New at the British Museum.
New at the British Museum
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AHAHAHAHAHA i love this timeline!
kindly inform them that this is transphobic, racist and triggering and that not all women have pink pussies
Every time I see one of these lies repeated as fact it takes away a piece of my humanity. I cannot believe anything. Everything is a lie.
"The British Museum"?
No way. Britain, never stop being you! BAHAHA.
lol what a pathetic way for civilization to die out
YOU'RE a lie.
It's the innocent tone of sincerity in the text that does it for me. As if it was anything more than a gimmick in a protest that most people have already forgotten about.
Sniff your own literary farts, britfag!
>when you protest stereotypes about women by knitting
>President, Donald Trump, had used this word in a recently leaked recording when boasting about assaulting women.
>Nazis killed Six Gorrilian Jews in the Holocaust
I really hope this is real.
>boasting about assaulting women
when did liberals start living in a different world?
Sooner or later you wake up and realize you're not human anymore. Rather you are not what society taught you a human was, now you're a gamer. Rise up gang weed
>assaulting women
>they let you do it
pick one, you yellow-toothed tea-sipping poofs
based and redpilled
Of course it's fucking real. There's no need to make shit up about this country any more.
Real recognise real
How the fuck is pussy "misogynistic"?
Seriously this is the biggest gaslight I’be ever seen. They think he was seriously bragging about rape
>and reclaimed a mysogynistic term for female genitalia
>Trump had used this word
Man they reclaimed it so hard they are afraid of using it.
I hope the cat-agories this as a failed atempt to be le edgy.
how fucking dare they plagiarize my wife's look
I feel like this is what happens when they millenials reached the age where they are in control of and can run away with society. Theyre literally just still kids and as a result they trash it the way kids who woke up in a world without parents would in a saturday morning cartoon
Preach brother.
The whole pussyhat thing was such a psyop
/ thread
British Museum is the depository for all the stuff we nicked from around the world at time when gun still beat spear.
"cultural" items like this would be in the V&A collection, which is the place we store all the shit stuff made by tards.
Google this image and I bet it's in the Victoria and Albert.
For now sage and check catalog.
I thought it was supposed to be a pussy like everyone was born from a woman or something
Asking this is racist
You need to leave.
This cant be real
>a president’s throw away joke made a decade ago became a movement
>the symbol of that pathetic movement is now in a museum
so brave
>boasting about assaulting women
I distinctly recall the "they let you do it" part of this boasting. Why the fuck are leftists so easy about lying their asses off.
I gotta get out
>"Boasting about assaulting women"
No, he was talking about how when you are rich and famous gold digging whores will throw themselves at you in the hopes of getting a taste of your riches and fame.
They're called front holes shitlord and some women have penises or uhhh front cylinders?
It's in a museum now, so it's true forever.
I'll be written about in text books and become an unquestionable truth.
How can you trust anything you've ever been taught. This is really fucking with me, seeing the propaganda being turned into truth within my own lifetime.
The British are pussyhats. They should really call them pussyheads
Based and GAMERpilled
Devil horns
To be fair, it is part of modern history, if one which we will look back on with cringe and regret.
You have been lucky with the women in your life if this kind of reaction comes as any kind of surprise to you.
this rally was against men who grabbed pussies when invited. therefore, it is logical to assume that they would consider a man who wouldn't grab a pussy (when invited), extremely virtuous. does this lead one to assume that women are inherently whores, they know it, and they want you to reject them?
Things like this is why I believe that the Nazis were the good guys.
This is how fucking easy it is to decide what actually happened and who's on the 'right side of history'
Don't forget the double standard. George O'Keefe shows 10 minute long unedited videos and gets accused of deceptive editing. They cut together 2 obviously different things Trump said into 1 sentence but they just accept it and when I bring it up they scoff.
this week on Jow Forums
the gang robs a museum
new capture the flag game???
BeCoUsE DrUmPf
WOKE and bluepilled
wait was it seriously supposed to look like cat ears?
I thought it was some shit-poor representation of a giner
I'm glad there's at least 1 user here left thinking big picture like this. These people write whatever history they feel like and if they can get away with that in Current Year I'm sure the past has to be heavily edited.
Tehehe, we're women, so... vaginas, tehehe.
Kek, knowing Jow Forums.
>A group of young men disabled the security systems, snuck past armed guards, completely ignored artifacts worth millions of dollars and stole a woolen knitted pussy hat
>"There has been no sadder nor greater loss to our country" - Sadiq Kahn
Owning a cat is one of the most cucked things a man can do.
>a mysogynistic term for female genitalia
wait, what?
Oceans 69
its the jews user they are destroying history which is why it is important to preserve it and it all started with original video games and the rest is history
This got to be some meta trolling
I'll have my Parthenon Frieze back now TYVM.
How do they just get away with it pol? Couldn't the queen just say fuck you we're starting a new currency and renegging on paying any jews? Shouldn't Senator lady from Alaska or wherever have security why does Feinstein get to bully her? I hate them more and more every day they are like this in the real world it's not just pol cherry picking I see it every day.
dasrite, i have a ladybenis and I'm particularly outraged by this!
>its the jews user they are destroying history which is why it is important to preserve it
Can you tell me what is history and what is a jewish lie? Their little goyim pet religion destroyed the entire roman empire.
I want to kill you for being a leaf anyway, but I want to rape yourcorpse for that pic.
Reminds me of that post by a former USSR citizen who talked about how forcing a people to repeat and accept your lies dehumanized them to themselves and the building self-hatred created a guilt complex that prevented them from fighting back.
I had that reaction too when I first saw that pic, now I find it hilarious
>recently leaked recording
[citation needed]
I'll never stop laughing at how liberals forgive Clinton raping 2 women and having to pay 2 million for it.
They aren't human and should be tortured to death.
Do they have the MAGA hat there as well?
When the happening happens all you skinnies will be food for the fluffy master race. We're big like dinosaurs while you're small like food.
Wait, they're supposed to look like cat ears? I thought since they were always pink, they were misshapen uteri.
You can just nuke as back at this point, Akira. If it's New York or California, the survivors will thank you.
Teddy Kennedy crashed a car drunk into a river and left a woman to drown in the car and never reported it until the next morning. Some conspiracy investigators say she may have had a pocket of air in the car and froze to death over hours. Yet he is their hero to this day. They're demons or pod people or npc's or demon possessed or something strange we don't have words for. Clinton said in the 3rd debate that she supported day of birth partial birth 3rd trimester due date abortion and it didn't matter to a single one of them.
I always figured they were mis shapen roast beef flaps to shame us for shaming them for not liking their extruding hemorrhoid ovopositor.
Didn't some jewess make a fortune selling these hats?
>reddit spacing
>saving thumbnails
gas yourself
I'll put in as many spaces as I want faggot
you are the equivalent of a nigger sagging his pants. you are free to do it tough guy, you just look like a nigger
>this thread still going
>bumped to first page
Yeah I actually looking forward to when Jow Forums quietly disappears. When did anons start becoming so easily fooled by shitposts? If you no nothing about what the British Museum displays (it's the one with all the spooky mummies) then just a few seconds of internet search and this is debunked. This is in the Victoria and Albert Collection which is where all the shitty stuff gets stored e.g it's the place you go if you want to look at the bowl Queen Victoria took a shit in.
sage, hide and stop bumping this over better stuff.
That is a fucking demon...
Ok it's not in The British Museum, it's in A British Museum
Wait until you see their next exhibit, "Rosetta was a Woman"
Kekka dake da. Kono you ni wa kekka dake ga nokoru.
I was never sure if that was shopped or not, but yes, Feinstein looks like evil.
brave AND powerful
>reclaimed a misogynistic term
Every chick I have ever met calls her snatch a pussy.
What's the difference between art and dumb product? Only art education and connections. It's not like they couldn't make good oil paintings, they don't want to.