Why is the police in the US so fat? I'm not asking for trolling, but I'm back from New York City and I'm still in shock...

Why is the police in the US so fat? I'm not asking for trolling, but I'm back from New York City and I'm still in shock. Policemen so fat they can't run! What the fuck!

Attached: 291d4367e1b4c02237004406ef3f0188--funny-cops-funny-police.jpg (236x354, 19K)

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Why run when you can shoot?


You shoot people running from the police in the US?

a lot of departments do not do regular fitness checks

That's two cops frog

if they are armed, usually

Cops shoot anything that moves

They don't shoot unarmed people running from the police?


im sure they have, they usually use their tazers when people are fleeing or getting uppidty.

Nah, I'm guessing that like in France it's illegal to shoot at unarmed people.


They sit on the suspect and thats it.

in awe at the size of this lad, absolute unit.

Perhaps they roll instead?

nah what? If the police are shooting at you here in the states its because your acting like a nigger.

nah what? if the police are shooting at you here in the states its because your acting like a nigger

Don't forget Daniel Shaver

Nice ass though

yeah yeah yeah we got some bad apples, me and the other 99% of law abiding Americans never encounter people like shaver because they're not the majority of cops. I've interacted with the cops on 4 occasions (one where i should have gone to jail) if you are respectful and answer their questions you'll be fine. If you act like a nigger you'll be shot, its as simple as that

have you been living under a rock your entire life?

No, not unless they're an immediate threat to others, not just running away from a crime. Don't listen to the ignoramuses of Jow Forums.

Why is your engrish so poor?

why do soldiers from france give up every time they get into conflict?

I'm sorry. What is wrong?

Don't know what you're talking about. Seems like all the cops in my area are ex-military and are in great shape.

Copfag here
You have an initial fitness test, which vary wildly from completely laughable to absolutely insane. Laughable being most common.

After you're hired most departments have no regular fitness test to keep you in shape.

Standards were lowered so women could get in, so fat men get onto the force for a cushy government job. They're too useless to be put in dangerous situations and the police unions keep them from getting fired, so it's pretty much guaranteed busy work with a decent paycheck.

They're blocking units moran.

The fitness test to get into the LAPD was stupid easy, it was very basic, and the guy in OPs photo could have done it. The POST test was harder, that's the California "standardized" fitness test for law enforcement, but you only qualify during the academy and they never retest you again, unless you go to a special assignment that requires it

Yes academys have their own standards also. Which can also vary wildly. Mine was just a obstacle course you had to clear in like three minutes.
And the on the other end of the spectrum you have Alaska state troopers which throw you out of a helicopter into the ocean to survive for a few days on an island.

Cops in alaska need to be hardcore as fuck

Cops shoot things that move quick so they can't move quick themselves otherwise they'd have to suicide themselves.

Fatness is strength and instills fear into the minds of crooks everywhere.

Damn that nigga be thicc as fuck

bullets travel at the same speed, weather or not the person pulling the trigger is fat

Attached: ti89.jpg (640x640, 50K)

>After you're hired most departments have no regular fitness test to keep you in shape.
That's because women can't pass them, so they sue and the departments back off because of muh sexism.


This is how they run on DD.

Let me be clear, the actual workouts done everyday in the academy are way harder than the fitness tests or requirements by the state. Everyone comes out of the academy ripped, some maintain that lifestyle their whole career, some let themselves go in the first few years