The Founding Fathers gave us an incredible government and economic system...

The Founding Fathers gave us an incredible government and economic system. They created what was essentially an Anglo-Saxon ethnic state that permitted immigrant of similar white Christians of European descent.

We were allowed to buy and sell freely but their morality kept that system from going into excess. Usury was illegal. Women stayed at home. People respected the Sabbath.

We had the freedom to buy and own property. Defend ourselves. Tell people to fuck off. Avoid the religious wars of Europe by permitting a variety of Christian denominations.

Why is everyone running off towards NatSoc when the solution is simple enough. Return to the values of our forefathers. Restore the Republic.

We don't need fascism. We need our Republic back. We don't need to reinvent the wheel.

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anybody out there

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Have a bump. Nice inspirational bread

Because people have been brainwashed that America being a white ethnostate is anti-American, even though it is a fundamental founding value. People like Ben Shapiro are hard at working brainwashing a new generation of conservatives about the wonders of the browning of America.

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Nice dubbbbbbbs bruh

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Just came here to call OP a faggot

The Founders were Anglo-Celtic thanks to the contributions of the Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and Scots-Irish.

There were even Italian and Finnish Founding Fathers. However the founders hated Germans and did not consider them white.

Ironically enough, all of my Anglo extended family hates Germans to this day.

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Yes, henlo. Drinks are here, my friend!

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I belive than most inmigrations problems would be solved if low quality migration was forbiden,the only people that should be allowed in the country should be people with trades or collegues degrees in bussiness or stem because they will be able to support themselves and will bring the necesary human resources for developing the country,also cut all welfare,do you have a problem with niggers being never do wellers? Just cut out all existing welfare and watch them deal with the consequences of their niggery,and also have tougher laws and policing to keep criminals in jail where they can harm no one.

Go back to China dog fucker/eater

Its obviously very clear through context that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution grants citizenship only to whites.

Muh nigga Chief Justice Roger Taney laid the smack down with Dred Scott. Today people will say it was the worst Supreme Court Decision in history but if you actually read it for yourself you'll quickly find out that he was 100% spot on

How did we lose it in the first place? It clearly had flaws that got exploited so there is no going back. We need something better.

Thinking about the revolution you also cant forget about the contributions from guys like

Marquis de Lafayette
Baron von Steuben
Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Casimir Pulaski

We would not have won the war without them. America is the perfect place for oppressed whites to come and make something of themselves. As long as they speak English, are Christian and love the Constitution

No we need to go back

1. Remove income/property taxes
2. Get rid of nonwhite citizenship
3. Raise the voting age and return the property owning qualifications
4. Bar women the right to vote
5. Ban usury

This would effectively end Jewish tyranny, solve the nonwhite problem and return the balance of man/woman in society to healthy levels

We don't need something new, we need the old restored.

And the power should be returned to the states at the expense of the federal fuckfest bureaucracy

Imagine if the 1965 immigration act was never enacted

I was reading a defense of the Dred Scott decision literally 3 days ago, and it is indeed clear that Dred Scott was correctly decided, for many different reasons. However, it seems clear to me that federal U.S. citizenship was not by definition restricted to whites at the founding. There were many free blacks who were federal U.S. citizens at the founding and who even held public office (in 1776 and onward). The first naturalization act did bar non-whites from naturalizing on the federal level, though.

What is clear is that non-whites could not hold State citizenship, and most States explicitly forbade non-whites from being citizens or from naturalizing as State citizens.

What I found fascinating is that it is very clear that slavery was constitutionally protected in the original Constitution, and if it wasn't for the Civil War, southern slave States could, to this day, have blocked amendments outlawing slavery. 14 southern slave States remaining in the Union would have been an absolute death blow to any attempt at liberalizing the Constitution the way the 14th Amendment did.

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By usury you mean credit? If you ban credit then where will people get money to start or expand their bussiness?

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Im not sure if they gave citizenship to free blacks who fought in the revolution...but the idea is clear enough there was a definite distinction if law, culture and tradition to prevent America from being a 56% paradise

Slavery was mentioned by permitting the slave trade until 1808 I think...and also the fugitive slave act which allowed southerners to have their property returned to them if it escaped

Lincoln was a dick and should have let the south go. Slavery was going to end on itself since it was unproductive. Southerners would have come up with a peaceful back to Africa or ethnostate solution. Maybe the pressures of WWI would have driven the US back together again. Who knows.

Either way the North was wrong to attack the South when they had a clear right to secede just as the Founding Fathers had done against the British in 1776

The government could provide charity loans at 0% rate of interest.

The south was run by Judah P Benjamin

You seem to lack knowledge of the founders

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So...people who work should pay taxes so a bussiness owner can make himself richer then?

At the federal level yes, not at the state level.

That is something that needs to be reworked with a Constitutional Amendment.

Freedom of religion only applies to the various Christian denominations (Catholics okay, Mormons no) and atheists. Mormons are fags and should be oppressed

America clearly needs to be united under Jesus and by its whiteness.

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American ideals alone are not enough to fix our current predicament.
It's not the 18th century, this country is infested with subversive of all kinds that must be dealt with if the republic is ever to be restored.
In order to restore the republic authoritarian action must be taken, as oxymoronic as that sounds.

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We could work it out but the government could provide interest free loans...much like the Germans did in the 1930s for

>new businesses
>young families trying to buy a home, purchase furniture...debt removed or lessened with the more white kids you have

Removing usury takes away Jewish financial power. Its worth setting the economy back a little to cripple the excesses of materialism

You also had a culturally homogeneous, high IQ population back then, which doesn't exist now. Plus they couldn't foresee the problem of (((Marxism))). The experiment is a total disaster.

Christianity is antitehtical to a white ethno-state, just ask the quakers who let the niggers free and stay here and Thomas jefferson was as anti-jesus as you got and he was one of the most freedom loving founders in the lot.

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I was just going to ride the tiger and then we can rebuild if the opportunity presents itself in the chaos

I love Jefferson but Christianity is the religion of the West. He got redpilled on Muslims during the Barbary Wars.

Freedom of religion was a mistake. No Jewish citizenship ever.

So basically what Lincoln did when he opposed the jews?

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>Yeah, some guys had a similar idea a while back when the federal government started borrowing money from the (((bank of England))) at interest to fund their industrialization and westward expansion
>Didn't go so well those goys

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>jews are white
fuck this guy

>Why is everyone running off towards NatSoc when the solution is simple enough. Return to the values of our forefathers. Restore the Republic.
Because the system and its values, one way or another, led to the situation we're in currently. It might have been a paradise back then, but clearly there was some failing point of our virtues or system as a whole that led to the our society's eventual degeneration. Who's to say if we return to a carbon copy of early-America that it won't just slowly degenerate over time again?

This is why people turn to NatSoc/fascism, because it promises a stronger affirmation of these values to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening. Would a NatSoc/fascist society decay over time? Almost certainly, but it would also almost certainly last longer than our nation, which is melting away into a sea of degenerate, brown sludge only a couple centuries into its short life.

Also, a NatSoc or fascist society needn't be a carbon copy of the German/Italian variants--it can and should be distinctly Americana in its flavor.

The founding fathers fucked up big time. They left us some good things and helped to define modern constitutional republics, but they also created a system which has degenerated this far in only 200 years. Even Rome lasted longer than that, the republic more than twice as long and including the imperial republic 5 times as long total. Waxing poetic about a system that ignores 200 years of political science research is pure stupidity. If you don't account for why the shit fell apart in the first place then you have no means from preventing it from disintegrating yet again even if you started over from scratch with the same system. In fact thanks to "research" done by politicians and businessmen on how to be corrupt assholes and to destroy the system it would degenerate much faster the second time around.

Actually it's a tool of the jew used to crush the romans, paul was completely multicultural and Rabbi Yosef(Jesus) was pre-commie commie.

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The wheel refuses to spin. Theres a stick in its spokes called the nigger.

they should have never allowed amendments

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Suggested reading about this perspective on the Civil War?

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the old system is what lead to this shit hole we need some changes

There was an Irish Catholic signer of the Constitution and micks and krauts and Jews were present at the time.
That was not an immigration law but a naturalization act. There were nigger citizens in several states at the time that was law.
Dred Scott was seen as a bad decision cause it meant free states wouldn't matter as they couldn't stop slavers from the South to move in and keep their slaves as if it weren't illegal.
Civil War wasn't just about slavery but racial equality, le ebin all men are created equal being true or not. Of course winning the war didn't prove yankoids correct.
Ben Franklin apologized to the krauts.

The article I read went into great detail about how, after the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Southern representatives went home and boasted about how everyone agreed that slavery as an institution would be protected by the upcoming Constitution, and that there was no way that northern anti-slavery States could impose that view on the South.

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney went home to South Carolina and told his House of Representatives:

>We have a security that the general government can never emancipate them, for no such authority is granted and it is admitted, on all hands, that the general government has no powers but what are expressly granted by the Constitution, and that all rights not expressed were reserved by the several states.

In Virginia, Edmund Randolph said the following:

>Where is the part that has a tendency to the abolition of slavery? Were it right here to mention what passed in the Philadelphia convention ... I might tell you that the Southern States, even South Carolina herself, conceived this property to be secured. There was not a member of the Virginia delegation who had the smallest suspicion of the abolition of slavery.

It is fascinating how many protections slavery was given in the original Constitution, to help them ratify it. It could all but mention slavery by name, but it seems like the Southern States did not want to explicitly include the word "slavery" in the Constitution for fear that the northerners might refuse to ratify it.

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NatSoc is fucking stupid. It didn't even last two decades before turning into a dumpster fire, and modern "democratic socialism" in Europe and elsewhere is another shitcan worthy idea that's already showing massive failures all over. Any system based on free gibs is going to be categorically worse than any system based on hard work and individual merit.

So why don't we fix the Republic they gave us instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water?

I don't want a big fucking government to tell me what to do and how to do it. Big governments are corrupt and only get bigger.

History should have taught you that. Power to the states. Keep the Fed small and efficient.

Pretty much.
Classical liberalism won't stop international jewish fuckery.

>We need our Republic back.
I'm with you

No, jews changed definitions to destroy it.

>Dear Sir, — I have received the favor of your letter of August 17th, and with it the volume you were so kind as to send me on the “Literature of Negroes.” Be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself entertained and expressed on the grade of understanding allotted to them by nature, and to find that in this respect they are on a par with ourselves. My doubts were the result of personal observation on the limited sphere of my own State, where the opportunities for the development of their genius were not favorable, and those of exercising it still less so. I expressed them therefore with great hesitation; but whatever be their degree of talent it is no measure of their rights. Because Sir Isaac Newton was superior to others in understanding, he was not therefore lord of the person or property of others. On this subject they are gaining daily in the opinions of nations, and hopeful advances are making towards their re—establishment on an equal footing with the other colors of the human family. I pray you therefore to accept my thanks for the many instances you have enabled me to observe of respectable intelligence in that race of men, which cannot fail to have effect in hastening the day of their relief; and to be assured of the sentiments of high and just esteem and consideration which I tender to yourself with all sincerity.
-Jefferson's letter to Henri Gregoire

the old system allowed those jews to change it

Giving the government money printing powers was the single largest mistake in the entire system. The vast majority of all fuckery that Americans have ever been subjected to has come down to this.

Whoever is president has the constitutional power to print a new currency and bypass the international kike central banking meme.
I thought Trump would but he's seems to be more interested in taking guns from citizens.

>There were nigger citizens in several states at the time that was law.
I'm sure there were some northern States that allowed negro citizens, but many States explicitly forbade it, such as Missouri, which was the State in which Dred Scott claimed he was a citizen with standing to sue in diversity a citizen of New York.

Taney was actually wrong on several points in his ruling, but his primary ruling, which was that Dred Scott was still a slave and the property of Sanford, was correct.

Agreed a thousandfold. Too bad the founding fathers never explicitly disallowed 'God's Chosen People' and their usurious, societally-undermining ways.

Because now, after the (((Creation of the Federal Reserve))) and the (((Immigration Act of 1965))), we are officially on the path to becoming a nation of shitskins deeply in debt. And that is nothing like what the Founding Fathers intended.

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It was an excellent start. Then those "200 years of political science" happened and ruined it. PS BS is the problem.

The government doesn't regulate the dollar dumbdick.

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Id say 200 years was pretty good for creating a massive superpower where people where free to live like real men.

Like unfucking the changes we made that were terrible and inspired by retarded liberals

Obviously I don't like slavery but Lincoln's solution deserves to be criticized

Indeed. Only a meritocratic system with separation of government and economy can avoid that kind of garbage.

The old system didn't allow for dual citizenship holders to exist, let alone be allowed in government.
everything changed when the land was incorporated in 1783 when the Crown Temple States contact was signed during the Paris Treaty and finalized in 1913 when THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA incorporation came into existence


No, but the constitution gave them explicit permission to pass off regulation of the dollar however they saw fit, which included handing it off wholesale to the banks.

Yeah and that mean slavers could just move to free states and act like they were outside the local laws which effectively blurred the line between free and slave states. It's why the North refused to comply with the fugitive slave laws even if violating the Constitution which itself drove the South to try and secede.

>incredible government

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See, we aren't going to change anything while we still have people believing this:

>The Founding Fathers gave us an incredible government and economic system.
No, this is false. They created the worst form of government, EVER, as in, in the history of all mankind up until that time. Every single problem of America has its roots in the Constitutional Republic.

Yes, I agree that slavery would have been done away with one way or another, but if it had happened in an independent Confederacy, we definitely would have seen the complete and total deportation of blacks to Africa (or the north, lol).

It's just fascinating to think about how the Southern States could have blocked an amendment outlawing slavery if they remained in the Union.

make it so that retarded liberals cant fuck things up

The Federal Reserve is not the government.

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Because your Founding Fathers weren't gods and their system wasn't perfect. There were many things weren't aware of and the US system has a number of flaws the enemies of nationalism are taking advantage of.
>We don't need to reinvent the wheel
Correct, but we need to fix it.
Remember that the current state of the USA is vastly different than that of the original 13 colonies. Welfare wasn't really a thing back then and not everyone had the right to vote. Plus other things like mass illegal immigration and communism.
In a system where everyone has the right to vote particularly from youth (my nation has 18+ and I think that's too young) You will have people who are dependent on the government. They will vote for larger government, which results in more people being dependent on the government. Eventually you get a giant socialist shitshow and they you go full blown red.
If you want to fight the problem you might need to stop looking to the founding fathers and look at little bit more to systems like fascism, integralism, ect. The big question you need to ask yourself is, is it possible the USA's current problems arose due to major flaws in the founding father's republic system and if so how will saying "Restore the Republic" actually help you solve them?
You can embrace the 3rd way without abandoning your old way.

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uneducated pieces of shit still believe the civil war was about slavery.
No, you stupid worthless faggots it was about the federal government including the states in their debt

No America is ever going to embrace monarchy.

In creating new solutions you are just being really really fucking stupid. Let the Euros have fascism and monarchy.

Americans deserve their White Christian Patriarchal Republic

should have shipped the niggers back


>Anglo-Saxon ethnic state
>included Welsh and Scottish people

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The only reason America became a superpower is because they happened upon the world's greatest plot of land, overflowing with resources, that is nearly impossible to invade, and they managed to not get destroyed in WW2. The political system was not a factor, and it actually harmed prospective expansion by preventing us from gaining North Mexico, Cuba, and the Yucatan.

Most of the founding fathers also supported religious diversity like George Washington, hated Christianity like Abraham Lincoln, and constantly pushed agendas contrary to WASP society. They imported a lot of Catholics from Europe, yes they were white, but this was done to combat the WASPs controlling the USA. There's a reason why catholics were discriminated against in the past by most Americans, the Jews (there's articles over this) also pushed for importing more Catholic immigrants from Europe. They knew what they were doing. Free Masons needed to be hanged ages ago.

So why do you blame the government handling when the government has NEVER handled the dollar?

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>There was an Irish Catholic signer of the Constitution

There were actually two, but one converted to Baptist

>and micks and krauts and Jews were present at the time.

But Krauts and Jews were barred from signing the Constitution as the founders very much disliked those two groups.

50% of the Revolutionary army was Irish (either Ulstermen or Catholics)

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I'm conservative but please don't propagate the Golden Age myth that somehow things were prefect back then. People have been bitching and moaning about the newest generation since time immemorial.


I like 3rd Way economics but I think for an American problem you need to apply an American solution.

Capitalism is simply the legalization of usury as E Michael Jones explains. There is nothing really wrong with a free market system and its very easy for Americans to understand and relate to.

Revolutionaries that want to reinvent the fucking wheel will always always fail. Go with the grain not against it.

Euros can try 3rd way and ill cheer you on from the sidelines. I think it works better for you because ideally you should be ethnically pure.

Americans will never be ethnically pure so I feel the idea that everyone needs to "hurr durr work together" doesn't really pan out. Americans are mutts and we want freedom. You can march around like toy soldiers with your pure bred 23andme cards

do you blame the bank when you max out your credit cards or do you blame the spender?

>You can embrace the 3rd way without abandoning your old way.
Then why would you post an image of our old ways being treaded upon?

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From my understanding, there were laws in place about whether they had to follow local laws in respect to slavery or not. If they were temporarily visiting the State for business or for military duty, their slaves remained theirs.

Apparently, Dred Scott could have claimed his freedom if he did it at a certain point in his many travels, when his master appeared to have set up permanent residence in a free state. But he failed to do so, and voluntarily traveled back into a slave state. Among other things. The whole Dred Scott thing was surprisingly complicated, even though the core ruling was correct.

It's so fucking sad that it gets so much crap just because it's politically incorrect and because Taney used very racist language. But imagine if his ruling actually remained as accepted precedent -- that niggers could not even be citizens. There's your ethnostate.

Washington wrote a pair of letter to Catholics and Jews too. In the Catholic one he wrote this.
>As mankind become more liberal they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protection of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations in examples of justice and liberality.
lol they didn't even want things to be the way they were in their own time forever. The dark truth about America is that it was founded on those sort of values but our history shows we never exactly lived up to them cause those values are shit. We can see this being discussed by the Confederates of the 1860s who acknowledged the falsehood of all men are created equal and founded a new Confederacy in contrast.

>durr we need a limited government
>but we don't want banks to control the currency
Jefferson is such a brainlet. He would've been a Woke Capitalist were he alive today. Apparently it never occurred to him that the Republic would be bought out because it is designed for this to happen.

Most of them hijacked what the US was supposed to become. This is a great example, Abraham Lincoln also published works against Christianity, and he even got accused by another politician as being anti-Christian. He said he wasn't Christian but followed the word of God. Most of these "founding fathers" were deists, who furthered their leader's agendas, not the interests of America.


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You're shitting, right? The government minted gold and silver currencies basically from the moment it gained independence up until the Federal Reserve. Prior to that people traded international currencies like the Spanish Dollar based on pure metal content which they measured in 'grains of troy'. Not coincidentally those were also the best and most stable times economically that the country would ever see.

They weren't perfect but it was obviously better than it is today. There is no perfect system and systems will always rise and fall

We have been born into a time where the system is collapsing. I think its easier to go backwards than to reinvent the wheel with a yuro centric idea most people would find abhorrent

No American wants to look back on the 101st airborne dropping into Normandy and think...damn I cant believe we were killing Nazis.

America should never embrace NatSoc ideas. Europe can have it 100% and I will cheer them on from the sideline. Its unAmerican

Source on Jews Germans and Jews being banned?
>The citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy — a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.
>It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.
>It would be inconsistent with the frankness of my character not to avow that I am pleased with your favorable opinion of my administration and fervent wishes for my felicity.
>May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants — while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.

thanks to him it took the central banking meme 70yrs to gain control of the money supply.
You brain damaged goof

Do you blame the spender for the bank printing so much currency that your dollar now has no value?

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realistically speaking that would be as hard and met with as much resistance as trying to establish a nat soc government

Ferries exist and you're not a fatass larper who hasn't seen daylight in days.

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Immigration would solve itself if we offered no benefits and abolished birthright citizenship.

I bet none of you have read the Federal Reserve Act, here it is even though you'll ignore it like the slaves that you are:

>The Federal Reserve Act 1913

Hence we ride the tiger bro

Dred Scott decision effectively nullified such laws. Lincoln elaborated in his speech at Cooper Union about that whole thing if you're interested in reading that. It's the speech that is said to have gotten him elected in 1860.

The whole reason you even have this problem of banks co-opting the country is because of limited government.

>Then why would you post an image of our old ways being treaded upon?
Answer is pretty simple, I just don't like the Gadsden flag. I don't got nuffin against North Americans, hell I prefer them (excluding Californians) over the fags in Western Europe.
Good enough answer?

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