Antifa mayor of Portland ready to quit

Portland Antifa mayor Ted Wheeler is ready to quit after his unconstitutional ban on right wing protest groups is struck down by the city counsel.

We're winning the fight to retake Portland from the commies.

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He looks just like how you'd expect

Like Professor Cuck™?


>ban protests he doesn't like

I hate modern political nomenclature

2018 Antifa is more authoritarian and fascist than the 1930s fascists were. The name is a total joke.
right now also patriot prayer wants to do a himtoo ralley and antifa have done a pre-emptive metoo ralley, should be fun though, plenty of green hats

So who will be the mayor then?

Deputy Mayor.

Boring as fuck right now, but missed a lot of fights for the proud boys rally in pittsburgh

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Anti-fa back in the 20's were the militant arm of the communist party of germany, they were the direct cause of Brownshirts being formed in response to their political terrorism.

What is this whole thing about, I don't understand anything. Who are these people? What do they want?

It all started with this Antifa mayor authorizing Antifa to start policing Portland streets and directing traffic. Antifa turned full racist and started attacking white people in the streets while the police couldn't do anything.

Then right wing Patriot Prayer group organized a counter protest. Antifa attacked them with pepper spray and weapons. Again the police did nothing.

Then people called for the mayor to resign. The mayor tried to disband ICE.

Now there is a new protest for Patriot Prayer. The mayor tried to ban the protest. It was struck down and the mayor says he's done with his job. If the Civil War does happen it's going to begin in Portland.

Interesting. But what does this video have to do with it? It's just some people talking about their jobs or whatever and a bunch of people cheering them. Is this about sexual harassment or what? How is that even related to antifa policing streets?

Fucking hell, the U.S. truly is a kritarchy (rule by judges).

It has become that. It's gotten so bad that activist groups on both sides attempt to enter appeal cases into specific appellate courts knowing that they lean left or right because the case can be used to establish precedence for rulings in future cases. It's highly political and partisan. It all started in the 60s with civil rights rulings and it's continued.

I live in Portland, I’ve got blue balls here.

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What went so wrong in this country? Why are they all these people listening to these lunatics? What makes one come to this event? It's all so depressing.

Why does he look like Andy Dick?

Guys, 1 in 6 men will get sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Did you know that?

Does anyone know why they insist on the rockerbilly look?

Guess cause he's also a faggot

morning joe?