gavin Lee
Calm down, it's not as bad as you're trying to make it look. When a women messages first shes actually committing to a conversation with you. Compared to tinder where every dude messages them and they get a backlog of 30+people a day. Yes they are exploiting betafags, but betafags dont want to save themselves anyway
Christopher Price
Didn't read op but bumble has gotten me laid more than any other dating app. T. White guy
Aaron Richardson
Just call it communist to piss them off. They call everything incel, etc. Just call it communist and watch heads extraplode
Sebastian Carter
This. I've been using this shit for a while and it's better than something like Tinder and you don't have a limited number of matches. My only beef is that they will block you for putting something like "only interested in white women" in your profile because they're cucks.
Mason Perry
>It's exactly like Tinder except badly programmed and you CAN NOT message a woman first if you are a man. Given that +85% of users on these things are males, this ought to quickly drive most of them off the platform, ensuring they won't be buying any of the service packages at all.
bumble chicks are a lower grade than tinder even, go try it out and see for yourself. it's for single moms and fat chicks that couldn't make tinder work for them
Ethan Long
You’re underestimating beta males
Xavier Richardson
Even the dumbest person will leave after they realize they will literally never get to exchange even hello on the platform
Asher Lopez
Why is this so bad? At least if a woman talks to you, you know she definitely wants dick. I've fucked like 6 girls using Bumble. It's pretty great. You skip all the guess work if knowing if she actually likes you.
>bumble chicks are a lower grade than tinder even There are so few datable women you have to, if you are seriously looking, try out all these dumbass platforms.
idk what the world's coming to when they can put a cock block and a price on the "matching" process with another evaluation for just one of the matchees. Nobody thinks this is wrong but me it seems. Why doesn't the money to "extend" the time she talks to you go to the woman? That's why your paying. There is no cost to the app, the app is just holding the possibility ransom.
It's immoral to the matching process to give the matchee, because of their sex, get a second yes/no on you because this was supposed to mitigate rejection REMEMBER?
bumble chicks are wine aunt tier psychos in the middle of an existential crisis. stay away
Carter White
If you use this app message the support via email and tell them you identify as a woman and you are upset they assumed you were a male, misgendering you, not allowing you to talk to women like a cis male.
Ayden Parker
I don’t see the issue. It’s actually ingenius. Attractive women will get hundreds of messages from men they swip right. This way the tables are turned and men don’t waste their time.
David Gray
Bumble is awesome if you're not an incel I'm getting mad pussy from bumble I got laid twice already today This is totally the truth, really
Noah Brooks
>It’s actually ingenius. Attractive women will get hundreds of messages from men they swip right.
Sorry what the post war environment did to your mind, German. If she doesn't want messages than she shouldn't fucking swipe right. It makes it so the man swipes once and she gets two swipes.
Jonathan Roberts
If any of you are half decent looking and used bumble you would know how much easier it is than tinder.
A girl hits you up first with a shallow "hey." Then two messages later you are meeting for drinks.
Elijah Howard
bumble's monetization scheme is completely retarded but learn to take a decent pic and don't give them a cent and it's way better than tinder
Ian Hernandez
But we need to ruin this. We need to convince the women they are being exploited for "extensions" or something.
I’ve used this app, it’s basically the same as Tinder anyway. If you’re a man you’ll be doing all the work to start the conversation anyway, 90% of women you match with will just open with “hi”, makes me laugh because it was lauded to be some dating app that would prove women can do it too but they are so fucking bad at it
If you don’t reply to them within 24 hrs the match disappears
I will say the average quality of woman here is higher than Tinder if you’re looking for a woman who has a proper income and not some bar slut
Otherwise it’s basically just a low traffic Tinder with a feminist “we can do it” theme that is betrayed by the behaviour of its female users
I tried Bumble once. It was the exact same girls I'd seen on all the other apps, minus the pretty ones
Benjamin Campbell
Literally honeypot. Remember Ashley madison no real women were in website everything to made pay males fees.
Marketing team just would fill internet with Magical match app,real love and a lot photos pretty women never reply.
Landon Reyes
You stupid fuck, Bumble > Tinder all day.
Oliver Thompson
>Forcing women to make contact first. Does these fuckwads know anything about human biology? Lol, do you? Not human biology applied to the real world. Human biology applied to apps. That leads to women being vastly overwhelmed with cock on theses apps. Women might prefer the option to choose. And it's pretty sweet for men too since you know the responses you have have much better odds. I see it as a win-win that correctly understands the outcomes of biology applied to apps.
>B-but they're feminist, they're supposed to be about some high level abstract arbitrary notion of equali- It's a sex app. They marketed their feature using language that makes it seem justifiable to SJWs. It's just blatant pandering language that they obviously know isn't true. They figured out a good system. If you prefer like systems, the market has that available too.
Samuel Scott
Bumble actually works better desu. Making women go first prevents you from wasting time on chick's who aren't interested.
Julian Lee
literally the app for the top 20-10% of men, as if tinder doesnt make it obvious. this app is literally "chad delivery system" if women dont send you msg on regular dating sites, what makes you think this one would work out. these apps are toxic and cancerous
Landon Martinez
"making women go first" you mean by giving them the option to just say "hi"?
Colton Walker
Nice job having sex with some random brown, pajeet. We are all green with envy.
Sebastian Wood
>Chad You rang?
Gavin Martinez
>you mean by giving them the option to just say "hi"? If that. Women are programmed to receive and men break the ice. It's part of biology. A man who doesn't make contact first takes no chance at rejection. This risk of rejection makes the woman know he is committed to her and her offspring. Anyway, that's how it works in person. Men making first contact is degenerate. Women making first contact online or in person is absolute degeneracy.
Blake Thompson
* men making contact online is degeneracy Meant to say 'online' because it requires no risk.
Nathaniel Richardson
It's the exact opposite in my area. There's hardly any niggers on Bumble and women are way hotter.
Charles Hall
biologically speaking men often initiate contact because we are hornier and we're more aggressive. also yes, when a man does his mental calculus and still feels like it's worth it to pursue the woman, then it signals to her that he's very attracted to her, it's a very sure sign she can stand to gain something from him. also women get turned on to the thought of a man who is so attracted to her that he's willing to break rules, go nuts and walk up to her to initiate, given that he's deemed attractive to begin with. substitute the same behavior with a man who isnt attractive and it's instant creepzone. i think at the end of the day is that there is no way to change the meta of the game. nature really has us designed in a very specific way that we just simply cannot try to leverage technology to change the way how we fundamentally seek mates and make mating choices. think about it, as soon as we try to introduce a game where we try to make the female initiate first. then a large portion of men will simply get ignored. period. and what's even worse is the system itself will soon collapse faster than its predecessor where the men is expected to initiate first: 1. when lower quality men who normally do not have much success initiating caught news to this new app, they will flood to it and making that false correlation between "women initiating first" and "women lowering standards" 2. the same group of men do not have much success either because they are just undesirable. if you have close to or no success at all when you were spamming everybody you've come across, what makes you think giving them agency to initiate will make them be interested in you even more? 3. those men will eventually leave the system, app doesnt make money, whole thing goes down and we wait for the next app to give people the false hope that some how, some way, if we just tick the right box and tell the right lie, people will be able to override the animal programming
Jaxon Davis
>$9.00/week Why are women and SJWs so disconnected from reality?
Jackson Barnes
>Forcing women to make contact first. Does these fuckwads know anything about human biology? It's to ensure that no low-status men ever bother women by existing. If Tinder is 80/20 then Bumble is 90/10
Or it's because we're mammals and that's how pretty much all mammals behave in mating
Benjamin Wilson
don't like it? don't use it. that's the beauty of freedom. stop being a bitch.
David Roberts
OP drive lyft if u wanna meat bitches. it pays you, they are forced to be with you for a moment of time, and if they like you they will ask you to pick them up later..
But anywho, nobody wants to make apps for free, so unless you are chad, you gotta have to pay for tinder.
Anthony Hughes
now the question is. if women are not as privileged as they are today. would bumble actually turn out with different result? im talking about women looking for men so they can REALLY depend on them to provide because they cant live off of welfare nor is it feasible for them to work alongside with men. ive heard some stories of people finding good women on dating sites many years ago but those stories consistently paint a picture of a woman who's in search of a man to provide stability and finding an okay guy to land on. but i dont believe that in today's climate a well to do woman puts that much emphasis on provision, especially when she's a young women making decent money. layer hook up culture on top of it and you've completely demolished the bargaining power of many men. i think if the gender dynamics were more conservative, bumble might actually work out for many guys who'd be a decent partner.
Camden Jones
>don't like it? don't use it. >that's the beauty of freedom. stop being a bitch. But the technology industry isn't free. This bitch is like that Theonos bitch. She will get the billions for the White male hatred train everyone wants to be on with her.
If 1488 Chads and Stacies, or just a White only dating app happened it would be banished to the dark web. Everyone on it would be doxxed. Where is 'muh freedom' then?
Imagine being so upset at a dating app that you feel entitled to make a thread on Jow Forums Jow Forums. Sort yourself out m8.
Kevin Nelson
Race >> Culture >> Politics
Camden Perry
I came here to post exactly this. Imagine my shock that the average woman is so retarded they cannot even say anything interesting besides "hi" or "hey how are you". I too was laughing outloud how me and my friends predicted this.
It's like user says the guy still does all the work but now it has some feminist tone to it. Disgusting. Yes, the quality of women is higher than on Tinder.
Gavin Cruz
Putting that in your profile is retarded. You only swipe right on white women
Grayson Long
We got them on the run then. It's no longer "PC" to be openly anti-male, at least not in this instance. Instead of pushing the toxic masculinity/muh strong woman narrative, they're selling it as a benefit to shy males.