It's over


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Other urls found in this thread:

Honorary Jew.

How do xhamster, xvideos, pornhub and a shit ton of other open sites pay for bandwidth, servers, and staff. Gookmoot and moot are simply too lazy or stupid to find advertisers


how is it over?

I hate niggers I hate Jews I hate mods and jannies too.

>4channel becomes a bland monitored anonymous reddit
>hiro kills Jow Forums because nobody wants to advertise there

These porn sites don't get in trouble for "hate speech" and similar shit

Jow Forums will have new, nsfw ads that keep track of us. 4channel will have safe ads that keep track of normies.

can we get that fag moot back?

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This will be the death of Jow Forums. Once big sponsorships get involved censorship will kick in to save his shekels.

They might take our home from us, but they can't take what it taught us away

no one will use that shit site

why not just go to infinity chan?

anons are getting banned for posting about it now. The end is here

>How do xhamster, xvideos, pornhub and a shit ton of other open sites pay for bandwidth, servers, and staff.
That stuff is all funded by Jewish donors because they know how harmful porn is to society.

This kills Outer Heaven

False. People use reddit and fb.

Explain this to me like I have a double digit IQ, what does this mean for the site?

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you mean the Jow Forums version of gab? Are you retarded?


how is it like gab in any way?

watch everyone still swarms around /pol and the NSFW boards while the SFW boards become like reddit

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No it isn’t you fucking retards, moot had said that cross posting will be possible along with no increase in moderation. Effectively he’s doing a loophole where advertisers who didn’t notice that 4channel is basically still just Jow Forums will advertise without knowledge nothing has changed except the domain name

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red boards stay on Jow Forums
blue boards get moved to 4channel

do you get it now, user?

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The Winterball is ruined, and that's a good thing. Here's why.

SFW boards are bastardized into reddit 2.0 for advertisers, mean words and wrongthink permabanned.

NSFW boards demonized and no new blood comes in, nowhere to discuss hobbies except /b/.


Well fuck

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Doesn't stop retards from spamming hentai threads on /v/ all day, this plan is a waste of time.

Convinent timing.

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Still works nigger.

I was waiting for this

Most boards were turning to dogshit full of degenerate schizos

We're fucked

>SFW boards are bastardized into reddit 2.0
And it isn't already?
>no new blood comes in
How is less newfags a bad thing?

The design of the site is even more terrible than this one, can't get used to it

>How is less newfags a bad thing?
We need the youth on our side

>nowhere to discuss hobbies except /b/
So you need to mention jews and your hate on black people when talking about origami or weightlifting?

Oh no! What about the Jow Forums homecoming dance? Will I be allowed to bring a 4channeler? I already rented my tux!

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wouldn't it simply be a webpage that simply shows the same catalogue except without nsfw boards? not even a new server or anything. it's just a truncated list.
I guess the top and bottom listings of the boards would have to be different too. easy enough to do by checking referring catalogue.

Nothing can replace Jow Forums.
I don't have a single idea what could replace it if it were killed.

>wanting more underage summerfags on this mongolian throat singing board
Jim was right once again

I can still call someone a nigger kike faggot without getting banned so no it isn't already, you nigger kike faggot shill.
Because newfags acclimate, and without fresh blood the board stagnates and the message dies.



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Moderation is going to get more strict. You think once advertisers come in it's going to stay the same? You're fucking delusional.

Because/pol/ has always be against porn and (((((they)))) want to take down this board

thank you hiroyuki

this means we won

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This. If Google bows down to the advertisers, you really think Gook Moot won't? Kek

Based and yahwe pilled.
Jews win again buckos.

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when real Jow Forums came back it left some... really untasteful people over on the other place. Untasteful even by our standards

>They might take our home from us, but they can't take what it taught us away

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No. He's part of the Goolag botnet.
This is the most confusing part. Will Jow Forums have its own version of SFW, or will Hiro only link the boards from 4channel?

Literally whatever.

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is it unpossible to teach advertisers about sarcastic herpie nigger jew dick?

We don't need Notch. We have Ben Shapiro now! He's visiting college campuses and fighting to good fight on behalf of all of us! Get BTFO'd, feminists!

they're doing this to divide "naughty" and "nice" Jow Forums, so people know what kind of person you are by your browsing history... you can no longer say "nah, I just visit the community forums on Jow Forums"

>Jews win again buckos.
You win WW3, great...

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Even if this happens, can we make it an exercise in futility? I think if we can still keep advertisers away, then maybe the kikery would end, allowing us to continue enjoying the site.


We can just retake /b/ and use it for our interest boards, plus without the Reddit crossposters.

>why not just go to infinity chan?
They nuked it. Mods went global. Everyone left. Nothing there to see but blackpills and some older threads still left.

8ch = DEAD

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Because gook moot is shit with money. He's piss poor ar handling money.

notabug is a site

Mass calls to the advertising campaigns feigning outrage? Kek. It's funny but I can see how it'd backfire too.

>Jews can even shapeshift into reasonable people

i wonder how much money he spent of penis enlargement surgery and real dolls

Its kind of a testament to how much Jow Forums has changed when fuckers want more newfags. Why even come here anymore.

I didn't realize that Jow Forums was still on cloudflare. I thought cloudflare kicked ideological enemies?

We could either flood advertisers with the most fucked up shit, and/or with SJW garbage.


>so people know what kind of person you are by your browsing history
So you are afraid your parents will find out your browser history? Boo hoo basement dweller

Two weren't obviously enough


Jow Forums is slowly turning into sjw landfill. People are getting banned for no reason. I got banned just becuase on nindies

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Oy vey

I want to believe. Maybe we're just being overly paranoid.
But the reputation of hiro doesn't bode well for that being the case..


What? Not getting digits?

This is true.

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Is it time to go to cripplechan?

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yeaah infinity is the worst desu
its literally Jow Forums but no good days

I got banned from the /mu/ board that I've never visited for something I supposedly posted there.


>handing gook moot money for censorship

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the site has to pay for itself somehow, either the users support it with passes or it has to rely on ads

Epic get meme magic

fuck off to reddit then

hmmmm and gookmoot announcement came after xhamster published their data of their lost visitor
could it be porn really one of jewish tools for undermining us, goyim minds?

bruh, it's not about parents... remember that it's now legal for ISPs to sell your browsing history, at least now, here in the states

This is also true. There's no correct answer and the kikery is closing in.

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Ads for other porn.

>leaving a browsing history of any kind for someone else using your shit directly to discover
>(((anyone else))) you'd have to worry about already knows everything you do online & has a file of it from all the hardware backdoors

who gives a shit? we'll still have our toilet bowl to play in

Some taters and a pint Guinness

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Yes. Fuck Niggers.

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Yes I know, so what? We live in a surveillance society, nothing new.