Before Jannies start OY VEYING on this thread, I am not referring to racemixing at all. I’m saying, do white women on a social and political level, hate white men now? I’m a youngfag going to a state college and I’ll be frank with you they all seem bluepilled as hell on the whole feminism meme. Some of them are good hearted but lead astray but some are genuinly hateful and mean spirited. I get that women will never be as based as men but I like to think that white Women have our backs. I would never do anything to harm them or Male their life’s more difficult but I feel increasingly that white women just want to tear white Men down constantly. I’m asking you anons with your experience of white women in your life’s, are they friend or foe. Or just aloof neutrals. College is an extremely tribalised and politcal space, so I’m not gonna pretend that it’s representative of greater society but I’m just explaining what I see.
Do white women actually hate white men now?
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I've not met a white woman yet who isn't a complete bitch who does anything possible to tear down men around her. It isn't really just limited to white men either.
I want to be a white woman so I can love a white man.
Based and redpilled
White women are like white men, or any other group for that matter, some are great, some are terrible and most are average.
Also women follow the trends that surround them, most of the "feminists" at your college wouldn't be feminists in a more realistic environment.
yes. i think my wife hates me. but complicated because she still love muh dik. but i don't let her have it anymore. hehe
>tfw i'm al bundy
They hate who they are paid to hate.
Women tend to be ideological opportunists, not people of unwavering principle. Flipflopping has always been in their evolutionary interest.
Unless they are doing a humanities course in college. ANY humanities course.
Chances are that she doesn't care.
and it's not White men in particular
It is Whites AND Men.
The two don't usually stack