Start preparing for the Ice Age Jow Forums

It's going to get ugly fast

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please be real. Doubles confirms that we just press forward and nobody ever mentions global warming on the news again.

damn its real...
NYC paralyzed by 6 inches of snow
sounds serious

Say it with me, Jow Forums

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It’s definitely coming. Really cold in TX

Paralyzed by white shit that you can pile up on itself...
Gotta love editors.

HAARP is causing this. You can tell from how they try to psychologically prep the populace using classic psyops. For example, news articles suddenly appearing about how Iceland had a volcano eruption that started a mini ice age around 550 ad. They are trying to make it seem less suspicious for when HAARP finally rapes the global climate.

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winterchan we love you

What did you all meme by all of this? Chilling

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Governments are getting too powerful playing with ecosystems. They already amp up rain fall with chem trails and now they will amp up snowfall to try and lower sea levels.

But muh global warming!

good, the kikes die with us.

It fucking snowed in Houston a couple nights ago
it's actually fucking happening

we need to meme a massive volcanic eruption, that would tip shit over the edge even faster.

the fire in california lowered temperatures significantly

By blocking out the sun?

Global warmingfags btfo

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>6 inches of snow
fuck journalists

Not that fast.
We'll know within some harvests, maybe 3 years.

Quick I need a good pair of boots. Price doesn't matter I want a quality boot. I heard going to a hiking store or something is good but wondered if any anons had any suggestions.

entry into ice age is super fast, all it takes is one winter and we can never recover the temperature for the next 100,000 years

Mother earth is going to cause shit skins to leave northern climates, giving them back to their rightful owners. Fucking baste.

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>You can tell from how they try to psychologically prep the populace using classic psyops.
Take your meds user.

A comfy mid-70's here in southern cali. Just waiting on the invaders from South of the border. Life is good.

several 55 gallon drums of peanut butter and some dick mittens

haix gsg9-x

Valentina Zharkova, must watch if you want more info on this

Worth noting how salty the host and the audience are after basically being told "you useless retards are wrong about everything"

Those are some good boots!

did you change ip?
bought them too.

We never left the Ice Age bb

Time to move south.

So............., climate change being fake confirmed?

No i just appreciate them.

k so multiple people like them. good to hear. i too, think they are awesome boots.

hmm there was some snow flurries in the deep south. i think the weather is awesome right now

Florida here near Orlando. Its 68 right now. I'm good unless these 500mph Jupiter-tier hurricanes keep happening every year.

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but climate is always changing

The global warning must have been crazy 113 years ago to compete with BLUMPH

What I meant was the left's definition of climate change that global warming is caused by CO2 emission and that its melting the ice caps

what's interesting is that I live in NYC and have been reading plenty about this storm and this is the VERY FIRST TIME I've heard that mind-blowing fucking statistic.

the "paralysis" was caused by incompetent commie-wannabe mayor and union staff and dept heads who took exactly zero steps to prepare for this storm for some reason

if the previous record for that day was ONE inch then that is a very significant difference.

Carolina boot company. For work boots. Sorrel for winter boots.

Where the fuck is my global warming?

I love you winterchan.

climate change deniers will say: it's muh jesus being mad at the gays!

jesus isn't angry, he's just disappointed

why prep for the ice age when you believe in global warming?

gambatte winter chan

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Global warming is a political phrase, Climate Change is the original description.
You don't know this because you've never ever even tried to educate yourself on a rudimentary level or you would have seen the phrase "climate change" in the original studies when the scientific observation of the consequences of fossil fuels first began.

But by all means, regurgitate this talking point that you've been propagandized into accepting by the petroleum shills who own your mind at a scientist irl sometime for shits and giggles. I dare you.

Jew York City. Kikes are only good at scamming and not practical planning.

Sounds so fun considering I’m a Snownigger.

I’m 41, lived an hour north of the city my entire life. This was just another snow storm. Flights were not cancelled, trains kept running, no extensive power failure across the region. The whole discussion of the storm in just media hype mind control for the triggered Lefties to sperg about.

I remember corbyns brother talking about it. He was made to look like a retard by the editing. Always made sense to me.


sure, but prepping for a snowstorm is fairly typical. NYC gets six inches of snow several times every year, this is the only time in recent memory they've fucked up that bad. Was lulz and shit melted the next day. It has been very cold, just like last year. I'm pulling for the solar minimum.

>being this Canadian
neck yourself, leaf

They been skimming the budget.

it was a total shit show for people commuting out of the city to LI, Westchester, and NJ. Bridges and highways were closed, buses abandoned, etc. No plows or salt anywhere. The snow storm wasn't the problem, the inept city response was.

time to get the heaters

this was probably a budget move for sure. they gambled on the forecast and got BTFO

Budget skimming bro. Storms cost money, NY state a city gov are raiding the piggy bank and leaving the job not done.

We are in an El Nina cycle so we won't get so cold. The warm weather to the south of Cali will push warm humid air into the gulf but the Mid west is going to get fucked this winter with ice storms.

The guy who pointed this out definitely say there was going to be a “mini ice age.”

We’re late into the solar minimum cycle during an El Niño year. It’ll probably be colder than recent years, but nothing special.

Got out of my country you fake leaf.

I once had a relationship with her.
To say it was, 'cold' would be an understatement

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>already live in Minnesota

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Now this is comfy.

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post your winter-gear
jackets, pants, boots ect
rahowa winter loadouts welcome

>global warming

Southern Florida here.

It was 85 degrees today.

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Fuck off, nigger.
Summertime=global warming
Wintertime= climate change

>6.4 inches

I'm from the Tug Hill area in Central NY. I have zero sympathy for you.

Bumping for winter.

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Hoping for a real winter this year.

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Snow Nigger reporting in

Winter Chan

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>It was 85 degrees today.
jesus. did they close schools and shut down roads?

Winter-chan minorities her cold embrace is like death, to whites she is a cruel mistress and yet her embrace is warm. She challenges our frailty and disparages stagnation, preferring change and advancement. She will return the land to us, to all of us who are her children.

glad to hear, any temp under 70 is fine with me.

How the fuck does less sunspots mean colder weather.

The transition into Summer is slow here, I can't say I don't enjoy the Sun but Winter is more aesthetically pleasing. Cold motivates and heat makes you lazy.

Flares shoot heat down to earth right? So a dormant sun means we freeze to death. Kinda tame.

More exciting extinction event would be the eruption of yellowstone blanketing the earth with ash until we freeze to death.

Bump for winter.

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Opposite for me. Cold makes me huddle up conserving energy while heat gets me moving. Winter is the most depressing season even if you enjoy the calmness suicides are at the height.

I hope we get mega fauna back soon.

Fimbulwinter approaches.

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Do your part.

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We need all the help we can get.

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I'm out of things to post, but you can pick up the crampons and help Winter-Chan.

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Why not both?

Hell literally freezing over

for the past 2 weeks its been getting colder and colder and its fucking nov for fucks sake im freezing my balls off outside

it even snowed all night here yesterday and its only getting colder tfw if ww3 doesnt start the drastic climate change will start something

checkem winter will start the collapse

> Start preparing
Enough wood and water for at least 10 winters here, KEK.

>Enough wood and water for at least 10 winters here, KEK.
oy voy, excessive hoarding shall be redistributed to refugees

>10 winters here
that's like 4 years in the Midwest