The Anti-Capitalist Right vs. the Pro-Capitalist Right

Which side do you take, Jow Forums?

The side of Ben Shapiro: neo-conservatism, free market worship, embracement of liberalism and atomization, wars for Israel?

Or the side of Tucker Carlson: true conservatism, right-wing anti-capitalism, embracement of the family, upholding a White America, rejection of diversity and multiculturalism, isolationism, protectionism?

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>Anti-Capitalist Right
Take away the Women's Vote, Right to Work. Force women to focus on the family and remove the stragglers who wish this bygone era of progressivism to die.

Provide the best work-force and reinforce your population with National Born citizenry.

Isolate all military functionaries outside of the border but keep a clandestine ear inside of each country.

Communities look after themselves - invest in small business, Coporations do not deserve bailouts for being too inflated/deflated.

Argument done.

Perfectly agree!

>Communities look after themselves - invest in small business
This is where you're wrong.
We need Big industry; Big corporations; nationalize Amazon and create a new, refurbished state-owned market in this already existing structure. Small-scale communalism is pining for a return to primitivism and agrarianism that is *never* coming back.

If you can't survive in a system that is based off the survival of the fittest e.t. capitalism, you deserve to die. If Jews are winning because you're too stupid to succeed in capitalism, you deserve to die. I have no sympathy for weak, poor people.


libertarianism right

>abolition of (((central banking))) and federal reserve
>small government (which wont have enough funds for foreign intervention)
>no restriction from participation in the global market
>no taxation to pay for shitskins and the genetic defunct

spoken like a true blue Jew

What's it like being permanently stuck in 2013?

Tucker is a low-key national socialist. The way he talked to Ben and Cenk at Politicon it's clear that he's supremely confident in his beliefs and has thrown off most trappings of mainstream conservatism

>Americans want to live in a country with a 100 average IQ

>If Jews are winning because you're too stupid to succeed in capitalism
jews dont work in a dog eat dog every man for himself environment you fucking dumb cunt.
Jews have communism for themselves and work as a team: that is what their nepotism is. It is evident everywhere from university admissions, Jobs, capital etc.

all of the multiculti and affirmative action is done by the gov, the individuals dont want it. Wars are done by the gov too. The free (capitalistic) market is a neutral factor here man. You cant create a huge army without taxing the citizens to 50%. You cant influence policy of companies to force them to this multiculti shit without the federal reserve. Government is the big evil here man.

"pro-capitalist right" is a contradiction.

Capitalism and it's associated ideology, liberalism, are left-wing.

read siege

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i better buy life insurance NOW! thanks benny

>The free (capitalistic) market is a neutral factor here man.
the levels of delusion.
The west has been turned into an oligarchy thus the gov is just an arm of the elite.
look up the returns from capital compared to labor since the 80s you uninformed tard.
The market is distorted and and does not support the middle class and the only institution that was supporting it in the past was the state, now the state has turned against it because it has become subverted to become an arm of the oligarchy..

If anything, capitalism/liberalism is the center

This. Look up "regulatory capture."

do the corporations do surveys of white neighborhoods and then assign wellfare negro housing to those places? Do they teach the children at school leftist commie propaganda? Do they threaten to cut our jobs off if we act "racist"? Do the corporation impose and enforce hate speech laws with violent police forces?

regulatory capture happens when a group gets more relative power (greater return of capital compered to labour in the west's case) and thus institutions stop functioning properly as a result. Whoever controls the information and communication institutions has implicit control of all the other ideological state apparatus. the metapolitic is basically that the social contract has been broken and the systems made by the middle class to regulate power and ensure stability and continuation have become subverted by those in key positions hence we have no continuation of culture, nations, middle class, even small scale institutional units like family formation or interpersonal interaction (i.e. male-female etc) has become subverted and compromised and now are functioning to serve the interests of a globalised elite.
look up picketty's work on capital in the 20th century to see that the market is directly involved in this transference of power and institutions.
The market is not neutral: the instability we are seeing is from the death of the middle class due to capital having more return than labour. Serfdom is the future, just as it was the past. boomers were just lucky

it has a below 100 iq average anyways

>"pro-capitalist right" is a contradiction.
Yet, that's exactly what American conservatism is.

the breakup of white identity is pushed hard by those in power because it disarms collective resistance to key projects that the elite want: immigration and trade.
If it was in the elite's interest for white to have an identity then academia, media, entertainment institutions would be pushing it hard. The opposite is what is happening and that is because the elite want whites to go because they are a threat. Whites are the implicit middle class and are the only peoples capable of reinforcing the old social contract of middle class + state alliance. The social contract has been broken.
It is no coincidence that the capital-labour distortion happened a the exact same time that antiwhite rhetoric was adopted by the ideological state apparatus and the imposition of mass multicultural immigration and disruptive trade deals were enforced. The social contract got rewritten and the state is no longer a regulatory force for the middle class but rather a regulatory force for the elite.

Fuck Capitalism, Fuck Jews, and FUCK 4channel.

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>Yet, that's exactly what American conservatism is.
Not historically, only since the 80s. The pre-Coolidge and the Eisenhower-to-Nixon Republican parties were definitely "mixed" on capitalism.

what about niggers and jannies?

Anti-Capitalist Right.

Capitalism gay and is inherently antithetical to nationalism.

Only commies (read: Jews) hate capitalism

I said 4channel, didn't I?

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Carlson isn't anti-capitalist. Carlson wants capitalism to be a means, not an end.
Allsup was right about Shapiro: he doesn't see America as a nation, but an economic zone.

>doesn't see America as a nation, but an economic zone.
that is true of any globalist.
The war really is between globalists and nationalists and what role the nation state should have as an institution.

>he doesn't see America as a nation, but an economic zone.
Here's the thing, though. America has always been an economic zone. There is no American "nation." This is why you cannot construct an ethnostate or what ever ideal society the alt-right envisions within the confines of the American system. You have to start fresh.

>We need Big industry; Big corporations
Big Industry and Big Corporations trend towards monopoly and oligarchy, no question.
Explain exactly how we NEED them.
>*never* coming back
What kind of Magic Wand do they have?

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American conservatism has been a joke since the nation's founding. Calling yourself a "Classical Liberal" doesn't make you a conservative. Conservatism died when Liberalism became the status quo after the French and American revolutions.

ummmm, yes.

Capitalism plasticizes culture, encourages egalitarianism and lifts aristocratic barriers from the means of production. Therefore, it's relatively left wing.

I don't want isms. I want government for human people.
The family is the foundation of the nation and society itself. It all crumbles when the family unit is abandoned. Humans work best when they take roles. No more deviation from the traditional roles.

Anti-capitalist right all the way. Mass immigration is pushed by capitalist oligarchs. That stupid social democratic college kids see fit to serve as their propaganda wing doesn't change this.

>Buy Life Insurance
>Buy psych help @ TalkSpace
what a kike

you mean internationalist jew vs nationalist goy. Yeah, we know which is better.

>America has always been an economic zone. There is no American "nation."

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>No more deviation from the traditional roles.
it is all too late for that m8. It would be like collecting broken glass to repair a broken window. What took 1000 years to make has been destroyed in 1 generation.

you say protectionism, but if trade is harmful to your country (someone is dumping drugs on you, it's putting a massive majority of workers out of work). Trade isn't worth ruining your society over. Yes, you may get cheaper goods, but nobody is actually working and can afford them anymore and they sure as shit aren't paying any fucking taxes either.

Trade show serve the nation, not the other way around.

Trade should serve the nation. I think that's called mercantilism.

Do you honestly believe that Carlson believes in upholding a White America and rejecting diversity and multiculturalism?

>If you can't survive in my retarded, made-up system, it's your fault!
>A shark is a pussy because it can't survive on land, so it deserves to die!
You unironically need to be put out of your brainless misery.

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He's at least self-interested, which means he won't just give way to far-left dogma or open borders and multicultralism at the expense of Americanism.

And we know at least one or two of his staff come here from time to time.

I take the side where economy is defined by morality and not the one where morality is shaped by economy

I'm not saying that this a good thing, (in fact, I think it is a bad thing) but it is a fact nonetheless. Such is the nature of liberalism.

>Big Industry and Big Corporations trend towards monopoly and oligarchy, no question.
Exactly. And it should all be nationalized. Think Soviet-ly.

Correct, but the Republican party has, at times in the past, (particularly under Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Nixon) operated under a philosophy that adheres more to national conservatism / right populism than classical liberalism.

I'm asking to back up how the US has always been an economic zone and never a nation, not whether it's a good thing or a bad one.

>forgetting the part of lolbertarianism that advocates for open borders
>would advocate for maximum immigration to drive wages down to min wage and then repeal the minimum wage to repeal it further
>Then spit on their serf and say "you should have studied c++ programming during your 1/2 hour unpaid lunch during your 12 hours workday to better yourself like me"

It's dead man. Of course a few degenerates like still push it but it is kill once dude weed is legal in all states.

He has said as much on his show.

It was founded on the principles of liberalism, Protestant work ethic, and Freemasonry.
America is a business, not a nation. We are not one "united" people. There is no blood, there is no soil. The very idea of a "social contract" implies a business relationship, not a familial or spiritual one.

>liberalism, Protestant work ethic, and Freemasonry.
How can those principles intrinsically disqualify America from being a nation?

Nation working for the good of the people, using tariffs to develop industry, and subsidize massive public projects to foster growth is known as the American school of Economics. Also called the Nationalist school of Economics.

It was the economic systems the US and Germany used to surpass Bongs.
Free trade really meant open your ports to Bong goods or their ships will blockade and btfo out of your port.

I hate to pull the "read this..." card, but read Benedict Anderson "Imagined Communities."

Nationalism was a historical *reaction* to liberalism. Liberalism *precedes* the modern conception of nationalism and is diametrically opposed to it. Futile attempts to reconcile the two (such as the "Christian conservative" parties of Europe like Merkel's CDU) always leads to a situation that favors Capital.

If nationalism is a reaction to liberalism, why can't the United States bend to a nationalist policy without complete breakdown and reformation? Shouldn't the people be able to arrest capitalism like in the past with measures such as trust-busting?

You'd have to throw out the entire Constitution. I'm not saying that the people and territory of the United States cannot support nationalism, I'm saying the system of government and the principles that undergird it cannot.

And you can't "arrest" Capital. You can't corral it. If you don't kill it, it will only come back stronger.

>If you don't kill it, it will only come back stronger.
after the period of trust busting from the 1890s to 1930s the middle class in the USA came back stronger than in any other time in the history of the planet for more than 50 years.
Your concern trolling is crap m8