Do white women actually hate white men now?

Before Jannies start OY VEYING on this thread, I am not referring to racemixing at all. I’m saying, do white women on a social and political level, hate white men now? I’m a youngfag going to a state college and I’ll be frank with you they all seem bluepilled as hell on the whole feminism meme. Some of them are good hearted but lead astray but some are genuinly hateful and mean spirited. I get that women will never be as based as men but I like to think that white Women have our backs. I would never do anything to harm them or Male their life’s more difficult but I feel increasingly that white women just want to tear white Men down constantly. I’m asking you anons with your experience of white women in your life’s, are they friend or foe. Or just aloof neutrals. College is an extremely tribalised and politcal space, so I’m not gonna pretend that it’s representative of greater society but I’m just explaining what I see.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've not met a white woman yet who isn't a complete bitch who does anything possible to tear down men around her. It isn't really just limited to white men either.

I want to be a white woman so I can love a white man.

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Based and redpilled

White women are like white men, or any other group for that matter, some are great, some are terrible and most are average.

Also women follow the trends that surround them, most of the "feminists" at your college wouldn't be feminists in a more realistic environment.

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yes. i think my wife hates me. but complicated because she still love muh dik. but i don't let her have it anymore. hehe
>tfw i'm al bundy

They hate who they are paid to hate.

Women tend to be ideological opportunists, not people of unwavering principle. Flipflopping has always been in their evolutionary interest.

Unless they are doing a humanities course in college. ANY humanities course.
Chances are that she doesn't care.

and it's not White men in particular
It is Whites AND Men.
The two don't usually stack


Well educated people hate stupid people and stupid people are abundant.

Western society hates white men, but Jow Forums has it backwards.
White women love white men, it's the rest of western society that is more likely to spew hatred towards white men.
Jow Forums has this strange idea that white women are awful but the west still loves white men. It doesn't make any sense, but that's what a combo of shilling + being a token white boy in a declining society will do to your mind.

no dumbfuck
go outside or look at any website that isn't Jow Forums or p*rn

They don't understand. Jow Forums thinks white women are the main culprits while minorities and especially minority women love us.
Jow Forums is retarded.

America will soon not be white anymore, whites are losing their power. Women are just following power. Same with Jews, they don't particularly care, they just see where it's going and want to position themselves close to the powerful groups.

the ones I've talk to always go back to brother and dad licking on their puss pus as being the reason for hating all/most white male

No. Stop believing Jewish demoralization. Most white women you meet will eventually admit they could only marry a white man because they want their kids to look like them. Show flag and I'll consider bumping this thread

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You make this fucking thread 10 times a day
>what's the dating game like for white men
>are white men still like
>what are your exprience's with non white women
>it's over white women don't like white men.

I don't get the impression that white women hate me, most are either nice or indifferent towards me

Okay user I’ll say this literally only one more time. Not everyone who posts lana is the same person retard. Literally one of those threads you just named was made by me.

Artificial wombs and sexbots will make the female gender obsolete. It doesn't matter if white women hate us or not, since their entire gender is about to go the way of the horse.

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user! You forgot one...
>how does it feel to be a white make in America? (Something to that effect)
Jow Forums is UTTER GARBAGE THIS EVENING. Oh and sage.

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soulless materialist.

If it is the same guy, his threads reach the same conclusions every time.
The posts that reply to his threads are like constantly rehashed talking points.
Jow Forums thinks white women hate white men but that western society loves white men. It makes no sense, the people here are stupid.

Lana Del Rey is super fine.

None of the white women I know hate white men. Most of us have brothers, fathers, sons.

Okay player, if white men are losing then who’s winning?


Everyone else, currently under this rainbow coalition umbrella.

The only conclusion I can reach is that Jow Forums users are token white boys in areas where white males aren't seen often.
So they get put on pedestals for being the rare white guy around, and hence they think that white males are more respected than they are.
This matches with the social dynamic I've often seen in poor garbage neighborhoods here. White women are often left behind in all this while white men reap the benefits of a take what you can get lifestyle.

white men are barelly providing for themselves...

IDK how they feel about anything since they never felt anything for me as a whole so...
>Shoulder shrug.

who the fuck are you talking to? shits not normal

What's more soulless, to be born to a heartless machine,, or to be born to a heartless machine?

Wait that actually happens. Literally wtf are you talking about?

you know the ones I'm talking to...

If you can't read that post and understand what I am saying, you are retarded.

I understand it but I find it inconceivable. I thought when white boys go down to the single percentages of areas they just get devoured. Wtf is this tokenism you’re talking about.

Why is penis erect

That is not true. Western society needs white men and people are aware of that, so when there are not many white males around, the ones that do exist tend to get worshiped.
This happens because without any white males the west will go away. Perhaps you can stop making these threads now that I have explained this to you.

No, they don't. White women love white men, but they want them to be actual men, i.e., men who will take care of them. It is not that hard. Jus' be a man.

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Winning like how? Economically? Or because white dudes aren’t getting plastic hoes in rap videos? Do you mean the absolute minority of niggers with enough sense to score 200 pts lower on entrance exams? If you’re a white male losing in this society you are a drunk degenerate, genetically inferior, but most likely is your not trying hard enough. That’s the truth and it has jack shit to do with implied privilege.

Talked to the 40 something lady down the street , she was red pilled as about "THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS" . Her husband is a wishy washy blue pilled guy . And she's hot .

I wish I was an Asian woman, but I already love white men.

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That’s not what this thread is about but I’ve never been to such locations so I wouldn’t know. The real reason why I made this thread is because where I live rn is thoroughly blackpill and deep down I just want some Jow Forumsack to convincingly explain to me how most white women are actually good people who can be relied upon.

oh god dont start with this guy

hopefully you aren't him

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White women labor under constant cognitive dissonance. They don't hate white men on an individual basis, because they're parasitic by nature. They need those white men to provide for and protect them. But in concert, as a demographic, white women routinely act out culturally and politically in ways that are detrimental to white men as a group. This is the byproduct of their emancipation. End that and you end all women problems. Don't end it, and they will continue to intensify in every strata of our society as they are now.

Did your mother not love you enough or did big meanie Chad 'steal' that qt you were orbiting for 4 years in high school?
This is such a stupid argument that ignored pretty much everything about motherly nature and how healthy relationships work.

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Jow Forums is an awful place to discuss anything remotely related to this topic.
But it would do you good to remember that just because X number of scum exists, doesn't mean everyone else is like that.
There are white women around who like white men.
I'm also speaking as a guy who has been deeply involved in racial and gender issues, I suffered a lot regarding these topics, but even I can see the forest for the trees.

Dude, if you're more obsessed with your rebel flag than you are with getting laid, then it's no wonder you aren't getting laid.
I'm still sort of proud of my flag, and why you would want to advertise as a faggot is somewhat beyond me.

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Pick any metric you like, calculate cumulative score of white men today and 50 years ago, compare it to all the other groups and see if the ratio has gone up or down.

Nigger there’s literally no where else where I can discuss this shit. It’s just here, no where else like this place exists.

This is a horrible place to discuss these issues because internet vermin like to come in here and force false conclusions on the rest of us. Often these people are too strong for most anons to defeat.
If you think this is the only place you can discuss these issues it's proof of how isolated and out of touch you are.

Name other places then?

The amount of unprovoked aggression and disgust coming from white women these days is really jarring to me. First it was just middle aged women bitter about still being single, but now it's coming from girls who are barely even in their 20's. And all the race mixing bait is bullshit too. None of these women are happy. Deep down it's clear that they really do want a white man but it's like they can't allow themselves to admit it.

Generally yes, but if theyre chad they get a break

Think about all the propaganda you see

Now think about how women's brains work

What you are describing probably happened 5+ years ago

How many more times will you spam this thread you cringy sandnigger cuck?

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considering dating a very sweet girl I know but I am becoming increasingly concerned with her not being as intelligent as I thought she was
solid 6-7/10 best girl I've met in uni
but she's studying criminology (fucking worthless degree) and I joked the other day about how I imagine all girls studying criminology just have massive ladyboners for criminals and she unironically responded with "lol yeah we do t b h"
is this just normal stupid young girl behaviour or should I be concerned?
I dread to think what kind of retarded shit she is being taught but on the other hand she's very modest dressing and said that she couldn't have sex with me because i'm not her boyfriend yet, despite her clearly wanting to and being very interested in me
I don't know her super well yet and i'm worried she's not going to be as smart as i'd like
also it was considerably easier than it is with most girls to get her to like me and idk whether or not to be worried
do I abort mission or keep going
pls boomers of Jow Forums help me out here

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>these days
Really? I've faced so much evil regarding this stuff I don't think it's that bad anymore. Westerners are pretty bad with this stuff.
I worry for the young men who are just starting to become aware of this stuff.
>Race mixing bait
Too many white men like to race mix, and white men are effeminate losers who can't lead or take responsibility.

Whos this OP? I love woman like this

Lana Del Rey sweetie

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but shes a flaming liberal

Compare what ratio? You’re not being specific. The only real difference is population numbers, and that’s only slightly down. I think in numbers what you’re referring to is mass immigration. When a country adds millions of people a year for 30-40 years from non white countries you kind of start to notice. Pic related. We’ve added 100 million people since then.

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