>Believe in freedom to own guns
>Don't believe in freedom to universal healthcare
Buy your own health care and get a fucking job.
European by birth, Danish by the Grace of God. Thank the Lord, for not making me American.
Are you really that retarded of just trolling?
Gun rights are under the 2nd amendment. Which amendment covers right to free health services?
>The "freedom" to get treatment at someone else's forced expense
Yes, doctors should work for free. After all, nobody should be able to make money from someone else's suffering.
>He's a child who didn't see his insurance premiums almost double under obama"care"
Fuck off underage faggot
No one forced you to buy my gun.
You say it right there, freedom to buy. Not free gibs me dat you lazy nigger
Didn't you get btfo'd enough the last time you CTRL V'd this?
None presently. But, surely we can make more amendments, or even without amendments find some way to get healthcare to our Americomrades?
Seriously, only a dumbfuck sheep would allow their government to control their fucking healthcare. If the state pays your healthcare bill, then the state controls your body. You eurofags do not understand freedom. All you know is daddy government controlling every aspect of your NPC lives. What will you do if your government ever crumbles? YOU WOULD FUCKING DIE. Don't relie on your government so much, faggots.
Pretty much the most unrelated, apples and orangutan comparison I’ve ever read in my life.
Sounds to me like we are big on self-reliability and self-accountability. Explain how that is retarded and try not to be a faggot with your explanation
>own a gun
>learn to take care of yourself
>"but it's too hard!"
Then gtfo
You better pray you never get ass cancer, Asbjorn.
>freedom to universal healthcare
You are free to acquire any healthcare you want.
Have you ever heard the government telling you that you cannot get a major surgery, even if you pay it yourself, because it is "too much"?
You start this thread every 6 hrs. There is no freedom when your government controls something. Healthcare in Canada is fucking bullshit and you should kill yourself.
Then it can become your new national religion...
>and why that's a good thing
Because we have to pay for your healthcare and you sit around on food stamps bitching about racism you're a lazy cuck I didn't force you to buy my gun and if you faggots try to steal our guns you're in trouble.
damn, can't argue with those digits
28th amendment confirmed, free health care
stay salty, stay Ameripoor.
By that logic, health insurance companies own your life. Neither is ideal. At least with the state, collective bargaining allows for lower premiums.
look Carols Mencia is back.