Point me to the nearest Ethnostate

Fuck its incredible to be me.

Attached: anx.png (968x744, 32K)

show the rest, nigger.

What's the other half?

Attached: WE WUZ ARYANS N SHEEIT.png (1615x787, 173K)

We have a muttnostate for you right here sir.


Attached: 1E735187-9C13-45A7-B53E-0A58CEF23F18.jpg (750x392, 89K)

Don't hold out on us you sneaky git.

here's yours op

Attached: genetic result.png (673x882, 47K)

How many months HRT?

Attached: 1510442733930.jpg (2223x3952, 1.77M)

Would rather be ashkenazi before being Anglo. Lol shit whites

No Mongoloids in our ethnostate

>taking these tests seriously
very sad

Pure Daco-Getean Masterrace coming through.

Attached: 97F26C81-8A80-4435-A864-E7062F76BF44.jpg (2333x1417, 259K)

You can't have perfect DN-

jews are not white

>Point me to the nearest Ethnostate

Here is me.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-17_160251.jpg (720x1280, 50K)

The rest.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-17_160308.jpg (720x1280, 50K)

Sorry OP but you aren’t white

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Lol these ethnostates threads always make me laugh. I'm half polish half Middle Eastern and I have polish citizenship through descent. I can go live in a 99% white ethnostate any time I want, meanwhile pure anglo Germanic whites are stuck in leafland or burger land

Bunch of fuckin subhumans. You're not getting into my ethnostate lmfao

Attached: add7988334c47a981333126962bcbc6d.png (413x280, 10K)

Mine's close enough

Attached: muh_dna.png (2398x1440, 675K)

All Anglos must go back to Bongistan or god will punish you

I can trace lineage to several interesting figures.

Attached: dnaresultsnew.png (384x241, 8K)

Probably Korea or Saudi.
One because dictatorship, the other because supremacy.

>le 99.8% face

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Where do you guys make this test? Is it expensive? Im kinda insterested because my results would probably be a fucking mess

Obviously North Korea.

I'm pretty happy with mine. Not sure where the Southern European or Irish came from though.

Attached: 23andme.png (399x372, 9K)

It's such a lie that white USAians are mostly German.

Think I qualify for the Danish enthnostate.

>add it all up

Attached: 23pzah.jpg (500x395, 93K)

>giving big companies and the government your DNA
the actual state of Jow Forums

23andme is the most popular one, you could try Ancestry or MyHeritage too.

The Brazilians' DNA tests I've seen are generally a mess, yes.

I thought the same. Really annoying.

Good to see so many fellow whites here, sieg heil brothers!

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Ovens for you, schlomo

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