>Soren Skou, the chief executive of A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, says Chinese exports to the U.S. actually grew 5-10 percent last quarter. Meanwhile, U.S. exports to China fell by 25-30 percent.

Wew laddies

Attached: CUfxh-1537288479-119054-blog-chinatariff.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's never about muh export, trade war is an excuse to rape China

The sad truth about our situation at home is that manufacturing jobs would've gone without free trade because we would've made more robots to do the work, albeit some manufacturing jobs would've been still here as opposed to being in Chinese suicide sweat shops.

The real elephant in the room for the decline of living in the US are truly taxes and a debt-based currency like the dollar. It's "le cuckly libertardian sounding answer", but to some extent its true. Free Trade is good for nations so long as they keep they're own taxes and costs down. Who the hell wants to go out and get a hard labor manufacturing job now?

I'm all in for limiting immigration and increasing property rights, but I'm not gonna sit here and say that by letting people have cheaper stuff we fucked over our own workers. Our own people fucked themselves by letting Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Public Education, and all the other give-mes drag us down, and by voting for politicians that gave us endless wars.

Sometimes you can't just blame one single thing and expect to fix all your problems by changing that one thing, there's a lot of problems that need fixing, and usually from self critique.

Instead of alienating his allies, Trump should have rallied the world against China.
Trump effectively split China's enemies for them, making it much easier for China to deal with each adversary directly. Makes you wonder which team he's fighting for (protip: neither side, he only cares about his own personal wealth).

Attached: trump losing the trade war.png (1410x1731, 1.43M)

How is China giving the USA stuff and the USA giving China less stuff bad?

>We started charging more for Chinese imports
>Chinese are sending us more business


Who else Chinese and proud?

It' isn't really bad but, you know, orange man bad and all. Some farmers who totally monocropped all basedbeans are losing some money but not much else.

Please. Only way he could of rallied the world was by going with the globalist game and MAYBE they'd let him go about it if he promises them enough profit.

They just sell them somewhere else.


are you guys actually retarded?

it means we're buying more shit from China, while China is buying less shit from us. And before you fucking retards call me a shill, this is only happening because American companies are stock pilling on goods to sell ahead of the tariff hit.

Attached: 5bf169b66b9b9690b9ec907401c1eed3.jpg (183x275, 7K)

Your link got fucked up thanks to the word filter btw

fuck me, just replace onions with s o y

But I just read the opposite in the Wall Street Journal and Stratfor.

Suddenly a coordinated set of articles all saying the same thing opposite of both???

What the fuck is going on in the media anymore

Attached: 1541460954054.jpg (486x720, 66K)

This shit is 30 years too late. Its already o

Wouldn’t this mean the USA is raking in profits from tariffs?

China will collapse no matter what. I'd be more interested in ignoring them and wasting no effort in their demise but whatever. I'm more interested in exactly *what* imports and exports changed. What *exact* commodities are they talking about?

t. shill

OMG. How will I decorate my Christmas tree without ornaments made in a Chinese prison?

tariffs are bad to liberals because it's taxing big business and can hurt our corporations and raise the price of goods.

stratfor is like sponsored by NATO and shiet, its propaganda. According to stratfor, CHina should have collapsed 10 or 20 years ago, they always make failed predictions so i'm baffled that someone still reads them.

This honestly, the ship here has already sailed.

>dont worry thing are about to turn around now China will collapse soon TM muh 50 Billion affected
>fuck onions farmes who cares about them
>U.S.debt keeps rising
>deficit increaes

>dont worry this takes time things are about to turnaround China will collapse soon TM
>fuck Harley Davidson who cares about them
>China sends U.S. delegation begging for deal back to U.S.
>U.S.debt keeps rising
>deficit increases even more

>I-I swear we are winning this slightymoreburgerflipperjobs.jpg winning is just around the corner China will collapse TM muh 200 Billion affected
>reee who cares about BMW BMW a shit
>China sends U.S. delegation begging for deal back to U.S.
>U.S.debt jumps
>deficit increases even more

>w-we are sooo winning Maga pedes! China rekt! look some American companies are announcing to move more low end jobs to Vietnam and Indonesia! Cant stop winning!
>U.S.debt keeps rising
>deficit reaches new peak

>a-analysts say everything is fine America cant stop winning
>f-flagwaving tabloids say everything is fine America cant stop winning
>China sends Pompeo begging for deal back to U.S.
>U.S.debt jumps
>deficit reaches new peak

>r-rumors say T-Trump will talk with China soon!
>fuck the shipping companies


Daily reminder the major producers and manufacturers have either moved production from U.S. to Mexico or others Asian developing countries due to U.S. sanctions or from U.S. to China due to Chinese sanctions
Daily reminder under Trump the trade deficit with China has increased by nearly 25%.

Attached: pompeon.jpg (516x332, 71K)

But it's not.