Did this guy really prove the existence of an almighty god?

Did this guy really prove the existence of an almighty god?

>physical interactions are all exchanges of informations.
>this means that everything, even rocks, are computational systems.
>the entire universe is therefore capable of processing information (cognition) and does so constantly.
>since the universe is omnipresent, computates every information within it, and therefore every information in existence (omniscience) and can do anything that can be done (omnipotence), the universe is God. Not the christian or the jewish or the muslim god, maybe, but still an almighty god.

Find a flaw in his logic.

Attached: christopher-langan.jpg (339x382, 23K)

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Who is that?

look at the file name big guy

we must accumulate our energy for concentrated distribution in order to manifest the Fourth Reich

This dude is a Freemason shill

The only explanation for why he keeps getting spammed here

Reminds me of the Bogs

He is some swole dude who claims to have 200 IQ and has very interesting worldviews, cool guy in my book

He is dumb, physical interactions are obviously not computations, but "inter actions".

Yes. Brainlets whine about Langan because they're unable to understand him. Atheist (((communists))) in particular get really frustrated and shill against Langan because he's essentially a perfect manifestation of genius willing to tell the truth (anti-communist by nature).
>t. (((Shill)))

Attached: Christopher Michael Langan.jpg (440x448, 74K)

he keeps getting posted here because he's the smartest human bean

>the entire universe is therefore capable of processing information (cognition) and does so constantly.
Whilst it is capable of information processing, this not necessarily cognition, which implies understanding, and it would need to be understanding to be God as is commonly defined.
I believe in God (and a panentheistic God similar to the one this argument is attempting to prove at that) but this seems like a leap in the logic of the argument.

>physical interactions are obviously not computations
There is exchange and processing of informations.

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That is just a reinterpretation of hindu mythology.

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Yeah he's definitely based. But did he prove the existence of god?

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Am I the only one that thinks this guy gives off not-too-smart vibes? I mean he's not dumb but I've heard physicists and nobel laureates talk and this guy doesn't seem to be in their league.

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We live in the matrix?
The only problem is the violation of 0=1, or Origin, Cause and Reaction.
What was the Cause.

He doesn't talk about loo witches.

>cognition implies understanding
He seems to define cognition as simple information processing. Inanimate objects do it without self-awareness, humans do it while possessing their own volition, but since it's information processing, he always considers it cognition.

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what does any of that have to do with the concept of God?

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If it is a ‘god’ I doubt it knows we exist.

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No loo witches needed. He just borrowed and
stripped down the same concept of "all is god" which has been around for thousands of years. It's not even exclusive to hinduism, really. Not trying to trash the guy. I'm just sayin.

>physical interactions are all exchanges of informations.
>this means that everything, even rocks, are computational systems
speculation and conjecture


No homo but he looks like he's packing at least 9 inches.

Now add one more line to that... God is the Mind of the universe.

There is nothing unbiblical about that. There is god, and there is God. It's imporant.

Dickheads like you pretend to understand him, when we ask you to explain you'll parrot the very talking points we don't understand and everyone's left scratching their heads.

If the entire universe is God, then the concept of God is meaningless.
It's just "everything". Okay, so what?

Yes. Furthermore, he's living proof of God.

Attached: Langan redpilling.png (556x416, 685K)

one thing is inventing a philosophy or religion, another is trying to prove it with logic. Logic which seems to work.

>elements come into existence by two or more things coming together and reacting to form them
>following the origin of everything backwards to its creation shows at 1 point there was 1 single atom
>therefore something not bound by the laws of physics had to create the first two atoms from nothing
A super natural explanation is the only possible answer.

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doens't mean we won't be missed.

Nope. A system capable of exchanging and processing information is a computational system.

Jow Forums has found another messiah since Peterson is on the decline?
Get over it, there are no perfect humans.

The original thought was infinity itself conceptualizing the idea of finite, thus the universe was born.

I do understand it. Be as rude as you want. It won't help.

He's right, but I hope he doesn't equate "not normal" with "never happens", homosexuality is well documented in the animal kingdom. I know from keeping ducks that both males and females will engage in this, some of them quite frequently.

>A system capable of exchanging and processing information is a computational system.
What is it with republicans being so dumb? Were their parents second cousins who were also shit for brains?

Nice trips, btw

But why is all things processing information equating to being God? God is a human idea that nobody is born with. Laws of physics are not a human idea, and everyone experiences them whether or not they choose to. I'm not trying to sound like an edgy atheist because I genuinely want there to be God, but this logic is not sound enough to *prove* God's existence.

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When I touch you I simply transfer the information of where I touch you, what pressure etc.

>another brainlet little shit who has zero arguments but still shits the thread pretending to be smart

That’s the Spinozan argument, but it implies rocks think as much as we do. Read some Leibniz.

Body is nothing but the energy of that larger brain cell being experienced in a certain way by our own smaller brain cells. Most likely a necessity for that cell to gather information in the most efficient way possible.

You're too smart, I want to slap you, or pinch your cheeks, maybe a hug.
So there is another infinite computational system running separately, or on the same plane and finite is within?
Is a plane, intersecting realms, or entirely different laws that do/don't allow contact?

Pretty sure it does. Our atoms will just take on different forms as we decay and continue to serve their purpose whatever that is.

He sounds like a retarded boomer to me

I get a bit frustrated when I see these screencaps spammed, as much truth as there is here its still just preaching to the choir and fairly obvious observations.
I would love to speak to him in person to find out what he really has to say when he isnt censoring himself, his solutions to problems are all framed within pretty tight artificial boundaries of decency, I know he has more to say.

Because he never entered that world. He left college after a couple of frustrated years. You can't blame someone like that for not adopting those mannerisms.

I believe in God but this man hasn't proven shit. He's a crackpot charlatan pseud and no one should take him seriously

This is an error of classifications. Energy is energy but only if you're moving at a speed where you can see it. We're not, and thus at our level, which grows up and adds to other levels, we would be missed.

No, it implies they hold information, not that they consider themselves.

>system capable of exchanging and processing information
this is the speculation and conjecture. just because things happen doesnt mean there is any exchange, or processing of information

Ok, then. I'll bite. You said in line 3

>since the universe is omnipresent, computates every information within it, and therefore every information in existence

How do you explain this postulate when Godel discovered that in every mathematical system there will be inconsistent and incomplete statements?

>the universe is omnipresent
it isn't, otherwise it wouldn't be able to expand

>computates every information within it
it doesn't. There's infintiely many states of the universe which will never be reached

>and therefore every information in existence
áu contraire, it ONLY calculates the current state and none other (theoretical multiverse fuck off)

>can do anything that can be done
I guess the universe can do everything the universe can do. granted.

Maybe. It could be a giant computer for all we know and there exists outside the ‘universe’ another world with creatures that designed our universe as a quantum computing processor or something. Every atom in the universe carries a unique resonance and if one changes another also changes anywhere in the universe. That could be the way the brain of a super organising works too tho. Who knows. All I know is the abruhamic religions are bullshit and we are probably unimportant beyond the atoms we are made of.

I would argue it's perspective error of "system" which is model, not factual.

you "know" this? that's an interesting story. someday you'll publish the Copyrighted I'm Sure Plans to a Universe Control Toolkit, and you'll show us all how the Universe came to be without an intelligent actor.

No, he's a fraud.

>I would argue it's perspective error of "system" which is model, not factual.
What is not factual? Are you saying that mathematical systems are not factual? Please be a little more specific

Yes the god is everything bc everything is syndiffionicly everything else. Including whatever you could think is god. The higher order or power functions of this "computer" that is everything, are actually feelings, since emotion and faith or love are doable and real and more complicated than any product of an infinite amount of boolean logic, or what we understand as computation. This is why he introduced the term telesis bc it isn't pure logic or purely subjective. It is both logic and that which transcends logic.

It's objective reality. God isn't meaningless, it's a figure we use to embody an impossible to grasp truth expressed in an anthropomorphic form defined by human consciousness. The same way we can express abstract ideas with literature and the arts using a fictional universe. It's just a medium for defining the mind while attempting to understand life and the world that existed before the individual and will continue to exist after that individual.

Reality is impossible for an individual to understand because they are a fragment of the totality and can only simulate totality through a constructed image of the objective world. Religion, God, gods, great people and idols are imaginative representations of values and truth enhanced by myth and celebrity. In order to form cohesion within populations and make civilization possible each individual has to have a grasp of the concepts similar enough to the other peoples that form the society they all live within. The search for God, which is objective truth, is the natural drive of the conscious mind trying to find purpose in life since we are no longer on the level of being ruled by simple instincts.

>I understand
No you don't.

We might have a butterfly effect going on. We might be a result of a process of information storage. I suspect it’s more likely were a random mistake. One that’s probably happened elsewhere. And while life might be abundant in the universe, it’s probably not essential or even interferes with it beyond the atom. We’re just a brief clumping of atoms that will disperse soon. 80 years is nothing. It’s just a few atoms bumping into each other.

There is a god because anything exists at all. Is that simple enough for you?

Your quote from Godel just implied they weren't factual, correct?
Then the logical thing is that it's not the universe that is wrong, it can't be because it is empirically reproducible for every trait we can record, in some fashion. It's only your model which is incorrect.
And yes, I would say that math is just a language.

I know the religious texts are rubbish yes. They are written by regular men with no divine inspiration. Believe what you want tho, the last lot to break away from their religious safe space turned Harry Potter and social justice into a religion which isn’t much better.

Idiots think using scientific language is intelligent. Most scientists have an IQ between 120 and 145. Above 160-170 is where, unless debilitated (idiot savants), a renaissance mind like Langan will be able to speak with surprising eloquence using humble, plain language when interacting with regular folks. In other words, you literally have to be of superior intelligence to speak plainly with brilliance. Fischer is another perfect example. He spoke frankly and simply yet his eloquence shined through in sudden ways like a good book.

Attached: globalists vs bobby fischer.jpg (1000x2891, 706K)

That's literally Advaita Vedanta right there.

Hitchiker's guide to the Galaxy. Yes.
80 years is a touch into infinity, even if we ignore an afterlife. You're the energy that can consider and repath its arc. No other energy in the universe gets this trick.

I do.

Attached: Langan Universe Physical Mental.jpg (850x400, 59K)

Yes. Mathematical systems are white constructs.

>Your quote from Godel just implied they weren't factual, correct?
Hmm, not quite. He proved that any mathematical system sufficiently well developed will always be incomplete, it will always have statements in them that you can't prove, and it will always be inconsistent, it will have statements in it in which you can prove it and its negation. It just means that of the several useful and wonderful pieces of knowledge in mathematical systems. There will also always be inconsistencies. It doesn't necessarily mean that the whole thing is wrong.

Even so, if the universe was a giant computer, there's no way it will be able to solve hyper computable problems.

He's quite redpilled, but overly wordy.

The point of communication is to transmit ideas to another party. The more simply you're able to speak, the more effective your argument.

fug i just searched it

op is a kike shill and his fat mutt is a conman

but this god does not have demonstrable will power... unless that willpower is living intelligent beings. holy shit. we are god's brain. this doesn't require religion but it concludes with something greater than it.

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Interesting. I don't find him overly wordy. I'm always surprised by how efficient his text is. He compacts 2-3x the info into a passage while managing to be fucking hilarious. Next-gen cutting sense of humor.

Yes!! He proved the white Christian god written about by Jews in the latin bible that was later translated and edited by the romans is correct!